User manual
This user manual is meant to give the user quick insight into the possibilities that exists in this statistics tool as well as understanding of how they can be interpreted.

Selection of language
The graphs can show the languages Norwegian and English. This follows the chosen language for the website and is selected in the top right corner as follows "no en".
The main menu
The main menu is located to the top left with grey background. To choose graph: Click on the arrow symbol in the list box at the top of the website, thereafter click on the type of graph you would like. The menu will now adjust to your selection. To choose data: Mark the relevant data and click the arrows pointing to the right. To search for data click the search text in the appearing list. By clicking on "update", the graph will show the selected data. Tip: Use the ctr/ctrl-shift buttons to select more than one choice in the lists.
Use of toggle buttons in the legend
To show data that are more specific, click on the toggle buttons in the legend.
Use of menu in the graph
In the menu in the top right corner , you will find several options. The data can be stored as .xls and .csv, and the graph can be stored as a picture in the formats .jpg, .png, .pdf and .svg. How and where the files are stored depends on your browser settings.
Interpretation of the graphs
The data with patterns is preliminary and indicate that the year is not finalized. In the graphs where the data is accumulated, the label will indicate the last date of the year, and for the ongoing year, it will show the current date. In views where the columns indicate data for a specific year the label shows the year, while for the ongoing year the label will indicate the date from the start of the year until the current date. In line charts where you have preliminary data there will be missing markers for the data points in question.
If you have any questions regarding the data being displayed in the graphs refer to "Data definitions" If you have any further questions e-mail: erihplus@hkdir.no
Statistics: Annual growth
Counts active and ceased journals by first year evaluated (erihplus_year_of_inclusion).
Statistics: Annually approved journals by nation
Counts active and ceased journals by first year evaluated (erihplus_year_of_inclusion).
Statistics: Annually refused journals by nation
Counts active and ceased journals by first year evaluated (erihplus_year_of_inclusion).
Statistics: Annual status
Annual accumulation of active and ceased journals by first year evaluated (erihplus_year_of_inclusion).
Statistics: Journals by discipline
Counts active and ceased journals by ERIH PLUS discipline.
Statistics: Journals by publishers
Counts active and ceased journals by each journal's relation to Publishing House, for journals that is simultaneously registered in Norwegian Register. This amounts to about 2 of 5 journals in ERIH PLUS.
Statistics: DOAJ-indexation
Counts active and ceased journals.
Statistics: Sherpa Romeo
Counts active and ceased journals.
Statistics: New users annually
Counts users per registration year.
Statistics: New users accumulated annually
Accumulation of users counted per registration year.