
UcoArte. Revista de Teoría e Historia del Arte

Bibliographic information

International title: UcoArte. Revista de Teoría e Historia del Arte
e-ISSN: 2255-1905         Period: [ .. ]
Language: Spanish
Country of publication: -
URL: https://www.uco.es/ucopress/ojs/index.php/ucoa[..]
Publisher: UCOPress. Editorial Universidad de Córdoba


Approved 2021-02-05 ERIH PLUS criteria for inclusion
✅ Scientific editorial board
✅ Peer reviewed
ERIH PLUS disciplines: Art and Art History
Cultural Studies
Interdisciplinary research in the Humanities
OECD classifications: Arts (Arts, History of Arts, Performing Arts, Music)
Languages and Literature
Other Humanities

Open access

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