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Oxford University Press

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Oxford University Press


ITAR-kode: 40
Land: Storbritannia
Assosierte tidsskrift 330. Vis [+]
330 aktive tidsskrift funnet.
Nivå Tittel Publiseringsavtale
2 Age and Ageing A
2 American Historical Review A
2 American Journal of Agricultural Economics A
2 American Journal of Clinical Nutrition A
2 American Journal of Epidemiology A
2 American Literary History A
2 Analysis A
2 Applied Linguistics A
2 Behavioral Ecology A
2 Bioinformatics
2 Biometrika A
2 Biostatistics A
2 Brain A
2 Briefings in Bioinformatics A
2 British Journal of Aesthetics A
2 British Journal of Criminology A
2 British Journal of Surgery A
2 Cardiovascular Research (CVR) A
2 Cerebral Cortex A
2 Clinical Chemistry A
2 Communication Theory A
2 Diplomatic History A
2 Early Music A
2 Econometrics Journal A
2 Economic Journal A
2 Endocrinology A
2 English Historical Review A
2 Environmental History
2 Essays in Criticism A
2 European Heart Journal A
2 European Heart Journal (EHJ) - Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy A
2 European Heart Journal-Cardiovascular Imaging A
2 European Journal of Preventive Cardiology (EJPC) A
2 European Sociological Review A
2 Family Practice A
2 FEMS Microbiology Ecology A
2 Forum for Modern Language Studies A
2 Genome Biology and Evolution (GBE) A
2 Health Policy and Planning A
2 History Workshop Journal A
2 Human Molecular Genetics A
2 Human Reproduction A
2 ICES Journal of Marine Science A
2 IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis A
2 International Affairs A
2 International Journal of Constitutional Law A
2 International Journal of Epidemiology A
2 International Journal of Law and Information Technology A
2 International Journal of Refugee Law A
2 International Mathematics Research Notices (IMRN) A
2 International Studies Quarterly A
2 Journal of American History
2 Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism (JCEM) A
2 Journal of Communication A
2 Journal of Competition Law & Economics A
2 Journal of Consumer Research A
2 Journal of Crohn's and Colitis A
2 Journal of Design History A
2 Journal of Economic Geography A
2 Journal of Experimental Botany A
2 Journal of Financial Econometrics A
2 Journal of Hindu Studies A
2 Journal of Islamic Studies A
2 Journal of Law, Economics & Organization A
2 Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology A
2 Journal of Pediatric Psychology A
2 Journal of Petrology A
2 Journal of Philosophy of Education A
2 Journal of public administration research and theory A
2 Journal of Semantics A
2 Journal of Semitic Studies A
2 Journal of Social History A
2 Journal of the American Academy of Religion A
2 Journal of the European Economic Association A
2 Journal of the National Cancer Institute A
2 Journal of Theological Studies A
2 Mind A
2 Molecular Biology and Evolution (MBE) A
2 Music & Letters A
2 Music Theory Spectrum A
2 Notes and Queries A
2 Nucleic Acids Research (NAR) A
2 Opera Quarterly A
2 Oxford Art Journal A
2 Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy (OSAP)
2 Past & Present A
2 Physical Therapy A
2 Plant and Cell Physiology A
2 Policy and Society: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Policy Research A
2 Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society A
2 Public Opinion Quarterly A
2 Review of Economic Studies A
2 Review of English Studies A
2 Review of Finance A
2 Rheumatology A
2 Schizophrenia Bulletin A
2 Screen A
2 Sleep A
2 Social history of medicine A
2 Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State and Society A
2 Sociology of religion A
2 The British Journal of Social Work A
2 The Journal of music therapy A
2 The journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences A
2 The Musical Quarterly A
2 The Philosophical Quarterly A
2 The Review of financial studies A
2 Toxicological Sciences A
1 Adaptation A
1 Advances in Nutrition A
1 Aesthetic Surgery Journal A
1 African Affairs A
1 Alcohol and Alcoholism A
1 American Journal of Hypertension A
1 American Law and Economics Review A
1 Annals of Behavioral Medicine A
1 Annals of Botany A
1 Annals of Work Exposures and Health A
1 Antibody Therapeutics A
1 AoB Plants A
1 Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology A
1 Bioinformatics Advances A
1 Biological Journal of the Linnean Society A
1 Biology Methods & Protocols A
1 BJR Open
1 BJS Open A
1 Botanical journal of the Linnean Society A
1 Brain Communications A
1 Briefings in Functional Genomics A
1 British Year Book of International Law A
1 Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies (BICS) A
1 Burns and Trauma A
1 Cambridge Journal of Economics A
1 Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society A
1 Cambridge quarterly A
1 Capital Markets Law Journal A
1 Carcinogenesis A
1 Cerebral Cortex Communications (CCC) A
1 CESifo Economic Studies A
1 Chemical Senses A
1 Children & Schools
1 Chinese Journal of International Law A
1 Chinese Journal of International Politics A
1 Classical Receptions Journal A
1 Clinical Kidney Journal (CKJ) A
1 Communication, Culture & Critique (CCC) A
1 Community Development Journal A
1 Conservation Physiology A
1 Contemporary Women's Writing (CWW) A
1 Crohn's & Colitis 360 A
1 Current Developments in Nutrition (CDN) A
1 Current Zoology A
1 Database: The Journal of Biological Databases and Curation A
1 Digital Scholarship in the Humanities A
1 Dynamics and Statistics of the Climate System
1 Economic Policy A
1 ELT Journal A
1 Environmental Epigenetics A
1 Epidemiologic Reviews A
1 European Heart Journal - Case Reports A
1 European Heart Journal – Imaging Methods and Practice (EHJ-IMP) A
1 European Heart Journal - Quality of Care and Clinical Outcomes A
1 European Heart Journal Open (EHJ Open) A
1 European Heart Journal, Supplement A
1 European Heart Journal: Acute Cardiovascular Care A
1 European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery A
1 European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing A
1 European Journal of Public Health A
1 European Review of Agricultural Economics A
1 European Review of Economic History A
1 Evolutionary Journal of the Linnean Society A
1 Exposome A
1 FEMS microbes A
1 FEMS Microbiology Letters A
1 FEMS Microbiology Reviews A
1 FEMS Yeast Research A
1 Foreign Policy Analysis A
1 French History A
1 French Studies A
1 Function A
1 German History A
1 GigaScience A
1 Global Studies Quarterly A
1 Glycobiology A
1 Health Education Research A
1 Health Promotion International A
1 Holocaust and Genocide Studies A
1 Human Communication Research A
1 Human Reproduction Open A
1 Human Reproduction Update A
1 Human Rights Law Review A
1 IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics A
1 IMA Journal of Management Mathematics A
1 IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information A
1 in silico Plants (isP) A
1 Industrial and Corporate Change A
1 Information and Inference: a Journal of the IMA A
1 Innovation in Aging A
1 Insect Systematics and Diversity (ISD) A
1 Integrative Biology A
1 Integrative Organismal Biology: A Journal of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology A
1 Interactive Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery A
1 International Data Privacy Law (IDPL) A
1 International Immunology A
1 International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family A
1 International Journal of Lexicography A
1 International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies A
1 International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology A
1 International Journal of Pharmacy Practice (IJPP) A
1 International Journal of Public Opinion Research A
1 International Political Sociology A
1 International Studies Perspectives A
1 International Studies Review A
1 JAC-Antimicrobial Resistance (JAC-AMR) A
1 JAMIA Open A
1 JNCI Cancer Spectrum A
1 Journal of African Economies A
1 Journal of Antitrust Enforcement A
1 Journal of Breast Imaging (JBI) A
1 Journal of Burn Care & Research A
1 Journal of Complex Networks A
1 Journal of Cybersecurity A
1 Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education A
1 Journal of European Competition Law & Practice (JECLAP) A
1 Journal of Financial Regulation A
1 Journal of Global Security Studies (JoGGS) A
1 Journal of Heredity A
1 Journal of Human Rights Practice A
1 Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology A
1 Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice (JIPLP) A
1 Journal of International Criminal Justice A
1 Journal of International Dispute Settlement A
1 Journal of Language Evolution A
1 Journal of Law and the Biosciences (JLB) A
1 Journal of Legal Analysis A
1 Journal of Logic and Computation A
1 Journal of Mechanics A
1 Journal of Medicine and Philosophy A
1 Journal of Molecular Cell Biology A
1 Journal of Plankton Research A
1 Journal of Plant Ecology A
1 Journal of Professions and Organization A
1 Journal of Public Health A
1 Journal of Refugee Studies A
1 Journal of Surgical Case Reports (JSCR) A
1 Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology A
1 Journal of the History of Collections A
1 Journal of the history of medicine and allied sciences A
1 Journal of the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society A
1 Journal of Travel Medicine (JTM) A
1 Journal of Tropical Pediatrics A
1 Journal of Urban Ecology A
1 Library A
1 Logic Journal of the IGPL A
1 London Review of International Law A
1 Mathematical Medicine and Biology A
1 MELUS: Multi-Ethnic Literature of the United States A
1 microLife A
1 Microscopy A
1 Migration Studies A
1 Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters (MNRAS Letters) A
1 Mutagenesis A
1 NAR Cancer A
1 NAR Genomics and Bioinformatics A
1 National Science Review A
1 Neuro-Oncology Advances (NOA) A
1 Neuroscience of Consciousness A
1 Neurosurgery Open A
1 Nicotine & Tobacco Research A
1 Occupational Medicine A
1 Open Forum Infectious Diseases A
1 Operative Neurosurgery
1 Ornithological Applications A
1 Oxford Economic Papers A
1 Oxford Journal of Law and Religion (OJLR) A
1 Oxford Medical Case Reports A
1 Oxford Open Digital Health A
1 Oxford Open Economics A
1 Oxford Open Energy A
1 Oxford Studies in Medieval Philosophy (OSMP)
1 Oxford Studies in Normative Ethics
1 Pathogens and Disease A
1 Perspectives on Public Management and Governance A
1 Philosophia Mathematica A
1 PNAS Nexus A
1 Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice A
1 Proceedings of the British Academy
1 Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics A
1 Protein Engineering Design & Selection A
1 Public Health Ethics A
1 Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan (PASJ) A
1 Q Open - A Journal of Agricultural, Climate, Environmental, Food, Resource, and Rural Development Economics A
1 QJM: Quarterly journal of medicine A
1 Radiation Protection Dosimetry A
1 RAS Techniques and Instruments (RASTI) A
1 Refugee Survey Quarterly A
1 Regenerative Biomaterials A
1 Rheumatology - Advances in Practice (Rheumap) A
1 Schizophrenia Bulletin Open A
1 Science and Public Policy A
1 SLEEP Advances A
1 Social Cognitive & Affective Neuroscience A
1 Socio-Economic Review A
1 Supplementary volume - Aristotelian Society A
1 Synthetic Biology A
1 The American Journal of Legal History A
1 The European Heart Journal – Digital Health (EHJ-DH) A
1 The Journal of Applied Laboratory Medicine (JALM) A
1 The journals of gerontology. Series B, Psychological sciences and social sciences A
1 The Monist A
1 The World Bank Research Observer A
1 Toxicology Research A
1 Transactions of the London Mathematical Society A
1 Translational Behavioral Medicine A
1 Transportation Safety and Environment A
1 Tree Physiology A
1 Trusts & Trustees A
1 Twentieth Century British History A
1 Work, Aging and Retirement A
1 World Bank Economic Review A
1 Yearbook of European Environmental Law
1 Yearbook of European Law (YEL) A
1 Yearbook of International Environmental Law A
1 Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society A
0 Cancer Surveys
0 Global Community Yearbook of International Law and Jurisprudence (GCYILJ)
0 GRUR International: Journal of European and International IP Law A
0 Revue de droit uniforme A
0 Translational Animal Science
0 Virus Evolution A


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✅ Internasjonal forfatterkrets

Nivåplasseringer og UH-sektorens publiseringspoeng

År Nivå Forfatterandeler Publiseringspoeng
2025 2
2024 2
2023 2 56.6857 115.521
2022 2 54.6274 121.4238
2021 2 67.3333 108.6668
2020 2 58.4444 97.0359
2019 2 77.1667 129.3516
2018 2 64.2 131.6875
2017 2 68.5889 140.6319
2016 2 66.1956 124.9034
2015 2 61.5611 84.2378
2014 2 49.0415 75.3746
2013 2 43.9776 66.7276
2012 2 52.61 73.61
2011 2 35.8 48.05
2010 2 31.02 54.54
2009 2 36.26 63.07
2008 2 22.92 40.42
2007 2 14.593 32.093
2006 2 13.25 27.25
2005 2 18.45 32.66
2004 2 18.253 39.253
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