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Fant 38 950 tidsskrift og 3 393 forlag


Tittel Sherpa Romeo DOAJ Publiseringsavtale
- - Paleoceanography - Nedlagt 2017  -   -   - 
1 1 Technology Analysis & Strategic Management  - 
1 1 Trends in Parasitology  - 
1 1 International Sociology  - 
2 2 Annual review of political science (Palo Alto, Calif. Print)  -   - 
1 1 Bulletin of The Seismological Society of America (BSSA)  -   - 
2 2 European Review of Private Law  -   - 
2 2 FF communications  -   -   - 
1 1 Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography  - 
1 1 International Journal of Fracture  - 
2 2 International Journal of Impact Engineering  - 
2 2 Journal of Dentistry  - 
1 1 Journal of Engineering Mechanics  -   - 
1 1 Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering  -   - 
2 2 Journal of policy analysis and management  - 
1 1 Materials and Manufacturing Processes  - 
1 1 Materials Science and Technology  - 
2 2 Statistics and computing  - 
1 1 Journal of Management Accounting Research  -   - 
- - Nordisk musikkpedagogisk forskning : Årbok - Nedlagt 2019  -   -   - 

Treffsider: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - ... - 1948


1 UJ Press
0 AU Library Scholarly Publishing Services
0 Laaber-Verlag
0 University of Missouri Press
0 TankeKraft Förlag
0 The Operational Research Society
1 De Gruyter Oldenbourg
0 Leibniz Institut für Medienforschung- Hans-Bredow-Institut (HBI)
0 National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE)
0 International Hellenic University
1 Universidade Católica Press (UCP Press)
1 Nord Academic
0 Escola Superior de Hotelaria e Turismo do Estoril (ESHTE)
0 Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura
1 ANNALES ZRS, znanstvene založbe ZRS Koper
1 Instytut Literatury- Wydawnictwo
0 Αφοί Κυριακίδη - Εκδόσεις Α.Ε.
0 Sciendo
1 Agenda Publishing
2 Routledge

Treffsider: 1 - 2 - ... - 165 - 166 - 167 - 168 - 169 - 170

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