
ERIH PLUS Conference 2015 in Bergen

NSD hosted the ERIH PLUS Conference in Bergen May 28-29 to mark the start of ERIH PLUS. The conference began with a meeting for the ERIH PLUS Advisory Group on the 28th of May at NSD. On the 29th of May the Conference seminar proceeded on Hotel Radisson BLU for the Advisory Group, The National Experts, and supporting partners in Norway and the NSD staff working with ERIH PLUS.

The aim of the Conference was to create a forum for common understanding of ERIH PLUS from its previous history from ERIH founded in 2007/8 until the transition to ERIH PLUS today. The task of the registry, advisory board and the national experts were discussed, also the criteria and of inclusion of journals in the registry.



  1. Welcome, by Director of NSD Bjørn Henrichsen
  2. Background of ERIH PLUS, by Advisory Group member Professor Milena Žic Fuchs
  3. The Role of the Advisory Group and the European Science Foundation (ESF), by Advisory Group member Dr. Nina Kancewicz-Hoffman, ESF
  4. ERIH PLUS' Approach to the Increase of Open Access Journals by Senior Advisor Rolf Halse, NSD
  5. ERIH PLUS Submissions Status and Procedural Examples by Senior Advisor Gry Ane Vikanes Lavik, NSD
  6. National Experts' Role and Expertise, by National expert from Poland Professor Ewa Dahlig-Turek
  7. Future Use and Development of ERIH PLUS by Advisory Group member Research Professor Gunnar Sivertsen, NIFU

[Image of Ewa Dahlig Turek in action]
Ewa Dahlig Turek, ERIH PLUS National Expert for Poland


[Image of Milena žic-Fuchs in action]
Milena Zic Fuchs is one of the founders of the ERIH registry and now a member of the Advisory board of ERIH PLUS, speaking of the background and the history of the registry.

[Image of all participants]
From left, front: Kristin Gåsemyr - NSD Norway, Marika Meltsas - Estonia, Sophia Kremydy - Hellas, Michèle Dassa - France, Kristina Espeseth - NSD Norway, Sonja Spiranec - Croatia, Gry Ane Vikanes Lavik - NSD Norway, Ruta Petrauskaitė - Lithuania, Alain Peyraube (AG) - France
From left, second row: Falk Reckling - Austria, Maurizio Gentilini - Italy, Torunn Haavardsholm - NFR Norway, Prof. Joanna Spassova-Dikova - Bulgary, Milena Žic-Fuchs - Croatia, Vidar Røeggen - UHR Norway, Janina Kancewicz Hoffman - Poland, Gunnar Sivertsen (AG) - Norway, Ewa Dahlig Turek - Poland, Bjørn Henrichsen - NSD Norway, Knut Kalgraff Skjåk - NSD Norway, Rolf Halse - NSD Norway, Thor Hovden - NSD Norway.

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