Download current list
The list is open and free to use, we only ask that you use the official name, ERIH PLUS, when referring to the data source. Both options below access continuously updated data.
This format is stable and easily parsed by software. It can typically
be used by other journal indexes and research information systems
that regularly monitor the set of approved journals.

Tips - including how to fix characters
The file can be opened by a spreadsheet program, like Calc or Excel.
Excel can read CSV files but can also give incorrect character encoding for journal titles. This can be overcome by importing CSV file using the data import feature. Here are the steps you need to do: 1. Right-click the link to save the file, 2. Start spreadsheet program, 3. Import file data as text using the following helper settings: a. Select 'data with separator', b. Select charset 'Unicode (UTF-8)' (one of the last entries in the long list!), c. Check for 'my data has titles', d. Use 'semicolon' separator, and lastly, e. Specify 'text' as format for both title columns.
Saving in native spreadsheet format enables you to add formatting and data filter, freeze top row and adjust column widths as desired.