
New requirements for documentation.

Published: 2020-01-02

ERIH PLUS currently indexes 7740 scholarly journals. The research index has received 16860 journal submissions in total from journal editors and scholarly communities since the launch of the index five and a half years ago (see table below). Out of these, 6644 submissions were not approved.

Submissions (2014-2019)16860
Submissions approved (2014-2019)10216
Submissions not approved (2014-2019)6644
Journals currently indexed by ERIH PLUS7740

ERIH PLUS is a growing journal index, receiving an increasing amount of journals each year. The ERIH PLUS team at The Directorate is responsible for processing all new submissions of scholarly journals. The approach in evaluating new applications has been too broad and time consuming, given that the ERIH PLUS team has had to gather all the required information for a submission in order to assess whether the journal meets with the ERIH PLUS criteria. As an effort to become more efficient in the processing of new submissions, the demands of required documentation that the submitter must provide has increased. Hence, the submitter shall document that the journal fulfills the ERIH PLUS criteria by providing journal webpages that contain the required information.

Requirements for documentation

If you have questions about the new requirements for documentation, please contact us at erihplus@hkdir.no

    —   The ERIH PLUS Team

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