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Did your institution enter into an agreement on open publishing with a publisher, which is not part of the publisher agreements negotiated by Sikt? In this case you may register it here.


Search for publication channels (journals, series and publishers) in the Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals, Series and Publishers to see if they are considered as scientific (level 1 and level 2). Did you not find what you were looking for? Submit it for consideration to level 1.

See criteria for inclusion for more information. Final deadline for submitting new publication channels for the current year is 30. November.

Are you interested in proposing publication channels for level 2, use the feedback form here or at NPI. See About the register for more information about the levels and how they are decided.


Decision meeting for level 1 postponed

2024-07-25: The decision meeting planned for June 21 is postponed until August 14.

Completed user survey

2023-01-13: Thank you to all who answered our short survey about the Norwegian Register. We will read all the answers and follow up the feedback on how we can approve the register.

Search for institutions in publishing agreements

2022-06-02: The search is temporarily removed while we remove some deviations we discovered.

Sustainability has been placed on zero

2022-05-27: (Norwegian only) Det nasjonale publiseringsutvalget vedtok i sitt møte 4. mai 2022 å ta tidsskriftet ut av registeret over godkjente kanaler etter en omfattende forankring i utvalgets underliggende fagorganer. Begrunnelsen knyttes til at utvalget har mottatt et betydelig antall bekymringsmeldinger fra forskere i mange ulike fag. Les hele begrunnelsen for utvalgets vedtak i referat fra møtet 4. mai 2022, sak 22/05. Saken er også omtalt i Khrono.

New labeling of publishing agreements

4 May 2022: The Norwegian Register has made an update. We are now showing both the publishing agreements (consortium agreements) made by Sikt (former Unit) but also publishing agreements between individual institutions and publishers (institutional agreements). "U", which until recently marked the publishing agreements made by UNIT, has now been replaced by "A" for agreement. You will also find that the institutional agreements are marked with an “A”. By looking at the information attached to "A", you will see who and what the agreement concerns. See more information.

Announcing Level X

2021-09-01: We have introduced a new level, level X. If we are in doubt about the scientific quality of a journal or publisher, we will put them at level X. The journals and publishers are then up for discussion and scholars can contribute with their comments.

Lurer du på Plan S?

13. mars 2021: Hvordan finner jeg ut om en publiseringskanal oppfyller kriteriene til Plan S og samtidig er godkjent og utløser publiseringspoeng i Norge?

1. Søk i Kanalregisteret og se om din foretrukne publiseringskanal er på nivå 1 eller nivå 2.

2. Søk deretter i Journal Checker Tool ( for å se om kanalen oppfyller kriteriene til Plan S. Ved bruk av dette verktøyet legger du inn følgende informasjon:

  • Tidsskriftets navn eller ISSN (her har du først sjekket at tidsskriftet er på nivå 1 eller nivå 2 i Kanalregisteret).
  • Legg inn navn på finansiør (kravene i Plan S gjelder for et utvalg forskningsfinansiører).
  • Legg inn navn på din institusjon du er tilknyttet og som du også fører opp i publikasjonen.

New statistical tool

2021-02-16: We are pleased to announce the new statistical tool for the Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals, Series and Publishers. The tool, which you find in the menu to the left, will give you both journal statistics, publisher statistics and account statistics.

Examples of information you can find by using the tool are:

  • Number of journals, series and publishers at all levels
  • Number of journals, series and publisher at all levels based on nation
  • Number of journals and series at all levels, based on publisher
  • How many journals (percentage of total and quantity) are indexed or not indexed in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) or Sherpa/Romeo
  • User statistics about the amount of created accounts yearly or in total

The statistics are for now not giving information on daily visits to the list, only on the amount of accounts created yearly or in total.


New checker tool

23 Nov 2020: cOAlition S are launching a journal checker tool. This tool will support researchers who receive funding from cOAlition S members to identify publishing venues (journals or platforms) that enable compliance with Plan S. The tool is funded by the European Science Foundation. JCT enables researchers to check whether they can comply with their funders Plan S aligned OA policy based on the journal, the funder and the institution affiliated with the research to be published. Read more.

Open access and Norwegian license agreements with publishers

3 April 2020: Register for scientific journals, series and publishers tags journals with UNIT icon when the journal is part of a norwegian licence agreement with the publisher. UNIT negotiates the deals on behalf of the research institutions. Read more. NSD also tags journals with Open Access with clickable icons for DOAJ and Sherpa Romeo which leads you to their sites.

Nordic list

14 May 2019: An update on the Nordic List. Read more.

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