Ensaios de Geografia
Bibliographic information
Original title: | Ensaios de Geografia |
International title: | Essays of Geography |
e-ISSN: | 2316-8544 Period: [2012 .. ] |
Language: | Portuguese |
Country of publication: | Brazil |
URL: | https://periodicos.uff.br/ensaios_posgeo |
Publisher: | Universidade Federa Fluminense |
Approved 2022-12-01 | ERIH PLUS criteria for inclusion |
✅ Scientific editorial board | |
✅ Peer reviewed | |
ERIH PLUS disciplines: | Cultural Studies Demography Environmental Studies Human Geography and Urban Studies Interdisciplinary research in the Humanities Interdisciplinary research in the Social Sciences Pedagogical & Educational Research |
OECD classifications: | Educational Sciences Languages and Literature Other Humanities Other Social Sciences Social and Economic Geography |
Open access
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