ERIH PLUS is an academic journal index for the HSS (Humanities and Social Sciences) society in Europe. We provide article search facilitated by Dimensions which allow exploration of the 10 000+ ERIH PLUS journals in detail. We also mark the individual journals thoroughly with key information like open access status and plan S compliance. All are invited to suggest journals to be indexed in ERIH PLUS.
Information Regarding the Article Search in ERIH PLUS by Dimensions
Published 2023-01-16
Dear colleagues,
We receive a high amount of questions concerning the article search powered by Dimensions. As many researchers are unable to find their articles using the search function, we’d like to point out that only articles containing Crossref DOIs will be found in the article search (all other journals will not be included). Also, it might take a few months before individual articles are searchable due to updates in Dimensions being done about two times a year.
We point out that only Open Access articles will display a full text. Closed journals will only display metadata.
We’d also like to stress that there is no need to send us further documentation concerning individual articles as journals and their articles will automatically find their way to the Dimensions article search.
We’d like to apologize for the inconvenience these restrictions might cause.
Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills
"ERIH PLUS are strongly condemning the Russian invasion of Ukraine, which is also an act against international law. We support Ukraine, and urge Russian scientists to take the actions necessary to stop this war of aggression against a peaceful country.
Even though this is a difficult situation, from the onset of the invasion the Advisory Group of ERIH PLUS has advised not to take down Russian journals or in any other way restrict Russian access to the index. The group have chosen so because a free, critical, and open-minded science should not follow the logic of war but should promote the free exchange of scientific positions.
As the Russian invasion of Ukraine continues reliable information on scientific activities in humanities and social sciences in Russia is unavailable. Therefore the Advisory Group and ERIH PLUS Team decided to put all new submissions of journals from Russia on hold.
Russian journals already indexed in ERIH PLUS will not be affected by this decision. However if the ERIH PLUS becomes aware of journals that have taken an official position in support of the invasion of Ukraine and related policies, the Advisory Group can recommend removal of these journals from the ERIH PLUS list."
Published 2022-04-05, revised 2024-03-13