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ITAR-kode: 373
Land: Nederland
Assosierte tidsskrift 1777. Vis [+]
1777 aktive tidsskrift funnet.
Nivå Tittel Publiseringsavtale
X Arabian Journal of Geosciences A
X The Journal of Supercomputing A
X Wireless Personal Communications A
2 Acta Neuropathologica A
2 African Archaeological Review A
2 Algorithmica A
2 Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing A
2 Applied Mathematics and Optimization A
2 Archive for History of Exact Sciences A
2 Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis A
2 Archives of Sexual Behavior A
2 Behavior Research Methods A
2 Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology A
2 Biology & Philosophy A
2 Children's Literature in Education A
2 Climate Dynamics A
2 Clinical Oral Investigations A
2 Communications in Mathematical Physics A
2 Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) A
2 Constructive approximation A
2 Continental Philosophy Review A
2 Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology A
2 Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Geistesgeschichte (DVJS) A
2 Diabetologia A
2 Ecosystems A
2 Educational Studies in Mathematics A
2 Empirical Software Engineering A
2 Erkenntnis: An International Journal of Scientific Philosophy A
2 European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry A
2 European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology A
2 European Journal of Epidemiology (EJE) A
2 European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging A
2 European Physical Journal C A
2 European Radiology A
2 Experimental Economics A
2 Finance and Stochastics A
2 Formal methods in system design A
2 Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines A
2 Geoinformatica A
2 Heritage Science A
2 Higher Education A
2 Historical Archaeology A
2 Instructional Science A
2 Intensive Care Medicine A
2 International Journal of Computer Vision A
2 International Journal of Historical Archaeology A
2 International Journal of Information Security A
2 International Journal of Material Forming A
2 Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing A
2 Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory A
2 Journal of Archaeological Research A
2 Journal of Business Ethics A
2 Journal of Cryptology A
2 Journal of East Asian linguistics A
2 Journal of economic growth A
2 Journal of educational change A
2 Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery A
2 Journal of Heuristics A
2 Journal of High Energy Physics (JHEP) A
2 Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing A
2 Journal of Marine Science and Technology A
2 Journal of Maritime Archaeology A
2 Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision A
2 Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education A
2 Journal of Neurology A
2 Journal of Philosophical Logic A
2 Journal of Population Economics A
2 Journal of Risk and Uncertainty A
2 Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science A
2 Journal of World Prehistory A
2 Language Resources and Evaluation A
2 Law and Philosophy A
2 Leukemia
2 Linguistics and Philosophy A
2 Machine Learning A
2 Mathematische Zeitschrift A
2 Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A A
2 Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B A
2 Minerva A
2 Morphology A
2 MRS bulletin A
2 Natural language & linguistic theory A
2 Neophilologus: An International Journal of Modern and Mediaeval Language and Literature A
2 Numerische Mathematik A
2 Oecologia A
2 Perspectives on Behavior Science A
2 Pharmaceutical Research A
2 Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences A
2 Philosophical Studies A
2 Plant Molecular Biology A
2 Political Behavior A
2 Psychometrika A
2 Publications mathématiques (Bures-sur-Yvette) A
2 Requirements Engineering A
2 Research in Engineering Design A
2 Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology A
2 Review of accounting studies A
2 Review of religious research
2 Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering A
2 Russian Linguistics : International Journal for the Study of the Russian Language A
2 Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology A
2 Social Psychology of Education A
2 Software and Systems Modeling (SoSyM) A
2 Sports Medicine A
2 Springer Monographs in Mathematics
2 Studies in Philosophy and Education A
2 Surgical Endoscopy A
2 Synthese A
2 Technology, Knowledge and Learning A
2 The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology A
2 The Review of International Organizations A
2 The VLDB journal A
2 Theoretical and Applied Genetics A
2 Theory and society A
2 Transport in Porous Media A
2 Vocations and Learning A
2 World Journal of Urology A
2 ZDM: Mathematics Education A
2 Zeitschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Linguistik (LiLi) A
1 3 Biotech A
1 4OR A
1 Abdominal Radiology A
1 Abel Symposia
1 Accreditation and Quality Assurance A
1 Acoustics Australia A
1 Acta Analytica A
1 Acta Applicandae Mathematicae - An International Survey Journal on Applying Mathematics and Mathematical Applications A
1 Acta Diabetologica A
1 Acta Ethologica A
1 Acta Geochimica A
1 Acta Geophysica A
1 Acta Geotechnica A
1 Acta Informatica A
1 Acta Mathematica Scientia A
1 Acta Mathematica Sinica. English series A
1 Acta Mathematica Vietnamica A
1 Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica (English Series) A
1 Acta Mechanica A
1 Acta Mechanica Sinica A
1 Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica A
1 Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters) A
1 Acta Neurochirurgica A
1 Acta Neurochirurgica Supplementum
1 Acta Oceanologica Sinica A
1 Activitas Nervosa Superior: The Journal for Neurocognitive Research
1 Adaptive Human Behavior and Physiology A
1 Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research A
1 Adolescent Research Review A
1 Adsorption A
1 Advanced Information and Knowledge Processing
1 Advanced Modeling and Simulation in Engineering Sciences A
1 Advanced Performance Materials
1 Advanced Sciences and Technologies for Security Applications
1 Advanced Structured Materials
1 Advances in Agroforestry
1 Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras A
1 Advances in Biochemical Engineering, Biotechnology
1 Advances in Computational Mathematics A
1 Advances in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
1 Advances in Continuous and Discrete Models A
1 Advances in Data Analysis and Classification A
1 Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology
1 Advances in Health Sciences Education A
1 Advances in immigrant family research
1 Advances in Industrial Control
1 Advances in Information Security
1 Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
1 Advances in Manufacturing A
1 Advances in Mathematics Education
1 Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research
1 Advances in neurobiology
1 Advances in Neurodevelopmental Disorders A
1 Advances in Polar Ecology
1 Advances in Polymer Science
1 Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation (ASTI)
1 Advances in Solid State Physics
1 Advances in Spatial Science
1 Advances in Therapy A
1 Advances in Volcanology
1 Adversity and Resilience Science (ARS) A
1 Aerobiologia A
1 Aerotecnica Missile & Spazio (ATMS) A
1 Aesthetic Plastic Surgery A
1 Affective Science A
1 African Journal of Urology (AFJU) A
1 Afrika Matematika A
1 Age
1 Ageing International A
1 Aging Clinical and Experimental Research A
1 Agricultural and Food Economics A
1 Agricultural Research A
1 Agriculture and Human Values A
1 Agroforestry Systems A
1 AI and Ethics A
1 Aids and Behavior A
1 Air quality, atmosphere and health A
1 Algebras and Representation Theory A
1 Aligning Perspectives on Health, Safety and Well-Being
1 Allergo Journal
1 Allergo Journal International A
1 AMB Express A
1 Ambio A
1 American Journal of Dance Therapy A
1 Amino Acids A
1 AMS Review A
1 Anaesthesist
1 Analecta Husserliana :The Yearbook of Phenomenological Research
1 Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing A
1 Analysis Mathematica
1 Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry A
1 Analytical Sciences A
1 Anatomical Science International A
1 Angiogenesis A
1 Animal Cognition A
1 Annales Henri Poincaré - A Journal of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics A
1 Annales Mathématiques du Québec A
1 Annali dell’Università di Ferrara A
1 Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata A
1 Annals of Biomedical Engineering A
1 Annals of Combinatorics A
1 Annals of Dyslexia A
1 Annals of Finance A
1 Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry A
1 Annals of Hematology A
1 Annals of Information Systems
1 Annals of Intensive Care A
1 Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence A
1 Annals of Operations Research A
1 Annals of PDE A
1 Annals of Software Engineering
1 Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics
1 Annals of Vascular Surgery A
1 Anthropocene Coasts A
1 Apoptosis A
1 Applications of Mathematics A
1 Applied and Numerical Harmonic Analysis (ANHA)
1 Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology (ABAB) A
1 Applied Biological Chemistry A
1 Applied Categorical Structures A
1 Applied Composite Materials A
1 Applied Environmental Science and Engineering for a Sustainable Future (AESE)
1 Applied Magnetic Resonance A
1 Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (English Edition) A
1 Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology A
1 Applied Nanoscience A
1 Applied Network Science (ANS) A
1 Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing A
1 Applied physics B A
1 Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback A
1 Applied Research in Quality of Life A
1 Applied water science A
1 Aquaculture International A
1 Aquarium Sciences and Conservation
1 Aquatic Sciences A
1 Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering A
1 Arabian Journal of Mathematics A
1 Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences A
1 Archaeologies: Journal of the World Archaeological Congress A
1 Architecture, Structures and Construction A
1 Archival Science A
1 Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering (ACME) A
1 Archives of Dermatological Research A
1 Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology A
1 Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics A
1 Archives of Microbiology A
1 Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery A
1 Archives of Osteoporosis A
1 Archives of Toxicology A
1 Archives of Virology A
1 Archives of Women's Mental Health A
1 Argumentation Library
1 Argumentation: an international journal on reasoning A
1 ARI : Bulletin of the Technical University of Istanbul : An International Journal for Physical and Engineering Sciences
1 Arnold Mathematical Journal A
1 Arthropod-Plant Interactions A
1 Arthroskopie A
1 Artificial Intelligence and Law A
1 Artificial Intelligence Review A
1 Artificial Life and Robotics A
1 Asia Europe Journal A
1 Asia Pacific Education Review A
1 Asia Pacific Journal of Management A
1 Asian Bioethics Review (ABR) A
1 Asian Journal of Civil Engineering (Building and Housing) A
1 Asian journal of Criminology A
1 Asian Journal of Philosophy A
1 Asian-Pacific Journal of Second and Foreign Language Education A
1 Asia-Pacific Financial Markets A
1 Asset Analytics - Performance and Safety Management
1 AStA Advances in Statistical Analysis A
1 Astrophysics and Space Science A
1 Astrophysics and Space Science Library
1 Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings
1 Atlantic Economic Journal A
1 Atomic Energy
1 Australian Journal of Language and Literacy (AJLL) A
1 Automated Software Engineering : An International Journal A
1 Automotive Innovation A
1 Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems A
1 Autonomous Robots A
1 Axiomathes
1 Basic Research in Cardiology A
1 Bauingenieur: Zeitschrift für das gesamte Bauwesen
1 Behavior and Social Issues (BSI) A
1 Behavior Genetics A
1 Berg- und Huttenmännische Monatshefte (BHM) A
1 Biochar A
1 Biochemical Genetics A
1 Bioenergy Research A
1 Biofuels and Biorefineries
1 Biogeochemistry A
1 Biologia A
1 Biological cybernetics A
1 Biological Invasions A
1 Biological Trace Element Research A
1 Biology and Fertility of Soils A
1 Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery A
1 Biomedical Engineering
1 Biomedical Materials & Devices A
1 Biomedical microdevices A
1 Biometals A
1 Biomolecular NMR Assignments A
1 BioNanoScience A
1 Biophysical Economics and Sustainability
1 Biophysical Reviews A
1 Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering A
1 Biosemiotics A
1 Biosemiotics (Bookseries)
1 BioSpektrum A
1 Biosystems and Biorobotics
1 Boletín de la Sociedad Matemática Mexicana A
1 Bolletino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana (BUMI) A
1 Botanical Studies A
1 Boundaries of Religious Freedom: Regulating Religion in Diverse Societies
1 Boundary Value Problems A
1 Boundary-Layer Meteorology A
1 Brain Imaging and Behavior A
1 Brain Informatics
1 Brain Structure and Function A
1 Brain Topography A
1 Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering A
1 Brazilian Journal of Microbiology A
1 Breast Cancer A
1 BT technology journal
1 Building Pathology and Rehabilitiation
1 Building Simulation A
1 Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering A
1 Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment A
1 Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology A
1 Bulletin of Mathematical Biology A
1 Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society, New Series A
1 Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society (BIMS) A
1 Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society A
1 Bulletin of Volcanology A
1 Business & Information Systems Engineering (BISE) A
1 Calcified Tissue International A
1 Calcolo A
1 Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations A
1 Canadian Journal of Anesthesia A
1 Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine (CJEM) A
1 Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education A
1 Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology A
1 Cancer Immunology and Immunotherapy A
1 Cancer Metastasis Review A
1 Carbon Balance and Management A
1 Cardiology and Therapy A
1 Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology A
1 Cardiovascular Engineering and Technology A
1 Cardiovascular Intervention and Therapeutics (CVIT) A
1 Catalysis Letters A
1 Catalysis Surveys from Asia A
1 CCF Transactions on Pervasive Computing and Interaction (TPCI) A
1 CEAS Space Journal A
1 Cell and Tissue Banking A
1 Cell and Tissue Biology
1 Cell and Tissue Research A
1 Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering A
1 Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences (CMLS) A
1 Cellular Oncology A
1 Cellulose A
1 Central European Journal of Operations Research A
1 Cereal Research Communications A
1 Chemical and Biological Technologies in Agriculture A
1 Chemical Papers A
1 Chemistry of Natural Compounds
1 Chemosensory Perception
1 ChemTexts A
1 Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal A
1 Child Indicators Research A
1 Child Psychiatry and Human Development A
1 Children: Global Posthumanist Perspectives and Materialist Theories
1 Child's Nervous System A
1 China Foundry A
1 China International Strategy Review (CISR) A
1 Chinese Annals of Mathematics. Series B A
1 Chinese Geographical Science A
1 Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine A
1 Chromosoma A
1 Chromosome Research A
1 Circular Economy and Sustainability A
1 City, Territory and Architecture A
1 Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy A
1 Climate Change Management
1 Clinical and Experimental Medicine A
1 Clinical and translational imaging A
1 Clinical and Translational Oncology A
1 Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review A
1 Clinical Epileptology A
1 Clinical Hematology International
1 Clinical Journal of Gastroenterology A
1 Clinical Neuroradiology A
1 Clinical Research in Cardiology A
1 Clinical Rheumatology A
1 Cliometrica A
1 Cluster Computing A
1 Cognition, Technology & Work A
1 Cognitive Computation A
1 Cognitive Neurodynamics A
1 Cognitive Processing A
1 Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications A
1 Cognitive Therapy and Research A
1 Colloid and Polymer Science A
1 Communications and Control Engineering
1 Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS)
1 Communications in Mathematics and Statistics A
1 Community mental health journal A
1 Comparative Migration Studies A
1 Complex & Intelligent Systems A
1 Complex Analysis and its Synergies A
1 Comprehensive Healthcare Simulation
1 Computational & Applied Mathemathics A
1 Computational Brain & Behavior A
1 Computational Geosciences A
1 Computational Management Science A
1 Computational Mechanics A
1 Computational Methods in Applied Sciences
1 Computational optimization and applications A
1 Computer Supported Cooperative Work
1 Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning Series (CSCL)
1 Computing and Software for Big Science A
1 Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series
1 Conservation Genetics Resources A
1 Constitutional Political Economy A
1 Contemporary Islam A
1 Contemporary Jewry A
1 Contemporary Philosophies and Theories in Education
1 Contemporary School Psychology A
1 Contemporary Trends and Issues in Science Education
1 Contributions from Science Education Research
1 Contributions to Management Science
1 Contributions to Statistics
1 Control Theory and Technology (CTT) A
1 Coral reefs A
1 Crime Science A
1 Criminal Law and Philosophy A
1 Crossroads of Knowledge
1 Cryptography and Communications A
1 CSR, Sustainability, Ethics & Governance
1 Cultural Psychology of Education
1 Cultural Studies of Science Education A
1 Current Anesthesiology Reports A
1 Current Cardiovascular Risk Reports A
1 Current Climate Change Reports A
1 Current Clinical Microbiology Reports A
1 Current environmental health reports A
1 Current Forestry Reports A
1 Current Genetics A
1 Current Heart Failure Reports A
1 Current Hematologic Malignancy Reports A
1 Current Landscape Ecology Reports A
1 Current Microbiology A
1 Current nutrition reports A
1 Current Obesity Reports A
1 Current Oral Health Reports A
1 Current Pain and Headache Reports A
1 Current Pathobiology Reports
1 Current Psychology A
1 Current Research in Systematic Musicology
1 Current Robotics Reports A
1 Current Sustainable/Renewable Energy Reports A
1 Current Topics in Behavioral Neurosciences
1 Current Topics in Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine
1 Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology
1 Current Transplantation Reports A
1 Current Treatment Options in Allergy A
1 Current Treatment Options in Pediatrics A
1 Current Treatment Options in Psychiatry A
1 Current Tropical Medicine Reports A
1 Current Urology Reports A
1 Curriculum Perspectives A
1 Cybersecurity A
1 Czechoslovak Journal of Physics
1 Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy A
1 Datenbank-Spektrum A
1 De Economist A
1 Decisions in Economics and Finance (DAF) A
1 Der Hautarzt
1 Der Pneumologe
1 Der Urologe
1 Designs, Codes and Cryptography A
1 Development, Genes and Evolution A
1 Developments in Geotechnical Enginnering
1 Developments in Plant Breeding
1 Diabetology International
1 Dialectical Anthropology A
1 Die Naturwissenschaften A
1 Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems A
1 Digital Culture and Humanities
1 Digital Experiences in Mathematics Education A
1 Digital Finance A
1 Digital Society: Ethics, Socio-Legal and Governance of Digital Technology A
1 Disciplinary and Interdisciplinary Science Education Research (DISER) A
1 Discover Artificial Intelligence A
1 Discover Education A
1 Discover Energy A
1 Discover Health Systems A
1 Discover Nano A
1 Discover Oncology
1 Discover Psychology A
1 Discover Social Science and Health A
1 Discover Sustainability A
1 Discover Water A
1 Diseases of the Colon & Rectum
1 Distributed and parallel databases A
1 Distributed computing A
1 Drug Delivery and Translational Research A
1 Drugs A
1 Dynamic Games and Applications A
1 E & I. Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik A
1 EAI/Springer Innovations in Communication and Computing
1 Early Childhood Education Journal A
1 Earth Science Informatics [ESIN] A
1 Earth Systems Data and Models
1 Earth, moon, and planets A
1 Earth, Planets and Space A
1 East Asia A
1 East Asian Science, Technology and Society: an International Journal A
1 Eating and Weight Disorders - Studies on Anorexia, Bulimia and Obesity A
1 EcoHealth A
1 Ecological Research Monographs
1 Ecological Studies
1 Economic Botany A
1 Economic Theory A
1 Economic Theory Bulletin A
1 Economics of Disasters and Climate Change A
1 Economics of Governance A
1 EcoProduction
1 Ecotoxicology A
1 Education and Information Technologies : Official Journal of the IFIP technical committee on Education A
1 Education and Treatment of Children A
1 Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability A
1 Educational Governance Research
1 Educational Linguistics (EDUL)
1 Educational Psychology Review A
1 Educational Research for Policy and Practice A
1 Educational technology research and development A
1 EJNMMI Radiopharmacy and Chemistry A
1 EJNMMI Research A
1 Electrocatalysis A
1 Electronic Commerce Research A
1 Electronic Markets A
1 Emergent Materials A
1 Empirical Economics A
1 Empirical Research in Vocational Education and Training A
1 Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences Series
1 Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals
1 Endocrine A
1 Energy Efficiency A
1 Energy Informatics A
1 Energy Systems
1 Energy Systems, Springer Verlag A
1 Energy, Ecology and Environment A
1 Energy, sustainability and society A
1 English Language Education
1 Environment & Policy
1 Environment Systems and Decisions A
1 Environment, Development and Sustainability A
1 Environmental and Ecological Statistics A
1 Environmental Biology of Fishes A
1 Environmental Chemistry for a Sustainable World
1 Environmental Contamination Remediation and Management
1 Environmental Earth Sciences A
1 Environmental Economics and Policy Studies A
1 Environmental Management A
1 Environmental Pollution
1 Environmental Processes A
1 Environmental Science and Engineering
1 Environmental Science and Pollution Research A
1 Environmental Sciences Europe A
1 EPJ Quantum Technology A
1 EPMA Journal A
1 Estuaries and Coasts A
1 Ethical Economy
1 Ethical Human Psychology and Psychiatry : an International Journal of Critical Inquiry
1 Ethical Theory and Moral Practice A
1 Ethics and Information Technology A
1 Ethik in der Medizin A
1 Ethnobotany of Mountain Regions
1 Eurasian Business Review (EABR) A
1 Eurasian Economic Review (EAER) A
1 EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing A
1 EURASIP Journal on Audio, Speech, and Music Processing A
1 EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing A
1 EURASIP Journal on Information Security A
1 EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking A
1 EURO Advanced Tutorials on Operational Research
1 European Actuarial Journal A
1 European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology A
1 European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience A
1 European Biophysics Journal A
1 European Business Organization Law Review (EBOR) A
1 European Food Research and Technology A
1 European Geriatric Medicine A
1 European Journal for Philosophy of Science A
1 European Journal for Security Research A
1 European Journal of Ageing A
1 European Journal of Applied Physiology A
1 European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases A
1 European Journal of Futures Research A
1 European Journal of Health Economics A
1 European Journal of Hybrid Imaging A
1 European Journal of Law and Economics A
1 European Journal of Mathematics A
1 European Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology (EJOST) A
1 European Journal of Pediatrics A
1 European Journal of Population A
1 European Journal of Psychology of Education A
1 European Journal of Wildlife Research A
1 European Journal of Wood and Wood Products A
1 European Physical Journal A A
1 European Physical Journal B : Condensed Matter Physics A
1 European Physical Journal D : Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics A
1 European Radiology Experimental A
1 European Surgery A
1 European Transport Research Review A
1 European Yearbook of International Economic Law
1 Evaluating Education: Normative systems and institutional practices
1 Evolutionary Biology A
1 Evolutionary Intelligence A
1 Evolutionary Psychological Science A
1 Evolutionary Psychology
1 Evolving Systems A
1 Experimental and Computational Multiphase Flow (ECMF) A
1 Experimental Brain Research A
1 Extremes A
1 Extremophiles A
1 Fashion and Textiles. International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research A
1 Feminist Legal Studies A
1 Financial Innovation A
1 Financial Markets and Portfolio Management (FMPM) A
1 Fisheries Science A
1 Fixed Point Theory and Algorithms for Sciences and Engineering A
1 Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal A
1 Food Analytical Methods A
1 Food and Bioprocess Technology A
1 Food and Environmnetal Virology A
1 Food Biophysics A
1 Food Ethics A
1 Food Science and Biotechnology A
1 Food Security A
1 Forensic Toxicology A
1 Forest Ecosystems
1 Forestry sciences
1 Forum der Psychoanalyse A
1 Foundations of Chemistry: Philosophical, Historical, Educational and Interdisciplinary Studies of Chemistry A
1 Foundations of Physics A
1 Foundations of Science A
1 Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis A
1 Fresenius' Journal of Analytical Chemistry
1 From Pole to Pole
1 Frontiers in Earth Sciences
1 Frontiers in Economic History
1 Frontiers in Energy A
1 Frontiers in International Relations (FIR)
1 Frontiers of Artificial Intelligence, Ethics and Multidisciplinary Applications
1 Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering A
1 Frontiers of Computer Science A
1 Frontiers of Economics in China
1 Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering A
1 Frontiers of Information Technology and Electronic Engineering (FITEE) A
1 Frontiers of Materials Science A
1 Frontiers of Medicine A
1 Frontiers of Physics A
1 Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering (FSCE) A
1 Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences (FJHSS) A
1 Future City
1 Future of Business and Finance
1 Gastric Cancer A
1 Gefässchirurgie A
1 GEM - International Journal on Geomathematics A
1 Gender and Politics
1 Gender Issues A
1 General Relativity and Gravitation A
1 General Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery A
1 Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution A
1 Genetica A
1 Genus - Journal of Population Sciences A
1 Geochemical Transactions A
1 Geoenvironmental Disasters A
1 Geoheritage A
1 GeoJournal A
1 GeoJournal Library
1 Geologische Rundschau
1 Geology of Ore Deposits
1 Geomagnetism and Aeronomy
1 Geo-Marine Letters A
1 Geomechanics and Geophysics for Geo-Energy and Geo-Resources A
1 Geometriae Dedicata A
1 Geometry and Computing
1 GeoPlanet: Earth and Planetary Sciences
1 Geoscience Letters A
1 Geotechnical and Geological Engineering A
1 Geotechnical, Geological and Earthquake Engineering
1 German Journal of Exercise and Sport Research A
1 Gesunde Pflanzen A
1 Glass and Ceramics
1 Glass Physics and Chemistry
1 Global Implementation Research and Applications A
1 Global Issues in Water Policy
1 Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management A
1 Global Social Welfare: Research, Policy, & Practice A
1 Glycoconjugate Journal A
1 GPS Solutions A
1 Graefe's Archives for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology A
1 Granular Computing A
1 Granular Matter A
1 Graphs and Combinatorics A
1 Grasas y Aceites
1 Green Energy and Technology
1 Group Decision and Negotiation A
1 Grundwasser A
1 Gruppe. Interaktion. Organisation. Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Organisationspsychologie (GIO) A
1 Gynäkologische Endokrinologie A
1 Hague Journal on the Rule of Law (HJRL) A
1 Handbook of Environmental Chemistry
1 Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology
1 Health & Justice A
1 Health and Technology A
1 Health Care Analysis A
1 Health Care Management Science A
1 Health Informatics Series
1 Health Information Science and Systems A
1 Health Services & Outcomes Research Methodology A
1 Heart and Vessels A
1 Heart Failure Reviews A
1 Heat and Mass Transfer A
1 HEC Forum A
1 Heidelberg Studies on Asia and Europe in a Global Context
1 Helgoland Marine Research
1 Hepatology International A
1 Hernia A
1 Herz A
1 Herzschrittmachertherapie & Elektrophysiologie A
1 High Energy Chemistry
1 High Temperature
1 Higher Education Dynamics
1 Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation
1 Histochemistry and Cell Biology A
1 History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences A
1 HNO (Berlin. Print) A
1 Human Arenas A
1 Human Cell A
1 Human Ecology A
1 Human Genetics A
1 Human Nature. An interdisciplinary biosocial perspective A
1 Human Rights Review A
1 Human Studies A
1 Human-Intelligent Systems Integration A
1 Humanistic Management Journal A
1 Husserl Studies A
1 Hydrobiologia A
1 Hydrogeology Journal A
1 Hyperfine Interactions A
1 Ichthyological Research A
1 ICME-13 Monographs
1 Identity in the Information Society
1 IEA Research for Education
1 IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology
1 IFIP International Federation for Information Processing
1 Immunogenetics A
1 Impact Studies
1 Indian Geotechnical Journal (IGJ) A
1 Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry A
1 Indian Journal of History of Science
1 Indian Journal of Labour Economics (IJLE) A
1 Indian Journal of Microbiology A
1 Indian Journal of Orthopaedics A
1 Indian Journal of Pediatrics (IJP) A
1 Indian Journal of Physics A
1 Indian Journal of Surgery A
1 Indian Journal of Surgical Oncology A
1 Infection A
1 Inflammation A
1 Inflammation Research A
1 Informatik - Forschung und Entwicklung
1 Information Security and Cryptography (IS&C)
1 Information Technology and Management A
1 Innovative Infrastructure Solutions A
1 Inorganic Materials (Neorganicheskie materialy)
1 Insights into Imaging A
1 Integrated Series in Information Systems (ISIS)
1 Integrative Physiological & Behavioral Science
1 Integrative Psychological and Behavioural Science A
1 Intelligent Systems Reference Library
1 Intelligent Systems, Control and Automation: Science and Engineering
1 Intensive Care Medicine Experimental A
1 Interchange: A Quarterly Review of Education A
1 Interdisciplinary Sciences: Computational Life Sciences A
1 International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health A
1 International Association of Geodesy Symposia
1 International Cybersecurity Law Review (ICLR) A
1 International Handbooks of Quality-of-Life
1 International handbooks of religion and education
1 International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance A
1 International Journal for Educational Integrity A
1 International Journal for Philosophy of Religion A
1 International Journal of Advances in Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics A
1 International Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration A
1 International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics A
1 International Journal of Applied Positive Psychology A
1 International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education A
1 International Journal of Behavioral Medicine A
1 International journal of bipolar disorders A
1 International Journal of Bullying Prevention A
1 International Journal of Child Care and Education Policy A
1 International Journal of Civil Engineering A
1 International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy A
1 International Journal of Cognitive Therapy A
1 International Journal of Community Well-Being A
1 International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems A
1 International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery A
1 International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials A
1 International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems
1 International journal of corporate social responsibility A
1 International Journal of Data Science and Analytics (JDSA) A
1 International Journal of Digital Humanities A
1 International Journal of Disaster Risk Science A
1 International Journal of Dynamics and Control A
1 International Journal of Early Childhood A
1 International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education A
1 International Journal of Euro-Mediterranean Studies
1 International Journal of Fracture A
1 International Journal of Fuzzy Systems (IJFS) A
1 International Journal of Geo-Engineering A
1 International Journal of Geosynthetics and Ground Engineering A
1 International Journal of Global Business and Competitiveness (IJGBC) A
1 International Journal of Health Economics and Management A
1 International Journal of Implant Dentistry A
1 International Journal of Intelligent Robotics and Applications (IJIRA) A
1 International Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems Research A
1 International Journal of Latin American Religions (JLAR) A
1 International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics A
1 International Journal of Mechanical and Materials Engineering A
1 International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction A
1 International Journal of Multimedia Information Retrieval A
1 International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health
1 International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society A
1 International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing - Green Technology A
1 International Journal of Primatology A
1 International Journal of Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education A
1 International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education A
1 International Journal of Social Robotics A
1 International Journal of STEM Education A
1 International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management A
1 International Journal of Technology and Design Education A
1 International Journal of the Classical Tradition A
1 International Journal of Tropical Insect Science A
1 International Journal on Child Maltreatment: Research, Policy and Practice A
1 International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing A
1 International Perspectives on Early Childhood Education and Development
1 International Perspectives on the Teaching and Learning of Mathematical Modelling
1 International Review of Economics A
1 International Review of Education A
1 International Review on Public and Nonprofit Marketing A
1 International Series in Operations Research and Management Science
1 International Series in Software Engineering
1 International Studies in Entrepreneurship
1 Internet of Things
1 Iranian Journal of Science A
1 Iranian Journal of Science and Technology - Transactions of Electrical Engineering A
1 Irish Journal of Medical Science A
1 Issues in Science and Religion: Publications of the European Society for the Study of Science and Theology
1 Italian Economic Journal A
1 Italian Journal of Marketing A
1 IUTAM Bookseries
1 IZA Journal of European Labor Studies
1 IZA Journal of Migration A
1 Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics
1 Jahrbuch für Regional Wissenschaft A
1 Jahresbericht der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung (Teubner) A
1 Japanese Economic Review A
1 Japanese Journal of Radiology A
1 Japanese Journal of Statistics and Data Science (JJSD) A
1 JBIC Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry A
1 JETP Letters
1 Jewish History A
1 Jindal Global Law Review A
1 Journal for General Philosophy of Science (JGPS) A
1 Journal for labour market research A
1 Journal of Academic Ethics A
1 Journal of Adult Development A
1 Journal of advanced ceramics
1 Journal of African American Studies (JAAS) A
1 Journal of Aging and Identity
1 Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics A
1 Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics A
1 Journal of Analytical Chemistry
1 Journal of Applied and Computational Topology A
1 Journal of Applied Phycology A
1 Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies
1 Journal of Applied Youth Studies (JAYS) A
1 Journal of Arid Land A
1 Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders A
1 Journal of Banking and Financial Technology A
1 Journal of Behavioral Education A
1 Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research A
1 Journal of behavioral medicine A
1 Journal of Big Data A
1 Journal of Bio- and Tribo-Corrosion A
1 Journal of Bioenergetics and Biomembranes A
1 Journal of Bioethical Inquiry A
1 Journal of Biomolecular NMR A
1 Journal of Bionic Engineering (JBE) A
1 Journal of Bone and Mineral Metabolism A
1 Journal of business and psychology A
1 Journal of Business Economics (JBE) A
1 Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology A
1 Journal of cancer survivorship A
1 Journal of Cardiovascular Translational Research (JCTR) A
1 Journal of cell communication and signaling A
1 Journal of Central South University A
1 Journal of chemical biology
1 Journal of Cheminformatics A
1 Journal of Child and Adolescent Trauma A
1 Journal of Children's Orthopaedics A
1 Journal of Chinese Political Science (JCPS) A
1 Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring (JCSHM) A
1 Journal of Classification A
1 Journal of Cloud Computing A
1 Journal of Coal Science and Engineering (China)
1 Journal of Coastal Conservation A
1 Journal of Coatings Technology and Research (JCTR) A
1 Journal of Cognitive Enhancement A
1 Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy
1 Journal of Community Genetics A
1 Journal of Comparative Germanic Linguistics A
1 Journal of Comparative Physiology A. Sensory, neural, and behavioral physiology A
1 Journal of Comparative Physiology. B, Biochemical, Systemic, and Environmental Physiology A
1 Journal of Computational Social Science (JCSS) A
1 Journal of Computer-Aided Materials Design
1 Journal of Computers in Education (JCE) A
1 Journal of Computing in Higher Education A
1 Journal of Consumer Policy A
1 Journal of Control, Automation and Electrical Systems A
1 Journal of Cryptographic Engineering (JCEN) A
1 Journal of Cultural Cognitive Science A
1 Journal of Developmental and Life-Course Criminology A
1 Journal of Dynamic Behavior of Materials A
1 Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems A
1 Journal of Earth Science A
1 Journal of Earth System Science
1 Journal of Ecology and Environment
1 Journal of Economic Structures A
1 Journal of Economics A
1 Journal of Economics and Finance A
1 Journal of Electrical Systems and Information Technology A
1 Journal of Electroceramics A
1 Journal of Elliptic and Parabolic Equations (JEPE) A
1 Journal of Environmental Health Science and Engineering A
1 Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences A
1 Journal of Epidemiology and Global Health (JEGH) A
1 Journal of Ethology A
1 Journal of Evolutionary Biochemistry and Physiology
1 Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics
1 Journal of Experimental Criminology A
1 Journal of Experimental Orthopaedics A
1 Journal of Failure Analysis and Prevention A
1 Journal of Family Violence A
1 Journal of financial services research A
1 Journal of Flow Chemistry A
1 Journal of Forestry Research A
1 Journal of Frailty & Aging (JFA) A
1 Journal of Gambling Studies A
1 Journal of Gastrointestinal Cancer A
1 Journal of General Internal Medicine (JGIM) A
1 Journal of Geographical Systems A
1 Journal of Geovisualization and Spatial Analysis (JGSA) A
1 Journal of Global Entrepreneurship Research A
1 Journal of Global Optimization A
1 Journal of Grid Computing A
1 Journal of Happiness Studies A
1 Journal of Healthcare Informatics Research (JHIR) A
1 Journal of Homotopy and Related Structures (JHRS) A
1 Journal of Housing and the Built Environment A
1 Journal of Human Genetics
1 Journal of Human Rights and Social Work A
1 Journal of Hydrodynamics A
1 Journal of Iberian Geology A
1 Journal of Ichthyology
1 Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health A
1 Journal of Inclusion Phenomena and Macrocyclic Chemistry A
1 Journal of Industrial and Business Economics (JIBE) A
1 Journal of Inequalities and Applications A
1 Journal of Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves A
1 Journal of Infrastructure Preservation and Resilience A
1 Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship A
1 Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials A
1 Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems A
1 Journal of Intelligent Information Systems A
1 Journal of International Entrepreneurship A
1 Journal of International Humanitarian Action A
1 Journal of International Migration and Integration A
1 Journal of Internet Services and Applications
1 Journal of Iron and Steel Research International A
1 Journal of Logic, Language and Information A
1 Journal of Low Temperature Physics A
1 Journal of mammary gland biology and neoplasia A
1 Journal of Management Control A
1 Journal of Materials Research A
1 Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine A
1 Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics A
1 Journal of Mathematical Sciences A
1 Journal of Mathematics in Industry A
1 Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology
1 Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering (JMBE) A
1 Journal of Medical Systems A
1 Journal of Membrane Biology A
1 Journal of Meteorological Research A
1 Journal of Molecular Evolution A
1 Journal of Molecular Histology A
1 Journal of Molecular Medicine A
1 Journal of Molecular Modeling A
1 Journal of Molecular Neuroscience A
1 Journal of Mountain Science A
1 Journal of Natural Medicines A
1 Journal of Nephrology (JN) A
1 Journal of Neural Transmission A
1 Journal of Neuroimmune Pharmacology (JNIP) A
1 Journal of Neuro-Oncology A
1 Journal of Neurovirology A
1 Journal of New Approaches in Educational Research (NAER) A
1 Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics A
1 Journal of nonverbal behavior A
1 Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology of India A
1 Journal of Ocean Engineering and Marine Energy A
1 Journal of Oceanology and Limnology A
1 Journal of Ophthalmic Inflammation and Infection A
1 Journal of Optics (India) A
1 Journal of Ornithology A
1 Journal of Orthopaedics and Traumatology A
1 Journal of Patient-Reported Outcomes A
1 Journal of Peridynamics and Nonlocal Modeling A
1 Journal of Pest Science A
1 Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology A
1 Journal of Pharmaceutical Innovation A
1 Journal of Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics A
1 Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion (JPED) A
1 Journal of Plant Biology A
1 Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection (JPDP) A
1 Journal of Plant Research A
1 Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology A
1 Journal of Polymers and the Environment A
1 Journal of Population Ageing A
1 Journal of Population Research A
1 Journal of Power Electronics (JPE) A
1 Journal of Prevention of Alzheimer's Disease (JPAD) A
1 Journal of Productivity Analysis A
1 Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment A
1 Journal of Psycholinguistic Research A
1 Journal of Psychology and Judaism
1 Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment A
1 Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Mental Health A
1 Journal of Public Health (Berlin) A
1 Journal of quantitative criminology A
1 Journal of Quantitative Economics A
1 Journal of Real-Time Image Processing A
1 Journal of Reliable Intelligent Environments A
1 Journal of Religious Education A
1 Journal of Remanufacturing A
1 Journal of Robotic Surgery A
1 Journal of Russian Laser Research
1 Journal of Science Education and Technology A
1 Journal of Science in Sport and Exercise (SSEJ) A
1 Journal of Scientific Computing A
1 Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University (Science) A
1 Journal of Shipping and Trade A
1 Journal of Signal Processing Systems A
1 Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology A
1 Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry A
1 Journal of Solution Chemistry A
1 Journal of Structural Chemistry
1 Journal of Superconductivity
1 Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism A
1 Journal of Surface Investigation: X-ray, Synchrotron and Neutron Techniques
1 Journal of Sustainable Metallurgy A
1 Journal of Systems and Synthetic Biology
1 Journal of Systems Integration
1 Journal of Systems Science and Complexity A
1 Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering A
1 Journal of the History of Biology A
1 Journal of the Indian Institute of Science A
1 Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing A
1 Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series A A
1 Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series C A
1 Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series D A
1 Journal of the Knowledge Economy A
1 Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society A
1 Journal of the Korean Statistical Society A
1 Journal of the Operations Research Society of China A
1 Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry A
1 Journal of Thermal Science A
1 Journal of Transportation Security A
1 Journal of Ultrasound A
1 Journal of Value Inquiry A
1 Journal of VLSI Signal Processing Systems for Signal, Image and Video Technology
1 Journal of Wood Science A
1 Journal of Zhejiang University: Science A A
1 Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces A
1 JPC - Journal of Planar Chromatography - Modern TLC A
1 Jus Cogens. A Critical Journal of Philosophy of Law and Politics A
1 Kartographische Nachrichten A
1 Knowledge and Space
1 Knowledge Studies in Higher Education
1 Korea-Australia Rheology Journal A
1 KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering
1 Künstliche Intelligenz A
1 Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie A
1 La radiologia medica A
1 La Rivista del Nuovo Cimento A
1 Landolt-Börnstein - Group II Molecules and Radicals
1 Landolt-Börnstein - Group III Condensed Matter
1 Landolt-Börnstein - Group IV Physical Chemistry
1 Landolt-Börnstein - Group V Geophysics
1 Landolt-Börnstein - Group VI Astronomy and Astrophysics
1 Landolt-Börnstein - Group VIII Advanced Materials and Technologies
1 Landolt-Börnstein: Numerical Data and Functional Relationships in Science and Technology
1 Landscape Ecology A
1 Landscapes: the arts, aesthetics, and education
1 Landslides. Journal of the International Consortium on Landslides A
1 Langenbeck's Archives of Surgery A
1 Language Policy A
1 Language Policy (Monographic series)
1 Language Testing in Asia A
1 Language, Cognition and Mind
1 Large-scale Assessments in Education A
1 Law and Critique A
1 Law and Philosophy Library
1 Law and Visual Jurisprudence
1 Learning & Behavior A
1 Learning and Analytics in Intelligent Systems (LAIS)
1 Learning Environments Research A
1 Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing
1 Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering
1 Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering
1 Lecture Notes in Computational Vision and Biomechanics
1 Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
1 Lecture Notes in Earth System Sciences (LNESS)
1 Lecture Notes in Educational Technology
1 Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering
1 Lecture notes in Energy
1 Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography
1 Lecture Notes in Information Systems and Organisation (LNISO)
1 Lecture Notes in Logistics (LNL)
1 Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering
1 Lecture Notes in Mobility
1 Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems
1 Lecture Notes in Production Engineering
1 Lecture Notes in Statistics
1 Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering
1 Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies
1 Lessons from the ICU
1 Letters in spatial and resource sciences A
1 Life Course Research and Social Policies
1 Life Cycle Reliability and Safety Engineering A
1 Lifelong Learning Book Series
1 Lifetime Data Analysis A
1 Limnology A
1 Literacy Studies
1 Lithuanian Mathematical Journal A
1 Liverpool Law Review A
1 Living Reviews in Relativity A
1 LNCS Transactions on Aspect-Oriented Software Development
1 Local Sustainability
1 Logic and Analysis
1 Logic, Argumentation & Reasoning: Interdisciplinary Perspectives from the Humanities and Social Sciences
1 M@n@gement
1 Machine Translation
1 Machine Vision and Applications A
1 Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine A
1 Mammal Research A
1 Mammalian Biology A
1 Mammalian Genome A
1 Management for Professionals
1 Management Review Quarterly (MRQ) A
1 Managing Forest Ecosystems
1 Manuscripta mathematica A
1 MARE Publication Series
1 Marine Biodiversity A
1 Marine Biology A
1 Marine Biotechnology A
1 Marine Geophysical Research A
1 Marine Systems & Ocean Technology A
1 Maritime Studies A
1 Materials and Structures A
1 Materials Circular Economy A
1 Materials for Renewable and Sustainable Energy A
1 Mathematical Geosciences A
1 Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations
1 Mathematical Notes
1 Mathematical Programming Computation A
1 Mathematical Sciences A
1 Mathematics and Financial Economics A
1 Mathematics and Visualization
1 Mathematics Education in the Digital Era (MEDE)
1 Mathematics Education Library
1 Mathematics Education Research Journal A
1 Mathematics in Industry
1 Measuring Operations Performance
1 Mechanics of Soft Materials A
1 Mechanisms and Machine Science
1 Media Business and Innovation
1 Medical Molecular Morphology A
1 Medical Oncology (MO) A
1 Medical Radiology
1 Medical Science Educator A
1 Medicinal Chemistry Research A
1 Medicine, Health care and Philosophy A
1 Memetic Computing A
1 Memory & Cognition A
1 Metabolomics A
1 Metacognition and Learning A
1 Metallurgical and Materials Transactions E
1 Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability A
1 Methods in pharmacology and toxicology
1 Metron A
1 Microbial Ecology A
1 Microbiology
1 Microfluidics and Nanofluidics A
1 Microplastics and Nanoplastics A
1 Microsystem Technologies : Micro- and Nanosystems Information Storage and Processing Systems A
1 Mikrochimica Acta A
1 Mind & Society A
1 Mindfulness A
1 Minds and Machines A
1 Mineral Economics A
1 Mineralogy and Petrology A
1 Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration (MME) A
1 MIR. Management International Review: journal of international business A
1 Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change A
1 Mobile Networks and Applications A
1 Modeling Earth Systems and Environment A
1 Modeling, Simulation and Applications
1 Modern Approaches in Solid Earth Sciences
1 Molecular and Integrative Toxicology
1 Molecular Biotechnology A
1 Molecular General Genetics
1 Molecular Genetics and Genomics A
1 Motivation and Emotion A
1 MRS Advances A
1 MRS Communications A
1 Multilingual Education
1 Multimedia Systems A
1 Multimedia Tools and Applications A
1 Mycological Progress A
1 Mycorrhiza A
1 Mycotoxin Research A
1 NachhaltigkeitsManagementForum
1 Nano Reseach A
1 NanoEthics A
1 Nano-Micro Letters (NML) A
1 National academy science letters A
1 NATO Science for Peace and Security Series B: Physics and Biophysics
1 NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C: Environmental Security
1 NATO Science Series : Sub Series IV, Earth and Environmental Sciences
1 NATO Science Series : Sub-Series II, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry
1 Natural Computing A
1 Natural Computing Series
1 Natural Language Semantics A
1 Natural Resources Research A
1 Nebraska Symposium on Motivation
1 Neohelicon A
1 Neue Politische Literatur A
1 Neural Computing & Applications A
1 Neuroethics A
1 Neuroinformatics A
1 Neuromethods
1 Neuropsychiatrie A
1 Neurotherapeutics A
1 Neutron scattering applications and techniques
1 New ICMI Studies Series
1 New Zealand Journal of Educational Studies A
1 Nonprofit and Civil Society Studies
1 Nordic Wittgenstein Studies
1 Notfall & Rettungsmedizin A
1 Numanities - Arts and Humanities in Progress
1 Numerical Algorithms A
1 Numerical Analysis and Applications
1 Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems A
1 Obere Extremitat A
1 Obesity Surgery A
1 Occupational Health Science A
1 Ocean Dynamics A
1 Ocean Engineering & Oceanography
1 Ocean Science Journal A
1 Oceanology
1 Open Economies Review A
1 Operational Research A
1 Operations Management Research A
1 Operations Research Proceedings
1 Operations Research, Computer Science. Interfaces Series
1 Operator Theory: Advances and Applications
1 Optical and Quantum Electronics A
1 Optimization and Engineering A
1 Optimization Letters A
1 OR Spectrum: quantitative approaches in management A
1 Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery A
1 Oral Radiology A
1 Organic Agriculture A
1 Osteoporosis International A
1 Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments A
1 Palaeontologische Zeitschrift A
1 Particle Acceleration and Detection
1 Partner Abuse
1 Pastoral Psychology A
1 Pastoralism
1 Pattern Analysis and Applications A
1 Pediatric Cardiology A
1 Pediatric Radiology A
1 Pediatric Surgery International A
1 Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications A
1 Personal and Ubiquitous Computing A
1 Perspectives on Medical Education
1 Pflügers Archiv: European Journal of Physiology A
1 Pharmaceutical Medicine A
1 Pharmacological Reports A
1 Philosophia A
1 Philosophical Studies Series
1 Philosophy & Technology A
1 Philosophy of Engineering and Technology
1 Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences A
1 Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine A
1 Physics in Perspective A
1 Phänomenologische Erziehungswissenschaft
1 Plant Ecology A
1 Plant Molecular Biology Reporter A
1 Plant Systematics and Evolution A
1 Planta A
1 Plasmonics A
1 Polar Biology A
1 Policy and Pedagogy with Under-three Year Olds (POPED)
1 Policy Implications of Research in Education
1 Politics of Citizenship and Migration
1 Politische Vierteljahresschrift A
1 Postdigital Science and Education A
1 Potato Research A
1 Power Systems
1 Precision Agriculture A
1 Prevention Science A
1 Primates A
1 Probiotics and Antimicrobial Proteins A
1 Problem Books in Mathematics
1 Process Integration and Optimization for Sustainability A
1 Production Engineering A
1 Professional and Practice-based Learning
1 Progress in Additive Manufacturing A
1 Progress in Artificial Intelligence A
1 Progress in Biomaterials A
1 Progress in Botany
1 Progress in Colloid and Polymer Science
1 Progress in Earth and Planetary Science A
1 Progress in Mathematics
1 Progress in Orthodontics A
1 Progress in Probability
1 Progress in the Chemistry of Organic Natural Products
1 Prospect: Quarterly Review of Comparative Education A
1 Protein and Cell A
1 Psicologia: Reflexão e Crítica A
1 Psychodrama in Counselling, Coaching and Education
1 Psychological Research A
1 Psychonomic Bulletin & Review A
1 Psychopharmacology A
1 Psychotherapeut (Berlin)
1 Public Administration and Information Technology
1 Public Choice A
1 Public Transport A
1 Publications of the International Cartographic Association (ICA)
1 Pure and Applied Geophysics (PAGEOPH) A
1 Purinergic Signalling Purinergic Signalling A
1 Quality & Quantity: International Journal of Methodology A
1 Quality and User Experience A
1 Quantitative Geology and Geostatistics
1 Quantitative Marketing and Economics A
1 Quantum Studies: Mathematics and Foundations A
1 Quarterly Journal of the Operational Research Society of India (OPSEARCH) A
1 Race and Social Problems A
1 Radiological Physics and Technology A
1 Railway Engineering Science A
1 Rare Metals A
1 Recent Results in Cancer Research
1 Reference series in phytochemistry
1 Regional Geology Reviews
1 Regional Research of Russia
1 Rendiconti del circolo matematico di Palermo A
1 Rendiconti Lincei. Scienze Fisiche e Naturali A
1 Reproductive Sciences A
1 Res Publica A
1 Research in Health Services and Regions A
1 Research in Higher Education A
1 Research in Mathematics Education (Cham)
1 Research in Number Theory A
1 Research in Science Education A
1 Research in the Mathematical Sciences A
1 Results and Problems in Cell Differentiation
1 Results in Mathematics (RM) A
1 Review Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders A
1 Review of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Studies (RAFE) A
1 Review of Economics of the Household A
1 Review of Evolutionary Political Economy (REPE) A
1 Review of Managerial Science A
1 Review of Philosophy and Psychology A
1 Reviews of Physiology, Biochemistry and Pharmacology
1 Reviews: Methods and Technologies in Fish Biology and Fisheries
1 Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A. Matemáticas A
1 Revista Matemática Complutense A
1 Revue internationale de Sémiotique juridique A
1 Rheologica Acta A
1 RILEM Bookseries
1 RILEM state-of-the-art reports
1 Russian Physics Journal
1 Sādhanā (Bangalore)
1 Sankhya A, The Indian Journal of Statistics A
1 Sankhya B, The Indian Journal of Statistics A
1 School Mental Health A
1 Science & Education A
1 Science Across Cultures: The History of Non-Western Science (SACH)
1 Science and Engineering Ethics A
1 Science China Information Sciences A
1 Science China Life Sciences A
1 Science China Mathematics A
1 Science China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy A
1 Science in China Series B: Chemistry A
1 Scientific and Technical Information Processing
1 Scientometrics A
1 Second Language Learning and Teaching
1 Security Informatics and Law Enforcement
1 SeMA Journal - Boletin de la Sociedad Española de Matemática Aplicada A
1 SEMA SIMAI Springer Series
1 Seminars in Immunopathology A
1 Sensing and Imaging A
1 SERIEs - Journal of the Spanish Economic Association A
1 Service Business: An International Journal A
1 Service Oriented Computing and Applications A
1 Set-Valued and Variational Analysis A
1 Sex Roles A
1 Sexuality & Culture A
1 Sexuality Research & Social Policy A
1 Signal, Image and Video Processing A
1 Signals and Communication Technology
1 Silicon A
1 Skeletal Radiology A
1 Small Business Economics A
1 Small-scale Forestry A
1 Smart Animal Production
1 Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies
1 Smart Learning Environments A
1 SN Business & Economics A
1 SN Computer Science A
1 SN Operations Research Forum A
1 SN Social Sciences A
1 Social Choice and Welfare A
1 Social Indicators Research Series
1 Social Network Analysis and Mining A
1 Societies and Political Orders in Transition
1 Socio-Ecological Practice Research (SEPR) A
1 Sociology of the Sciences: a Yearbook
1 Solid Mechanics and its Applications
1 Sophia A
1 Sophia Studies in Cross-cultural Philosophy of Traditions and Cultures
1 Space Science Reviews A
1 Spine Deformity A
1 Sport Sciences for Health A
1 Sports Medicine - Open A
1 Springer Atmospheric Sciences
1 Springer briefs in education
1 Springer Climate
1 Springer Earth System Sciences
1 Springer Geography
1 Springer Handbooks
1 Springer INdAM Series
1 Springer International Handbooks of Education
1 Springer Optimization and Its Applications (SOIA)
1 Springer Polar Sciences
1 Springer Proceedings in Advanced Robotics (SPAR)
1 Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics
1 Springer Proceedings in Complexity
1 Springer Proceedings in Earth and Environmental Sciences
1 Springer Proceedings in Energy
1 Springer Proceedings in Materials
1 Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics
1 Springer Proceedings in Physics
1 Springer Series in Advanced Manufacturing
1 Springer Series in Bio-/Neuroinformatics
1 Springer Series in Chemical Physics
1 Springer Series in Design and Innovation (SSDI)
1 Springer Series in Geomechanics and Geoengineering
1 Springer Series in Materials Science
1 Springer Series in Reliability Engineering
1 Springer Series in Statistics
1 Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics
1 Springer Tracts in Modern Physics
1 Springer Tracts on Transportation and Traffic
1 SpringerBriefs in Accounting
1 SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology
1 SpringerBriefs in Complexity
1 SpringerBriefs in Computer Science
1 SpringerBriefs in Ethics
1 SpringerBriefs in Finance
1 SpringerBriefs in Safety Management
1 SpringerBriefs in Statistics
1 Statistical Inference for Stochastic Processes : An International Journal devoted to Time Series Analysis and the Statistics of Continuous Time Processes and Dynamical Systems A
1 Statistical Methods & Applications A
1 Statistical Papers A
1 Stem Cell Reviews and Reports (SCRR) A
1 Stochastic environmental research and risk assessment (Print) A
1 Stochastics and Partial Differential Equations: Analysis and Computations A
1 Strategies for Sustainability
1 Strength of Materials
1 Structural And Multidisciplinary Optimization A
1 Structural Integrity
1 Studia Logica: An International Journal for Symbolic Logic A
1 Studies in Arts-Based Educational Research
1 Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization
1 Studies in comparative international development A
1 Studies in Computational Intelligence
1 Studies in East European thought A
1 Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing
1 Studies in Global Justice 
1 Studies in Linguistics and Philosophy
1 Studies in Systems, Decision and Control (SSDC)
1 Subcellular biochemistry
1 Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy A
1 Sustainability Nexus Forum (SNF) A
1 Sustainability Science A
1 Sustainable Agriculture Reviews
1 Sustainable Development and Biodiversity
1 Sustainable Development Goals Series
1 Sustainable Energy Research A
1 Sustainable Finance
1 Sustainable Water Resources Management A
1 Swarm Intelligence A
1 Swiss Journal of Geosciences A
1 Swiss Journal of Palaeontology A
1 Systemic Practice and Action Research A
1 Targeted oncology A
1 Teacher Education, Learning Innovation and Accountability
1 TechTrends A
1 Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Science (TAO)
1 Tertiary Education and Management A
1 Text, Speech and Language Technology
1 Textbooks in Telecommunications Engineering
1 Thalassas A
1 The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher (TAPER) A
1 The Australian Educational Researcher A
1 The Egyptian Heart Journal A
1 The Enabling Power of Assessment
1 The European Physical Journal E : Soft matter A
1 The European Physical Journal H A
1 The European Physical Journal Plus A
1 The European Physical Journal Special Topics A
1 The Geneva Risk and Insurance Review
1 The Information Retrieval Series (IR)
1 The International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal A
1 The International Journal of Cardiovascular Imaging A
1 The International Sports Law Journal A
1 The Journal of Chinese Sociology A
1 The Journal of Headache and Pain A
1 The Journal of the Astronautical Sciences A
1 The Minerals, Metals & Materials Series
1 The Protein Journal A
1 The Psychological Record A
1 The Ramanujan Journal A
1 The Review of Austrian Economics A
1 The Urban review A
1 The Visual Computer A
1 Theoretical and Applied Climatology A
1 Theoretical and Experimental Plant Physiology A
1 Theoretical Chemistry Accounts A
1 Theoretical Ecology A
1 Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics A
1 Theory and Decision Library C: Game Theory, Mathematical Programming and Operations Research
1 Theory and History in the Human and Social Sciences
1 Theory of Computing Systems A
1 Therapeutic Innovation and Regulatory Science A
1 Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine A
1 T-Labs Series in Telecommunication Services
1 TOP - An Official Journal of the Spanish Society of Statistics and Operations Research A
1 Topics in Medicinal Chemistry
1 Topoi A
1 Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals A
1 Transactions of Tianjin University A
1 Transactions on Computational Collective Intelligence
1 Transactions on Computer Systems and Networks
1 Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Materials (TEEM) A
1 Transactions on Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered Systems
1 Transdisciplinary Perspectives in Educational Research
1 Transformation Groups A
1 Translational Stroke Research A
1 Tree Genetics & Genomes A
1 Trees A
1 Trends in Mathematics
1 Trends in Psychology A
1 Trends in the History of Science
1 Tropical Ecology A
1 Ultrasound Journal A
1 Understanding Complex Systems
1 Understanding Innovation
1 Unsupervised and Semi-Supervised Learning
1 Unterrichtswissenschaft – Zeitschrift für Lernforschung A
1 Urban Book Series
1 Urban Ecosystems A
1 Urban Rail Transit A
1 Urolithiasis A
1 Vegetation History and Archaeobotany A
1 Vertebrate Paleobiology and Paleoanthropology
1 Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook
1 Vietnam Journal of Mathematics A
1 Violence and Victims
1 Virchows Archiv A
1 Virologica Sinica
1 VirusDisease A
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0 The Economics of Non-Market Goods and Resources
0 The International Library of Ethics, Law and Technology
0 Urological research
0 Vestnik St. Petersburg University: Mathematics
0 When the Land Meets the Sea
0 Yearbook of international sports arbitration
0 Zeitschrift für Arbeitswissenschaft A
0 Zeitschrift für Grundschulforschung (ZfG) A
0 Zentralblatt MATH
0 AAPPS Bulletin A


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2024 1
2023 1 66.5488 75.1934
2022 1 70.8754 75.9883
2021 1 64.3509 69.0002
2020 1 78.981 82.1416
2019 1 53.1004 61.0694
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2010 1 106.67 87.993
2009 1 78.56 68.58
2008 1 71.603 70.431
2007 1 59.563 48.4881
2006 1 51.563 54.4081
2005 1 60.78 46.846
2004 1 24.124 23.3368
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