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ITAR-kode: 237
Land: Storbritannia
Assosierte tidsskrift 551. Vis [+]
551 aktive tidsskrift funnet.
Nivå Tittel Publiseringsavtale
2 Archives and records A
2 Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice A
2 Atlantic studies A
2 Australasian Journal of Philosophy A
2 British Journal of Educational Studies A
2 British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies A
2 British Journal of Religious Education A
2 British Journal of Sociology A
2 Canadian Journal of Philosophy A
2 Cold War History A
2 Comparative Education A
2 Cultural Studies A
2 Digital Journalism A
2 Educational Action Research A
2 Educational Psychologist A
2 Educational Psychology A
2 Engineering Studies A
2 Environmental Education Research A
2 Ethnic and Racial Studies A
2 Ethnomusicology Forum A
2 Ethnos A
2 European Accounting Review A
2 European Early Childhood Education Research Journal A
2 European Journal of Special Needs Education A
2 European Journal of Teacher Education A
2 European Sport Management Quarterly A
2 Fashion Theory A
2 Feminist Media Studies A
2 Folklore A
2 Gender and Education A
2 Historical Methods A
2 History and Anthropology A
2 Information, Communication & Society A
2 Intercultural Education A
2 International Feminist Journal of Politics A
2 International History Review A
2 International Journal of Disability, Development and Education A
2 International Journal of Heritage Studies (IJHS) A
2 International Journal of Leadership in Education A
2 Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations A
2 Journal of Biomechanics A
2 Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology A
2 Journal of Curriculum Studies A
2 Journal of Education and Work A
2 Journal of Education Policy A
2 Journal of Educational Administration & History A
2 Journal of Modern Italian Studies A
2 Journal of Moral Education A
2 Journal of New Music Research A
2 Journal of Pacific History A
2 Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness A
2 Journal of Sex Research A
2 Journal of Social Work Practice A
2 Journal of Sports Sciences A
2 Journal of the Philosophy of Sport A
2 Journal of the Royal Musical Association A
2 Journalism Studies A
2 Labor History A
2 Mathematical Thinking and Learning A
2 Media History A
2 Memory A
2 Mind, Culture, and Activity A
2 Music Education Research A
2 New Political Economy A
2 Performance Research: A Journal of the Performing Arts A
2 Philosophical Psychology A
2 Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy A
2 Population Studies A
2 Public Management Review A
2 Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health A
2 Research in Mathematics Education A
2 Rethinking history A
2 Scandinavian Economic History Review A
2 Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research A
2 Scandinavian Journal of History A
2 School Effectiveness and School Improvement A
2 Scientific Studies of Reading A
2 Social history (London) A
2 Sport, Education and Society A
2 Teaching in Higher Education A
2 Textual Practice A
2 The international journal for the psychology of religion A
2 The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension A
2 The Journal of Arts Management, Law, and Society A
2 The Journal of educational research (Washington, D.C.) A
2 The Journal of musicological research A
2 The Journal of the Learning Sciences A
2 Word and Image A
2 World archaeology A
2 Youth Theatre Journal A
1 a/b: Auto/Biography Studies A
1 Accounting in Europe A
1 Acta Borealia A
1 Acta Linguistica Hafniensia. International Journal of Linguistics A
1 Action in Teacher Education A
1 Activities, Adaptation & Aging A
1 Addiction Research and Theory A
1 Advances in Eating Disorders: Theory, Research and Practice
1 African and Black Diaspora: An International Journal A
1 African Journalism Studies A
1 African Security A
1 Aging & Mental Health A
1 Aging, Neuropsychology and Cognition A
1 AICCM Bulletin A
1 Al-Masāq A
1 American Journal of Distance Education A
1 Angelaki A
1 Annals of Leisure Research A
1 ANQ. A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles, Notes, and Reviews A
1 Anthropology & Medicine A
1 Anthrozoos A
1 Anxiety, Stress, & Coping A
1 Aphasiology A
1 Applied Economics A
1 Applied Economics Letters A
1 Applied Environmental Education and Communication A
1 Applied Measurement in Education A
1 Architectural Theory Review A
1 Artifact: Journal of Design Practice
1 Arts and Health A
1 Asia Pacific Business Review A
1 Asia Pacific Journal of Education A
1 Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research A
1 Asian Ethnicity A
1 Asian Geographer A
1 Asian Journal of Communication A
1 Asian Philosophy A
1 Asian Population Studies A
1 Asian Security A
1 Asian Studies Review A
1 Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education A
1 Asia-Pacific review A
1 Australian feminist studies A
1 Australian Social Work A
1 Azania A
1 Basic and Applied Social Psychology A
1 Behavioral Medicine A
1 Bereavement Care
1 Biodemography and Social Biology A
1 Body, Movement and Dance in Psychotherapy: An International Journal for Theory, Research and Practice A
1 British Journal of Guidance and Counselling A
1 Bulletin of Spanish Studies A
1 Cambridge Journal of Education A
1 Celebrity Studies A
1 Child & Youth Services A
1 Children's Geographies A
1 China Journal of Social Work A
1 Chinese Journal of Communication A
1 Clinical Supervisor A
1 Coaching: An International Journal of Theory, Research and Practice A
1 Cognitive Behaviour Therapy A
1 Cognitive Neuropsychiatry A
1 Cognitive Neuropsychology A
1 Comedy Studies A
1 Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies A
1 Communication monographs A
1 Communication Quarterly A
1 Communication Reports A
1 Communication Research Reports A
1 Compare A
1 Computer Assisted Language Learning A
1 Computer Science Education A
1 Computers in The Schools A
1 Conflict, Security and Development A
1 Construction Management and Economics A
1 Contemporary British History A
1 Contemporary French and Francophone Studies A
1 Contemporary Italian Politics A
1 Contemporary Justice Review A
1 Contemporary Music Review A
1 Contemporary Social Science A
1 Creativity Research Journal A
1 Critical Discourse Studies A
1 Critical inquiry In Language Studies A
1 Critical Policy Studies A
1 Critical Public Health A
1 Critical Review A
1 Critical Studies in Education A
1 Critical Studies in Media Communication A
1 Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fiction A
1 Cultural and social history A
1 Current Issues in Language Planning A
1 Current Issues in Tourism A
1 Curriculum Inquiry A
1 Curriculum Journal A
1 Danish Journal of Archaeology
1 Death Studies A
1 Democratization A
1 Design Philosophy Papers
1 Development in Practice A
1 Development Southern Africa A
1 Development Studies Research A
1 Deviant Behavior A
1 Diaspora, Indigenous and Minority Education A
1 Digital Creativity A
1 Diplomacy & Statecraft A
1 Disability & Society A
1 Disruptions : Studies in Digital Journalism
1 Distance Education A
1 Dramatherapy
1 Dynamics of Asymmetric Conflict A
1 Early Child Development and Care A
1 Early Education and Development A
1 Early Popular Visual Culture A
1 Early Years A
1 Economic History of Developing Regions A
1 Economic Systems Research A
1 Economy and Society A
1 Educational Gerontology A
1 Educational Media International A
1 Educational Philosophy and Theory A
1 Educational Psychology in Practice A
1 Educational Research and Evaluation A
1 Educational review (Birmingham) A
1 Educational studies (Dorchester-on-Thames) A
1 English Studies in Africa A
1 English Studies: A Journal of English Language A
1 Entrepreneurship and Regional Development A
1 Ethics and Education A
1 Ethics and social welfare A
1 Ethics, Policy & Environment A
1 Ethnography and Education A
1 Ethnopolitics A
1 European Competition Journal A
1 European Education : Issues and Studies A
1 European Journal of Cultural and Political Sociology A
1 European Journal of Developmental Psychology A
1 European Journal of Finance A
1 European Journal of Higher Education A
1 European Journal of the History of Economic Thought A
1 European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology A
1 European Review of Social Psychology A
1 Europe-Asia Studies A
1 Exceptionality A
1 Fat Studies: an interdisciplinary journal of body weight and society A
1 Feminist Economics A
1 First World War Studies A
1 Food and Foodways A
1 Gender & Development A
1 Gender, Place & Culture: A Journal of Feminist Geography A
1 Genetic Social and General Psychology Monographs
1 GeoHumanities A
1 Global Change, Peace & Security A
1 Global crime A
1 Global Economic Review A
1 Green Letters. Studies in Ecocriticism A
1 Health Marketing Quarterly A
1 High Ability Studies A
1 Housing Studies A
1 Human service organizations, management, leadership & governance A
1 Imago mundi A
1 Indonesia and the Malay World A
1 Infancia y Aprendizaje A
1 Innovation and Development A
1 Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching A
1 Innovations in Education & Teaching International A
1 Intellectual History Review A
1 Interactive Learning Environments A
1 Interdisciplinary Science Reviews A
1 International Journal for Academic Development A
1 International Journal for the Study of the Christian Church A
1 International Journal of Advertising: the review of marketing communications A
1 International Journal of African Renaissance Studies A
1 International Journal of Audiology A
1 International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism A
1 International Journal of Children's Spirituality A
1 International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis A
1 International Journal of Culture and Mental Health
1 International Journal of Early Years Education A
1 International Journal of Electronic Commerce A
1 International journal of group psychotherapy A
1 International Journal of Health Promotion and Education A
1 International Journal of Human Resource Management A
1 International Journal of Lifelong Education A
1 International Journal of Philosophical Studies A
1 International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education A
1 International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics A
1 International Multilingual Research Journal A
1 International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education A
1 International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology A
1 International Studies in Sociology of Education A
1 International Studies in the Philosophy of Science A
1 Irish Educational Studies A
1 Irish Political Studies A
1 Japan forum A
1 Japanese Studies A
1 Jazz Perspectives A
1 Journal for Specialists in Group Work A
1 Journal of American College Health A
1 Journal of Applied Security Research A
1 Journal of Applied Sport Psychology A
1 Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies A
1 Journal of Baltic Studies A
1 Journal of Behavorial Finance A
1 Journal of Beliefs and Values A
1 Journal of Biological Education A
1 Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media A
1 Journal of Business & Finance Librarianship A
1 Journal of Children and Media A
1 Journal of China Tourism Research A
1 Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies A
1 Journal of Civil Society A
1 Journal of Community Practice A
1 Journal of Contemporary African Studies A
1 Journal of Contemporary Asia A
1 Journal of Convention & Event Tourism A
1 Journal of Criminal Justice Education A
1 Journal of Cultural Economy A
1 Journal of Cultural Geography A
1 Journal of Dance Education A
1 Journal of Development Effectiveness A
1 Journal of Economic Policy Reform A
1 Journal of Ecotourism A
1 Journal of Education for Business A
1 Journal of Education for Teaching A
1 Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties A
1 Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning A
1 Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies A
1 Journal of European Integration A
1 Journal of Experimental Education A
1 Journal of Family Studies A
1 Journal of Foodservice Business Research A
1 Journal of Gay & Lesbian Social Services A
1 Journal of Gender Studies A
1 Journal of Geography in Higher Education A
1 Journal of Global Ethics A
1 Journal of groups in addiction & recovery
1 Journal of Heritage Tourism A
1 Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management A
1 Journal of Housing for the Elderly
1 Journal of Iberian & Latin American Studies A
1 Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies A
1 Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History A
1 Journal of Intercultural Studies A
1 Journal of Intergenerational Relationships A
1 Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy A
1 Journal of International Food & Agribusiness Marketing A
1 Journal of International Trade and Economic Development A
1 Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding A
1 Journal of Language, Identity & Education A
1 Journal of Legal History A
1 Journal of Lesbian Studies A
1 Journal of Library Metadata A
1 Journal of Marketing Communications A
1 Journal of Medieval Iberian Studies A
1 Journal of Motor Behavior A
1 Journal of organizational behavior management A
1 Journal of Police Crisis Negotiations
1 Journal of Policing, Intelligence and Counter Terrorism A
1 Journal of Policy Research in Tourism, Leisure and Events A
1 Journal of Political Marketing A
1 Journal of Positive Psychology A
1 Journal of Psychology A
1 Journal of Public Child Welfare A
1 Journal of Public Relations Research A
1 Journal of Quantitative Linguistics A
1 Journal of Regional Science A
1 Journal of Religion, Disability & Health
1 Journal of Research in Childhood Education A
1 Journal of Responsible Innovation A
1 Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy A
1 Journal of Slavic Military Studies A
1 Journal of Social Entrepreneurship A
1 Journal of Social Psychology A
1 Journal of Social Work Education A
1 Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies A
1 Journal of Sport Psychology in Action A
1 Journal of Sport Tourism A
1 Journal of Strategic Marketing A
1 Journal of Sustainable Forestry A
1 Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy A
1 Journal of the Indian Ocean Region A
1 Journal of the Institute of Conservation A
1 Journal of Tourism History A
1 Journal of Trust Research A
1 Journal of Urbanism: International Research on Placemaking and Urban Sustainability A
1 Journal of Workplace Behavioral Health (JWBH) A
1 Language Acquisition A
1 Language and Education A
1 Language and Intercultural Communication A
1 Language Awareness A
1 Language Matters A
1 Laterality: Asymmetries of Body, Brain and Cognition A
1 Leisure Studies A
1 Life Writing A
1 Lit: Literature Interpretation Theory A
1 Literacy Research and Instruction A
1 Local Environment : the International Journal of Justice and Sustainability A
1 Loisir et Société A
1 Managing Sport and Leisure A
1 Mariner's Mirror A
1 Marriage and Family Review A
1 Medical Anthropology A
1 Mental Health, Religion & Culture A
1 Middle Eastern Studies A
1 Migration and Development
1 Mobilities A
1 Modern & Contemporary France A
1 Multicultural Education Review A
1 Music Reference Services Quarterly A
1 Neuropsychological Rehabilitation A
1 New Review of Academic Librarianship A
1 New Review of Children's Literature and Librarianship A
1 New Review of Film and Television Studies A
1 New Review of Information Networking A
1 Nineteenth-Century Contexts A
1 Nordic Social Work Research A
1 Open Learning: The Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning A
1 Oxford Development Studies A
1 Oxford Review of Education A
1 Paedagogica Historica: International Journal of the History of Education A
1 Parallax A
1 Pastoral Care in Education: An International Journal of Personal, Social and Emotional Development A
1 Patterns of Prejudice A
1 Pedagogy, Culture & Society A
1 Person-Centered and Experiential Psychotherapies A
1 Philosophical Explorations A
1 Philosophical Papers A
1 Photographies A
1 Photography and Culture A
1 Planning Perspectives A
1 Planning Theory & Practice A
1 Policy Studies A
1 Politics and Culture in Europe, 1650-1750
1 Politics, Groups, and Identities A
1 Politics, Religion & Ideology A
1 Politikon A
1 Postcolonial Studies A
1 Practice A
1 Preventing School Failure: Alternative Education for Children and Youth A
1 Professional Development in Education A
1 Prometheus
1 Prose Studies: History, Theory, Criticism A
1 Psychoanalytic dialogues A
1 Psychoanalytic inquiry A
1 Psychoanalytic Perspectives A
1 Psychosis A
1 Public Performance and Management Review A
1 Public Services Quarterly A
1 Qualitative Research in Psychology A
1 Quality in Higher Education A
1 Race Ethnicity and Education A
1 Regional Studies, Regional Science A
1 Religion & Education A
1 Religion, Brain and Behavior A
1 Religion, State and Society A
1 Research in Science & Technological Education A
1 Research on Language and Social Interaction A
1 Research Papers in Education A
1 Resilience - International Policies, Practices and Discourses
1 Review of African Political Economy
1 Review of International Political Economy A
1 Review: Literature and Arts of the Americas A
1 Revista de Psicología Social A
1 Rock Music Studies A
1 Romance Quarterly A
1 Routledge Critical Studies in Multilingualism
1 Routledge International Handbooks
1 RUSI Journal A
1 Russian Education & Society
1 Russian Journal of Communication
1 Russian studies in literature
1 Scando-Slavica A
1 School Leadership and Management A
1 Services Marketing Quarterly A
1 Seventeenth century A
1 Sex Education : Sexuality, Society and Learning A
1 Shakespeare A
1 Slavic & East European Information Resources A
1 Social & Cultural Geography A
1 Social and Environmental Accountability Journal A
1 Social Dynamics A
1 Social influence A
1 Social Neuroscience A
1 Social Semiotics A
1 South African Journal of International Affairs A
1 South African Journal of Sociology
1 South Asian Diaspora A
1 Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies A
1 Space & Polity A
1 Sport in History A
1 Sports Biomechanics A
1 Studies in Conflict and Terrorism A
1 Studies in Continuing Education A
1 Studies in Travel Writing A
1 Symposium: A Quarterly Journal in Modern Literatures A
1 Teacher Development A
1 Teaching and learning in medicine A
1 Teaching Education A
1 Technical Services Quarterly A
1 Text and Performance Quarterly A
1 The Clinical Neuropsychologist A
1 The Communication Review A
1 The Educational Forum A
1 The Explicator A
1 The Germanic Review A
1 The International Journal of Construction Education and Research A
1 The International Spectator: Italian Journal of International Affairs A
1 The Journal of Environmental Education A
1 The Journal of general psychology A
1 The Journal of Genetic Psychology A
1 The Neurodiagnostic Journal A
1 The Nonproliferation Review A
1 The Senses & Society A
1 The Teacher Educator A
1 Theatre, Dance and Performance Training A
1 Theology and Science A
1 Theory & psychology A
1 Theory & Research in Social Education A
1 Thinking and Reasoning A
1 Third Text A
1 Third World Quarterly A
1 Total Quality Management and Business Excellence A
1 Tourism Geographies: an international journal of tourism space, place and environment A
1 Tourism Planning & Development A
1 Venture Capital : an International Journal of Entrepreneurial Finance A
1 Victims & Offenders A
1 Visitor Studies A
1 Visual Communication Quarterly
1 Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies A
1 Women - A Cultural Review A
1 Women & health A
1 Women & Performance A
1 Women & Therapy A
1 Women's Studies A
1 Women's Studies in Communication
1 Women's Writing A
1 World Yearbook of Education
0 Ankara Paper
0 Australian Cultural History
0 Cass Series: Naval Policy and History
0 Challenge magazine A
0 Change: The magazine of higher learning A
0 Criminal Justice Matters
0 Journal of Aging, Humanities, and the Arts
0 Journal of comparative social welfare
0 Journal of Hospital Marketing and Public Relations
0 Journal of International Hospitality, Leisure and Tourism Management
0 Journal of International Volunteer Tourism and Social Development
0 Journal of Natural Resources Policy Research
0 Journal of Religion & Abuse
0 Managing Leisure
0 Mental Health and Substance Use
0 Regional Insights
0 South Asian History and Culture A
0 Special Educational Needs Abstracts
0 Sport in the global society
0 Sports Technology
0 The New Review of Libraries and Lifelong Learning
0 Transnational cinemas
0 Wasafiri A


✅ Fagfellevurdert
✅ Internasjonal forfatterkrets

Nivåplasseringer og UH-sektorens publiseringspoeng

År Nivå Forfatterandeler Publiseringspoeng
2025 2
2024 2
2023 2 324.577 634.0842
2022 2 316.1837 665.2452
2021 2 404.1727 722.8766
2020 2 334.1381 667.604
2019 2 336.489 563.0973
2018 2 346.425 645.7023
2017 2 297.5568 493.1109
2016 2 203.5797 304.3631
2015 2 220.4667 313.9604
2014 2 125.6695 150.7526
2013 2 85.5653 125.5653
2012 2 111.49 118.07
2011 2 81.64 140.64
2010 2 64.18 88.68
2009 2 54.5 60.5
2008 2 65.14 82.95
2007 2 50.521 75.521
2006 2 38.98 58.98
2005 2 33.65 43.9
2004 2 25.863 36.2291
Offentliggjøres i mai året etter


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Focus serien er en bok-serie underlagt alle de samme kravene til publisering som andre bøker hos Routledge/Taylor og Francis. Hvorfor er den da ikke på samme nivå? For Routledge er dette bøker som har et en litt annen innretning, men er ikke "enklere" å publisere på. Routledge Mental Health er rangert på nivå 1, og er tilsvarende. Fagfellevurderinger og alt dette er på plass gjennomgående hos Routledge. Det står noe om et vedtak 19/6, men jeg er usikker på hva dette innebærer.

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