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Springer Nature

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Springer Nature
ITAR-kode: 3124
Land: Nederland
Assosierte tidsskrift 99. Vis [+]
99 aktive tidsskrift funnet.
Nivå Tittel Publiseringsavtale
2 Critical Care A
2 Molecular Psychiatry
2 Nature Cancer
2 Nature Communications A
2 The Journal of Ethics A
1 Anthropocene – Humanities and Social Sciences
1 BDJ Open A
1 Biodiversity and Conservation A
1 Blood Cancer Journal A
1 Cell Death & Disease A
1 Cell death discovery A
1 Cell Discovery A
1 Child Maltreatment (Dordrecht)
1 Communications Biology A
1 Communications chemistry A
1 Communications Earth & Environment A
1 Communications Materials A
1 Communications Medicine A
1 Communications Physics A
1 Computational Visual Media A
1 Conservation Genetics A
1 Corporate Reputation Review
1 Current Pollution Reports A
1 Dermatology and Therapy A
1 Diabetes Therapy A
1 Discover Applied Sciences A
1 Drugs - real world outcomes A
1 Drugs in R&D A
1 Ecological Processes A
1 EJNMMI Physics A
1 EPJ Data Science A
1 Experimental and Molecular Medicine A
1 Exposure and Health A
1 Geothermal Energy A
1 Horticulture Research A
1 Infectious Diseases and Therapy A
1 Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering A
1 Innovative Higher Education A
1 ISME Communications
1 Israel Journal of Health Policy Research A
1 Journal of Data, Information and Management A
1 Journal of Ethnic Foods A
1 Journal of Intensive Care A
1 Journal of Outdoor and Environmental Education (JOEE) A
1 Lecture Notes in Operations Research (LNOR)
1 Lecture Notes in Physics monographs
1 Light: Science & Applications (LSA) A
1 Microsystems & Nanoengineering A
1 Nano Convergence A
1 Netherlands Heart Journal A
1 Neurology and Therapy A
1 NPG Asia Materials A
1 npj 2D Materials and Applications A
1 npj Aging and Mechanisms of Disease A
1 npj Biofilms and Microbiomes A
1 NPJ breast cancer A
1 npj Clean Water A
1 npj Climate and Atmospheric Science A
1 npj Computational Materials A
1 npj Digital Medicine A
1 npj Materials Degradation A
1 npj Microgravity A
1 NPJ Parkinson's Disease A
1 NPJ precision oncology A
1 Npj Primary Care Respiratory Medicine A
1 npj Quantum Information A
1 npj Quantum Materials A
1 npj Regenerative Medicine A
1 npj Science of Food A
1 npj Science of learning A
1 npj Systems Biology and Applications A
1 npj Urban Sustainability A
1 npj Vaccines A
1 Nutrition & Diabetes A
1 Oncogenesis A
1 Oncology and Therapy A
1 Ophthalmology and Therapy A
1 Pain and Therapy A
1 PharmacoEconomics - Open A
1 Pioneers in Arts, Humanities, Science, Engineering, Practice (PAHSEP)
1 Rheumatology and therapy A
1 Safety in Extreme Environments A
1 Schizophrenia A
1 SCIENCE CHINA Materials (SCMs) A
1 Scientific Data A
1 Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy A
1 SN Partial Differential Equations and Applications (SN PDE) A
1 Spinal Cord Series and Cases
1 Tijdschrift voor Urologie A
1 Translational Psychiatry A
1 Yearbook of Socio-Economic Constitutions (YSEC)
0 Biomed Central Rheumatology A
0 Cureus - Journal of Medical Science
0 Environmental Systems Research A
0 Nature Cities
0 Nature Water
0 Springer Series in Social Work and Social Change
0 SpringerBriefs in Social Work and Social Change


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✅ Internasjonal forfatterkrets

Nivåplasseringer og UH-sektorens publiseringspoeng

År Nivå Forfatterandeler Publiseringspoeng
2024 1
2023 1 45.4937 44.5255
2022 1 51.1863 65.8085
2021 1 44.3086 63.404
2020 1 67.425 69.837
2019 1 60.9456 62.3763
2018 1 39.2643 51.625
2017 1 4.5833 4.8058
Offentliggjøres i mai året etter


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