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ITAR-kode: 3096
Land: Sveits
Assosierte tidsskrift 259. Vis [+]
259 aktive tidsskrift funnet.
Nivå Tittel Publiseringsavtale
X Brain Sciences A
X Coatings A
X Healthcare A
X International Journal of Molecular Sciences A
X Materials A
X Molecules A
X Sensors A
1 Actuators A
1 Administrative Sciences A
1 Aerospace A
1 Agriculture A
1 AgriEngineering A
1 Agronomy A
1 AI A
1 Algorithms A
1 Animals A
1 Antibiotics A
1 Antibodies A
1 Antioxidants A
1 Applied Biosciences A
1 Applied Mechanics A
1 Applied Sciences A
1 Applied System Innovation A
1 AppliedChem A
1 AppliedMath A
1 Astronomy A
1 Atmosphere A
1 Atoms A
1 Batteries A
1 Behavioral Sciences A
1 Beverages A
1 Big Data and Cognitive Computing A
1 Bioengineering A
1 Biology (Basel) A
1 Biomechanics A
1 Biomedicines A
1 Biomimetics A
1 Biomolecules A
1 Biosensors A
1 Birds A
1 Buildings A
1 Businesses A
1 C — Journal of Carbon Research A
1 Cancers A
1 Cardiogenetics A
1 Catalysts A
1 Cells A
1 Ceramics A
1 Challenges A
1 ChemEngineering A
1 Chemistry A
1 Chemosensors A
1 Children A
1 CivilEng A
1 Climate A
1 Clinics and Practice A
1 Clocks & Sleep A
1 Colloids and Interfaces A
1 Commodities A
1 Computation A
1 Computers A
1 Condensed Matter A
1 Conservation A
1 Cosmetics A
1 Cryptography A
1 Crystals A
1 Data A
1 Dentistry Journal A
1 Designs A
1 Diagnostics (Basel) A
1 Digital A
1 Disabilities A
1 Diseases A
1 Diversity A
1 Drones A
1 Econometrics A
1 Economies A
1 Education Sciences A
1 Electricity A
1 Electrochem A
1 Electronic Materials A
1 Electronics (Basel) A
1 Energies A
1 Engineering Proceedings A
1 Entropy A
1 Environments A
1 Epidemiologia A
1 European Burn Journal A
1 European Journal of Investigation in Health, Psychology and Education A
1 Fermentation A
1 Fibers A
1 Fire A
1 Fishes A
1 Fluids A
1 Foods A
1 Forecasting A
1 Forests A
1 Foundations A
1 Fractal and Fractional A
1 Fuels A
1 Future Internet A
1 Future Transportation A
1 Galaxies A
1 Games A
1 Gases A
1 Gels A
1 Genealogy A
1 Genes A
1 Geographies A
1 GeoHazards A
1 Geomatics A
1 Geosciences A
1 Geriatrics (Basel) A
1 Hemato A
1 Heritage — Open Access Journal of Knowledge, Conservation and Management of Cultural and Natural Heritage A
1 Horticulturae A
1 Humanities A
1 Hydrogen A
1 Hydrology A
1 Hygiene A
1 Informatics A
1 Information A
1 Infrastructures A
1 Inorganics A
1 Insects A
1 Instruments A
1 International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH) A
1 International Journal of Financial Studies (IJFS) A
1 International Journal of Neonatal Screening (IJNS) A
1 International Journal of Turbomachinery, Propulsion and Power A
1 Inventions A
1 IoT
1 ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information A
1 Journal of Cardiovascular Development and Disease (JCDD) A
1 Journal of Clinical Medicine A
1 Journal of Composites Science A
1 Journal of Cybersecurity and Privacy (JCP) A
1 Journal of Developmental Biology A
1 Journal of Functional Biomaterials A
1 Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology A
1 Journal of fungi (JoF) A
1 Journal of Imaging A
1 Journal of Intelligence A
1 Journal of Low Power Electronics and Applications A
1 Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing (JMMP) A
1 Journal of Marine Science and Engineering (JMSE) A
1 Journal of Personalized Medicine A
1 Journal of Risk and Financial Management A
1 Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks A
1 Journalism and Media A
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1 Lubricants A
1 Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction A
1 Machines A
1 Magnetochemistry A
1 Marine Drugs A
1 Mathematics A
1 Medical Sciences A
1 Medicina A
1 Membranes A
1 Metabolites A
1 Metals A
1 Methods and Protocols (MP) A
1 Micro A
1 Microbiology Research A
1 Micromachines A
1 Microorganisms A
1 Microplastics A
1 Minerals A
1 Multimodal Technologies and Interaction A
1 Nanomaterials A
1 Non-coding RNA A
1 Nursing Reports A
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1 Pathogens A
1 Pharmaceuticals A
1 Pharmaceutics A
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1 Philosophies A
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1 Proceedings A
1 Proteomes A
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1 Psychiatry International A
1 Publications A
1 Quantum Beam Science A
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1 Reactions A
1 Religions A
1 Remote Sensing A
1 Reports A
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1 Robotics A
1 Safety A
1 Scientia pharmaceutica A
1 Separations A
1 Signals A
1 Smart Cities A
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1 Technologies A
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1 Tourism and Hospitality A
1 Toxics A
1 Toxins A
1 Trends in Higher Education A
1 Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease A
1 Universe A
1 Urban Science A
1 Vaccines A
1 Vehicles A
1 Veterinary Sciences (Vet. sci.) A
1 Vibration A
1 Virtual Worlds A
1 Viruses A
1 Vision A
1 Water A
1 World A
1 World Electric Vehicle Journal A
1 Youth A
1 Zoonotic Diseases A
0 Arts A
0 Axioms A
0 Corrosion and Materials Degradation A
0 Dynamics A
0 Encyclopedia A
0 Geotechnics A
0 J — Open Access Journal of Multidisciplinary Science A
0 Molbank A
0 Processes A
0 Recycling A
0 Sustainability A


✅ Fagfellevurdert
✅ Internasjonal forfatterkrets

Nivåplasseringer og UH-sektorens publiseringspoeng

År Nivå Forfatterandeler Publiseringspoeng
2024 1
2023 1 0.0 0.0
2022 1 0.0 0.0
2021 1 1.7744 2.5976
2020 1 0.0 0.0
2019 1 0.0 0.0
2018 1 0.8 0.8139
2017 1 0.0 0.0
Offentliggjøres i mai året etter


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MDPI publiserer mer enn 270 journaler, hvorav mange er på Nivå 1 i de norske publiseringskanalene og er DOAJ. Flere av Journalene har økende Impact faktor og er åpent tilgjengelighet, som gjør dem "attraktive", for ek. i forhold til Plan-S.
Noen av MDPI sine journaler har fått kritikk for lav faglig terskel for publisering som for eks. oppsummert på Wikipedia i hht. siterte kilder ( Forlaget har også kort review frist (10 dager) og vi har opplevd at noen vurderinger har vært overfladiske (eks. i Remote Sensing). Vi hadde satt pris på om Publiseringsutvalget kunne gjøre en vurdering av MDPI som forlag, siden mange av journalene er mye brukt av norske forskere.
Lasse Pettersson

Takk for melding.

Vi har diskutert MDPI og dets tidsskrift en rekke ganger allerede. Vi fikk inn en del bekymringsmeldinger på enkelte tidsskrift og bestemte oss for å gjøre en stor gjennomgang av de tidsskriftene vi har på nivå 1, utgitt av MDPI. Vi fikk da også mange innspill om MDPI generelt og om spesifikke tidsskrift, både positive og negative. Vi konkluderte foreløpig med at tidsskriftene og MDPI beholder nivå 1.

Saken førte til at vi holder på å opprette et nivå X. Nivå X er et nivå vi vil gi til kanaler vi ønsker innspill på fra fagorganene og fagmiljøene. På vedtaksmøtet i juni, vedtok vi at Publiseringsutvalget plukker ut noen MDPI-tidsskrift som kandidater til nivå X. Man kontakter også relevante fagorganer for tilbakemeldinger og følger opp i Arbeidsutvalget for Det nasjonale publiseringsutvalget.

Nivå X er altså ikke implementert ennå, men vi jobber med det og har ellers tatt vare på alle kommentarer som gjelder MDPI.
MDPI also publishes books:
They are listed at Directory of Open access Books
I don't think this publisher should lose its level 1 status in 2020. It is important to keep some open access publishers on the accepted list, when they have the proper peer-review process in place.

Thank you for the information. We will take it into account on the decision meeting in october.

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