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IOS Press

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Internasjonal tittel:

IOS Press


ITAR-kode: 212
Land: Nederland
Assosierte tidsskrift 59. Vis [+]
59 aktive tidsskrift funnet.
Nivå Tittel Publiseringsavtale
1 Advances in Parallel Computing
1 Advances in Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering
1 AI Communications
1 Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments
1 Argument & Computation (A&C)
1 Asian Journal of Water, Environment and Pollution
1 Assistive Technology Research Series
1 Asymptotic Analysis
1 Biorheology
1 Bridge Structures - Assessment, Design and Construction
1 Cancer Biomarkers
1 Computability - The Journal of the Assosiation
1 Concurrent Systems Engineering Series
1 Data Science
1 Environmental Policy and Law
1 Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications
1 Fundamenta Informaticae
1 Human Antibodies
1 Human Systems Management
1 International Journal of Developmental Science
1 International Journal of Hybrid Intelligent Systems
1 International Journal of Intelligent Decision Technologies
1 International Journal of Risk and Safety in Medicine
1 Journal of Alzheimer's Disease
1 Journal of Alzheimer's Disease Reports
1 Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments
1 Journal of Berry Research
1 Journal of Climate Change
1 Journal of Economic and Social Measurement
1 Journal of Facade Design and Engineering (JFDE)
1 Journal of High Speed Networks
1 Journal of Huntington's Disease
1 Journal of Integrated Design & Process Science
1 Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems
1 Journal of Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine
1 Journal of Neuromuscular Diseases
1 Journal of Parkinson's Disease
1 Journal of Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine
1 Journal of Sports Analytics
1 Journal of Vestibular Research-Equilibrium & Orientation
1 Journal of Visualization A
1 NATO Science Series : Sub Series I, Life and behavioural Sciences
1 NATO Science Series : Sub Series III, Computer and sytems sciences
1 NATO Security through Science Series - E: Human and Societal Dynamics
1 Proceedings of the International School of Physics "Enrico Fermi"
1 Research in Design Series
1 Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience
1 Semantic Web Journal
1 Statistical Journal of the IAOS
1 Strength, Fracture and Complexity
1 Studies in Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics
1 Studies in Health Technology and Informatics
1 Technology and Disability
1 Translational Science of Rare Diseases
1 Web Intelligence: an international journal
1 Work : A journal of Prevention, Assesment and rehabilitation
0 Bladder Cancer
0 Journal of Future Robot Life
0 Statistical Journal of the United Nations Economic Commision for Europe ECE12


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Nivåplasseringer og UH-sektorens publiseringspoeng

År Nivå Forfatterandeler Publiseringspoeng
2024 1
2023 1 2.5 1.895
2022 1 1.75 1.7504
2021 1 2.8833 2.9636
2020 1 1.0 0.7
2019 1 1.0 0.7
2018 1 2.0833 2.1026
2017 1 1.1429 1.0439
2016 1 0.0 0.0
2015 1 4.3333 3.4941
2014 1 0.0 0.0
2013 1 2.25 1.575
2012 1 2.56 1.792
2011 1 1.8 1.26
2010 1 0.0 0.0
2009 1 2.0 1.4
2008 1 4.52 3.164
2007 1 1.67 1.169
2006 1 3.0 6.4
2005 1 0.99 0.693
2004 1 5.99 4.193
Offentliggjøres i mai året etter


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