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The Nordic List

Published: 2016-02

Nordic cooperation on research publication channels towards a common list

Nordic flags

In three Nordic countries — Denmark, Finland and Norway — national lists of authorized research publication channels are used for indicators in the national performance-based research funding systems. Each country has significant running costs in maintaining and updating the bibliographic data in their databases. Sweden, Iceland and Faroe Island doesn't have such a funding system but are planning to use similar lists.

Collaboration on this issue is therefore desirable from the perspective of resource efficiency and as a tool for the countries without a funding system or a list. Moreover, collaboration would also provide higher quality and more updated information in each country and facilitate analyses comparing research output in the Nordic countries.

The Nordic countries are therefore cooperating on a common registry of research publications channels. Although there are some policy differences between each country in how the lists are compiled and used - for example the number of levels used in each country differs - collaboration on the underlying bibliographic data is both possible and desirable without the need to harmonize policy at all levels.

A Nordic list would therefore consist of a common bibliographic dataset on the publication channels listed in each countries national database and perhaps in the future a common system of allocating channels to various levels. The plan is to join the lists technically in a cloud solution which will give all of the countries common duties to contribute to the list and equal rights to use it.

The objectives of the Nordic collaboration on publication channels are:

The project concerns the following stakeholders:

FI - Styrelsen för Forskning og Innovation, Uddanelses- og Forskningsministeriet (The Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation, Ministry for Education and Research)

TSV - Tieteellisten Seurain Valtuuskunta (Federation of Finnish Learned Societies)
OKM - Opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriö (Ministry of Education and Culture)
CSC - Tieteen tietotekniikan keskus (IT Center for Science)

NSD - Norsk senter for forskningsdata (Norwegian Centre for Research Data)
UHR - Universitets- og Høgskolerådet (The Norwegian Association of Higher Education Institutions), Det nasjonale publiseringsutvalget (The National Publication Committee)

VR - Vetenskapsrådet (The Swedish Research Council)
KB - Kungliga biblioteket (The National Library)

RANNIS - Rannsóknamiðstöð Íslands (The Icelandic Centre for Research)

Faroe Island

Nordic level

Several meetings at a Nordic level have already been arranged in the steering group for the collaboration with representatives from the stakeholders. The countries without lists have been included along the process of planning the project. NSD are now coordinating the project of the Nordic list, the UHR are reporting to NordForsk who are financing the project for a common list of authorized research publication channels for the Nordic countries.

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