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Sage Publications

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Sage Publications


ITAR-kode: 67
Land: USA
Assosierte tidsskrift 683. Vis [+]
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Nivå Tittel Publiseringsavtale
2 Acta Sociologica A
2 Administrative Science Quarterly A
2 Adult Education Quarterly A
2 AlterNative: An International Journal of Indigenous Peoples A
2 American Journal of Sports Medicine A
2 American Review of Public Administration A
2 Anthropological Theory A
2 Autism A
2 Childhood A
2 Clinical Psychological Science A
2 Communication Research A
2 Comparative Political Studies A
2 Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood A
2 Critical Social Policy A
2 Discourse & Society A
2 Discourse Studies A
2 Educational Administration Quarterly A
2 Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis A
2 Educational Researcher A
2 Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice A
2 Environment and Behavior A
2 Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space A
2 European Educational Research Journal A
2 European Journal of Communication A
2 European Journal of International Relations A
2 European Journal of Personality
2 European Union Politics A
2 European Urban and Regional Studies A
2 Exceptional children A
2 Feminist Theory A
2 Games and Culture A
2 Gender & Society A
2 History of the Human Sciences A
2 Human Relations A
2 International Journal of Bilingualism A
2 International journal of cultural studies A
2 International Journal of Maritime History A
2 International Journal of Music Education A
2 International Journal of Qualitative Methods (IJQM) A
2 International Migration Review A
2 International Political Science Review A
2 International Social Work A
2 Journal for the Study of the New Testament A
2 Journal for the Study of the Old Testament A
2 Journal of Attention Disorders A
2 Journal of Building Physics A
2 Journal of Conflict Resolution A
2 Journal of Contemporary History A
2 Journal of Early Childhood Literacy A
2 Journal of Egyptian Archaeology (JEA) A
2 Journal of English Linguistics A
2 Journal of European Social Policy A
2 Journal of Family History A
2 Journal of Health and Social Behavior A
2 Journal of information science A
2 Journal of International Marketing A
2 Journal of Interpersonal Violence A
2 Journal of Management A
2 Journal of material culture A
2 Journal of Modern European History
2 Journal of Peace Research A
2 Journal of research in crime and delinquency A
2 Journal of research in music education A
2 Journal of Service Research A
2 Journal of Social Archaeology A
2 Journal of Teacher Education A
2 Journal of Theoretical Politics A
2 Journal of Travel Research A
2 Journal of Visual Culture A
2 Journalism - Theory, Practice & Criticism A
2 Language and Literature A
2 Language Teaching Research A
2 Learning Disability Quarterly A
2 Media, Culture and Society A
2 Men and Masculinities A
2 Modern China A
2 Musicae Scientiae A
2 Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law (MJ) A
2 Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights (NQHR) A
2 New Media & Society A
2 Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly A
2 Organization Studies A
2 Organizational Research Methods A
2 Party Politics A
2 Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin A
2 Perspectives on Psychological Science A
2 Philosophy of the Social Sciences A
2 Police Quarterly (PQ) A
2 Political Studies A
2 Progress in Human Geography A
2 Psychological Science A
2 Psychology of women quarterly A
2 Qualitative Health Research A
2 Qualitative Research A
2 Qualitative Social Work A
2 Review of Educational Research A
2 Science, Technology and Human Values A
2 Second Language Research A
2 Security Dialogue A
2 Sexualities A
2 Social Studies of Science A
2 Sociological Methods & Research A
2 Sociological Review A
2 Sociological theory A
2 Sociology A
2 Sociology of education A
2 Statistical Methods in Medical Research A
2 Studia liturgica: An International Ecumenical Review for Liturgical Research and Renewal A
2 Studies in Christian Ethics A
2 Television & New Media A
2 The American Educational Research Journal (AERJ) A
2 The European Journal of Women's Studies A
2 The International Journal of Press/Politics A
2 The Journal of special education A
2 Topics in Early Childhood Special Education A
2 Urban Studies A
2 Work and occupations A
2 Work, Employment and Society A
2 Written Communication: an international quarterly of research, theory, and application A
1 Abhigyan
1 Accounting History A
1 Acta Radiologica
1 Acta Radiologica Open A
1 Acta Radiologica Short Reports
1 Action research A
1 Active Learning in Higher Education A
1 Adaptive Behavior A
1 Administration & Society A
1 Adult Learning A
1 Advanced Composites Letters A
1 Advances in Developing Human Resources A
1 Advances in Mechanical Engineering A
1 Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science (AMPPS) A
1 AERA Open A
1 Affilia A
1 Alternative Law Journal A
1 American Behavioral Scientist A
1 American Journal of Alzheimer's Disease and other Dementias (AJADD) A
1 American Journal of Evaluation (AJE) A
1 American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine A
1 American Journal of Medical Quality
1 American Journal of Men's Health A
1 American Journal of Rhinology & Allergy A
1 American Politics Research A
1 Angiology A
1 Animation A
1 Annals of the ICRP A
1 Applied Psychological Measurement A
1 Arts and Humanities in Higher Education A
1 Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health (APJPH) A
1 Asian and Pacific Migration Journal (APMJ) A
1 Asian Journal for Mathematics Education (AJME) A
1 Assessment (ASM) A
1 Assessment for Effective Intervention (AEI) A
1 Australian Journal of Career Development A
1 Australian Journal of Education A
1 Autism & Developmental Language Impairments A
1 Behavior Modification A
1 Behavioral Disorders A
1 betsy.mccoach@uconn.eduThe gifted child quarterly A
1 Big Data & Society (BD&S) A
1 Bioinformatics and Biology Insights A
1 Biological Research for Nursing A
1 Biomarker Insights A
1 BMS. Bulletin de méthodologie sociologique A
1 Body & Society A
1 Breast Cancer: Basic and Clinical Research A
1 British Journal of Music Therapy (BJMT) A
1 BRQ Business Research Quarterly A
1 Building Acoustics A
1 Building Services Engineering Research & Technology A
1 Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society A
1 Business & Society A
1 Business and Professional Communication Quarterly A
1 Cahiers Élisabéthains: A Journal of English Renaissance Studies A
1 Calcutta Statistical Association Bulletin (CSBA) A
1 California Management Review A
1 Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy (CJOT) A
1 Canadian Journal of School Psychology A
1 Cancer Control A
1 Cancer Informatics A
1 Capital and Class A
1 Career Development for Exceptional Individuals
1 Cartilage A
1 Cellular Polymers A
1 Cephalalgia Reports A
1 Child Language Teaching and Therapy A
1 Child Maltreatment (CM) A
1 Chronic Respiratory Disease A
1 Chronic Stress A
1 Citizenship, Social and Economics Education (CSEE) A
1 Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry A
1 Clinical Ethics
1 Clinical Medicine Insights: Case Reports A
1 Clinical Medicine Insights: Pediatrics A
1 Clinical Medicine Insights: Psychiatry A
1 Clinical Nursing Research A
1 Clinical Rehabilitation A
1 Clinical Trials A
1 Clothing & Textiles Research Journal A
1 Communication & Sport A
1 Competition & Change A
1 Competition and Regulation in Network Industries A
1 Concurrent Engineering: Research and Applications (CERA) A
1 Contemporary Sociology A
1 Contributions to Indian sociology A
1 Cooperation and Conflict A
1 Cornell Hospitality Quarterly: hospitality leadership through learning A
1 Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology A
1 Counseling Psychologist A
1 Creative Nursing
1 Crime, Media, Culture: An International Journal A
1 Criminal Justice and Behavior A
1 Criminal Justice Review A
1 Criminology & Criminal Justice A
1 Critical Research on Religion (CRR) A
1 Critical Studies in Television A
1 Critique of Anthropology A
1 Cross-Cultural Research A
1 Cultural Dynamics A
1 Cultural Sociology A
1 Cultural Studies - Critical Methodologies A
1 Culture & Psychology A
1 Current Directions in Psychological Science A
1 Current Sociology A
1 Currents in Biblical Research A
1 Dementia A
1 Developmental Child Welfare (DCW) A
1 Diabetes & vascular disease research A
1 Dialogues in Human Geography A
1 Digital Health A
1 Diogenes (English Edition) A
1 Discourse & Communication A
1 Ear, Nose & Throat Journal A
1 East European Politics and Societies A
1 ECNU Review of Education A
1 Economic and Industrial Democracy: an international journal A
1 Education, Citizenship and Social Justice A
1 Educational and Psychological Measurement A
1 Educational Management Administration & Leadership A
1 Educational Policy A
1 E-Learning and Digital Media A
1 Emerging Adulthood A
1 Emotion Review A
1 Energy & Environment A
1 Entrepreneurship Education and Pedagogy (EE&P) A
1 Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space A
1 Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space A
1 Environment and Planning F: Philosophy, Theory, Models, Methods and Practice A
1 Environment and Urbanization ASIA A
1 Environmental Health Insights (EHI) A
1 Epilepsy Currents A
1 Equity in Education & Society A
1 Ethnicities A
1 Ethnography A
1 European History Quarterly A
1 European Journal of Criminology A
1 European Journal of Cultural Studies A
1 European journal of industrial relations A
1 European Journal of Inflammation A
1 European Journal of Political Theory A
1 European Journal of Probation (EJP) A
1 European Journal of Social Security (EJSS) A
1 European Labour Law Journal (ELLJ) A
1 European Physical Education Review A
1 European Stroke Journal A
1 European View A
1 Evaluation & the Health Professions A
1 Evaluation review A
1 Evaluation: International Journal of Theory, Research and Practice A
1 Evolutionary Psychology A
1 Expository Times A
1 Family Business Review A
1 Feminism and Psychology A
1 Feminist Criminology A
1 Feminist Theology A
1 Field Methods A
1 First language A
1 Foot & Ankle Orthopaedics A
1 Foot & ankle specialist. A
1 Forum Italicum A
1 Geriatric Orthopaedic Surgery & Rehabilitation (GOS) A
1 German Journal of Human Resource Management A
1 Gerontology and geriatric medicine A
1 Gifted Education International A
1 Global Advances in Integrative Medicine and Health (Global Advances)
1 Global Business Review A
1 Global Health Promotion A
1 Global Media and China (GMAC) A
1 Global Media and Communication A
1 Global Pediatric Health A
1 Global Qualitative Nursing Research A
1 Global Social Policy A
1 Global Spine Journal (GSJ) A
1 Group & Organization Management A
1 Group Analysis A
1 Group Processes & Intergroup Relations A
1 Hand A
1 Hand Therapy
1 Health A
1 Health Education & Behavior A
1 Health Education Journal A
1 Health Promotion Practice A
1 Health Psychology Open (HPO) A
1 Health Services Insights (HSI Journal) A
1 Health Services Research and Managerial Epidemiology A
1 Healthcare Management Forum (HMF) A
1 High Performance Polymers A
1 Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences A
1 History of Psychiatry A
1 Home Health Care Management & Practice A
1 Homicide Studies A
1 Hong Kong Journal of Emergency Medicine A
1 Human and Experimental Toxicology A
1 Human Resource Development Review A
1 Human Systems - Therapy, Culture and Attachments A
1 Humanity and Society A
1 IFLA Journal A
1 Implementation Research and Practice A
1 Improving Schools A
1 Incarceration: An international journal of imprisonment, detention and coercive confinement A
1 Indian Journal of Gender Studies A
1 Indian Journal of Human Development (IJHD) A
1 Indoor and Built Environment A
1 Industrial & labor relations review A
1 Innate Immunity A
1 International Area Studies Review
1 International Bulletin of Mission Research (IBMR) A
1 International Communication Gazette A
1 International Criminal Justice Review A
1 International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems (IJARS) A
1 International Journal of Behavioral Development A
1 International Journal of Biological Markers (IJBM) A
1 International Journal of Business Communication (IJBC) A
1 International Journal of Care Coordination
1 International Journal of Comparative Sociology A
1 International Journal of Cross Cultural Management A
1 International Journal of Discrimination and the Law A
1 International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks (IJDSN) A
1 International Journal of Electrical Engineering Education A
1 International Journal of Engineering Business Management (IJEBM) A
1 International Journal of Immunopathology and Pharmacology A
1 International Journal of Market Research (IJMR) A
1 International Journal of Micro Air Vehicles A
1 International journal of offender therapy and comparative criminology A
1 International Journal of Protective Structures A
1 International Journal of Rural Management A
1 International Journal of Spray and Combustion Dynamics A
1 International Journal of Tryptophan Research (IJTR) A
1 International Review of Administrative Sciences A
1 International Review of Victimology A
1 International Small Business Journal A
1 International Sociology A
1 Interpretation (Richmond) A
1 Intervention in School and Clinic A
1 Irish Economic and Social History A
1 Jadavpur Journal of International Relations A
1 JDR Clinical and Translational Research A
1 Journal for the Education of the Gifted A
1 Journal for the History of Astronomy A
1 Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha A
1 Journal of Adolescent Research A
1 Journal of Advanced Academics (JAA) A
1 Journal of Aging and Health A
1 Journal of Algorithms and Computational Technology A
1 Journal of Applied Behavioral Science A
1 Journal of Applied Biomaterials & Functional Materials (JABFM) A
1 Journal of Applied Gerontology A
1 Journal of Applied Social Science A
1 Journal of Asian and African Studies A
1 Journal of Biological Rhythms A
1 Journal of Biomaterials Applications A
1 Journal of Black Studies A
1 Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology and Therapeutics A
1 Journal of Career Assessment A
1 Journal of Career Development (JCD) A
1 Journal of Child Health Care A
1 Journal of Chinese Writing System A
1 Journal of Classical Sociology A
1 Journal of Clinical Urology (JCU) A
1 Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making A
1 Journal of Commonwealth Literature A
1 Journal of Communication Inquiry A
1 Journal of Consumer Culture A
1 Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice A
1 Journal of contemporary ethnography A
1 Journal of correctional health care
1 Journal of creative communications A
1 Journal of Criminology (JC)
1 Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology A
1 Journal of Current Chinese Affairs A
1 Journal of Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery (JCMS) A
1 Journal of Developing Societies A
1 Journal of Drug Issues (JDI) A
1 Journal of Early Adolescence A
1 Journal of Early Intervention A
1 Journal of educational and behavioral statistics A
1 Journal of educational computing research A
1 Journal of Educational Technology Systems A
1 Journal of Emerging Market Finance A
1 Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders A
1 Journal of Endometriosis and Pelvic Pain Disorders (JEPPD) A
1 Journal of Eurasian Studies A
1 Journal of European Studies A
1 Journal of Experiential Education (JEE) A
1 Journal of Family Issues A
1 Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery Open Reports (JFMS Open Reports) A
1 Journal of General Management (JGM) A
1 Journal of Hand Surgery (European Volume) A
1 Journal of Health Management A
1 Journal of Health Psychology A
1 Journal of Heritage Management A
1 Journal of Hispanic Higher Education A
1 Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry A
1 Journal of Holistic Nursing A
1 Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research A
1 Journal of Human Lactation A
1 Journal of Human Values A
1 Journal of Intellectual Disabilities A
1 Journal of Intelligent Materials Systems and Structures A
1 Journal of Intensive Care Medicine A
1 Journal of Interdisciplinary Economics A
1 Journal of International Medical Research A
1 Journal of Language and Social Psychology A
1 Journal of leadership & organizational studies A
1 Journal of Learning Disabilities A
1 Journal of Literacy Research A
1 Journal of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration and Active Control A
1 Journal of Management Inquiry A
1 Journal of Marketing Education A
1 Journal of Medical Biography
1 Journal of Medical Education and Curricular Development A
1 Journal of Medical Screening
1 Journal of Mixed Methods Research A
1 Journal of Music Teacher Education A
1 Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery A
1 Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology A
1 Journal of Palliative Care (JPC) A
1 Journal of Patient Experience (JPE) A
1 Journal of Patient Safety and Risk Management
1 Journal of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Nursing (JOPHON)
1 Journal of Pharmacy Practice A
1 Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions A
1 Journal of Power and Energy, Part A of the Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers
1 Journal of Prevention and Health Promotion (JPHP) A
1 Journal of Primary Care & Community Health A
1 Journal of Psychopharmacology A
1 Journal of Public Health Research A
1 Journal of Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies Engineering A
1 Journal of Research in International Education A
1 Journal of Research in Nursing A
1 Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials A
1 Journal of Scleroderma and Related Disorders (JSRD) A
1 Journal of Social and Personal Relationships A
1 Journal of Social Inclusion Studies A
1 Journal of Sociology A
1 Journal of South Asian Development A
1 Journal of Special Education Technology (JSET) A
1 Journal of Sport and Social Issues A
1 Journal of Sports Economics A
1 Journal of Strategic Contracting and Negotiation A
1 Journal of Studies in International Education A
1 Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association A
1 Journal of the Intensive Care Society (JICS) A
1 Journal of the International Association of Providers of AIDS Care A
1 Journal of the Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System (JRAAS)
1 Journal of Tissue Engineering A
1 Journal of Transformative Education A
1 Journal of Transport History A
1 Journal of Urban History A
1 Journal of Vacation Marketing A
1 Journal of Veterinary Dentistry (JOVD) A
1 Journal of Vibration and Control A
1 Journal of White Collar and Corporate Crime A
1 Journal on Migration and Human Security (JMHS) A
1 Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly A
1 Journalism and Mass Communication Educator (JMCE) A
1 JRSM cardiovascular disease A
1 JRSM open A
1 Laboratory Animals
1 Language and Speech A
1 Language Testing A
1 Latin American perspectives A
1 Law, Culture and the Humanities A
1 Leadership A
1 Lighting Research and Technology A
1 Management and Labour Studies (MLS) A
1 Management in Education A
1 Marketing Theory A
1 Measurement and Control A
1 Media, War & Conflict A
1 Medical Care Research and Review A
1 Medical Decision Making Policy & Practice A
1 Medical Law International A
1 Memory Studies A
1 Methodological Innovations A
1 Microbiology Insights A
1 Millennial Asia A
1 Mobile Media & Communication A
1 Molecular Imaging
1 Multimodality & Society A
1 Multiple Sclerosis A
1 Multiple Sclerosis Journal, Experimental, Translational and Clinical A
1 Music & Science A
1 NASSP Bulletin (BUL)
1 Natural Product Communications A
1 Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair A
1 New Journal of European Criminal Law A
1 Newspaper Research Journal (NRJ) A
1 Nordic journal of nursing research A
1 Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs (NAD) A
1 Obstetric Medicine
1 Omega - Journal of Death and Dying A
1 Organization A
1 Organization & Environment A
1 Organization Theory (OT) A
1 Organizational Psychology Review A
1 Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine (OJSM) A
1 OTJR: Occupation, Participation and Health A
1 Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery (OTO) A
1 Palliative Care & Social Practice A
1 Palliative Medicine A
1 Paramedicine A
1 Perceptual and Motor Skills A
1 Perfusion A
1 Peritoneal Dialysis International (PID)
1 Personality and Social Psychology Review A
1 Perspectives in Public Health A
1 Philosophy & Social Criticism A
1 Planning Theory A
1 Policy Futures in Education A
1 Political Studies Review A
1 Political Theory A
1 Politics, Philosophy and Economics A
1 Post Reproductive Health
1 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part P, Journal of sports engineering and technology
1 Progress in Development Studies A
1 Progress in Environmental Geography A
1 Progress in Rubber, Plastics and Recycling Technology A
1 Psychological Science in the Public Interest A
1 Psychology and developing societies A
1 Psychology Learning & Teaching (PLAT) A
1 Public Finance Review A
1 Public Policy and Administration A
1 Public relations inquiry A
1 Public Understanding of Science A
1 Pulmonary Circulation (PC) A
1 Punishment & Society A
1 Qualitative Inquiry A
1 Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology (QJEP) A
1 Race and Justice (RAJ) A
1 Rationality and Society A
1 Recherche et Applications en Marketing (RAM) A
1 RELC Journal : A Journal of Language Teaching and Research in Southeast Asia A
1 Remedial and special education A
1 Research & Politics A
1 Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities A
1 Research on Aging A
1 Research on social work practice A
1 Research Studies in Music Education A
1 Review of Research in Education A
1 Sage Open A
1 SAGE Open Medicine A
1 Sage Open Nursing A
1 Scandinavian Journal of Public Health A
1 School Psychology International A
1 Scottish Medical Journal
1 Sexual Abuse A
1 Shoulder & Elbow A
1 Simulation & Gaming A
1 SLAS Discovery A
1 SLAS Technology A
1 Small Group Research A
1 Social and Legal Studies A
1 Social Compass A
1 Social Currents A
1 Social Media + Society A
1 Social Psychological and Personality Science A
1 Social psychology quarterly A
1 Social Science Information A
1 Society and Culture in South Asia A
1 Society and Mental Health A
1 Sociological Bulletin A
1 Sociology of Race and Ethnicity (SRE) A
1 South Asia Economic Journal A
1 South Asia Research A
1 South Asian Journal of Human Resources Management A
1 Sports Health: A Multidisciplinary Approach (SPH) A
1 Statistical Modelling A
1 Strategic Organization A
1 Studies in History A
1 Studies in Religion A
1 Substance Abuse: Research and Treatment A
1 Surgical Innovation A
1 Teaching of psychology A
1 Teaching Public Administration (TPA) A
1 Teaching sociology A
1 Technology in Cancer Research & Treatment (TCRT) A
1 The American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine (AJHPM) A
1 The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science A
1 The Anthropocene Review A
1 The Bible Translator A
1 The British Journal of Visual Impairment A
1 The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry (CJP) A
1 The Diabetes Educator A
1 The Holocene A
1 The Indian economic and social history review A
1 The International Journal of Aging & Human Development A
1 The International Journal of Architectural Computing (IJAC) A
1 The International Journal of Robotics Research A
1 The Journal of Black Psychology A
1 The Journal of Defence Modeling and Simulation: Applications, Methodology, Technology A
1 The Journal of environment & development A
1 The Journal of Information Technology Teaching Cases (JITTC) A
1 The Journal of Medicine Access
1 The Neurohospitalist A
1 The Neuroradiology Journal (NRJ) A
1 The Review of Radical Political Economics A
1 The Science of Diabetes Self-Management and Care
1 Theological Studies A
1 Theology A
1 Theology Today A
1 Theory, Culture and Society. Explorations in Critical Social Science A
1 Therapeutic Advances in Drug Safety A
1 Therapeutic Advances in Gastroenterology A
1 Therapeutic Advances in Hematology (TAH) A
1 Therapeutic Advances in Infections Disease A
1 Therapeutic Advances in Medical Oncology A
1 Therapeutic Advances in Musculoskeletal Disease (TAMD) A
1 Therapeutic Advances in Neurological Disorders (TAND) A
1 Therapeutic Advances in Psychopharmacology A
1 Therapeutic Advances in Respiratory Disease A
1 Therapeutic Advances in Urology A
1 Thesis Eleven A
1 Tobacco Use Insights A
1 Tourism and Hospitality Research A
1 Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control A
1 Transcultural Psychiatry A
1 Transformation A
1 Trends in Hearing (Trends) A
1 Tumour Biology
1 Ultrasound
1 Urban Affairs Review A
1 Urologia A
1 Vascular
1 Vascular and Endovascular Surgery A
1 Violence against Women A
1 Visual Communication A
1 War in History A
1 Waste Management & Research A
1 Western Journal of Nursing Research A
1 Women's Health. A
1 Workplace Health & Safety: Promoting Environments Conducive to Well-Being and Productivity A
1 World Future Review A
1 World journal for pediatric & congenital heart surgery A
1 Young - Nordic Journal of Youth Research A
1 Youth Justice A
0 Acta Sociologica, Supplement
0 Allergy & Rhinology A
0 Behavioral & Cognitive Neuroscience Reviews
0 Contexts A
0 Dialogues on Digital Society
0 Downside Review A
0 Emerging Economy Studies A
0 Environment and Security A
0 Gene Regulation and Systems Biology
0 General Music Today (GMT) A
0 Graft - Organ and Cell Transplantation
0 Journal of Cases in Educational Leadership (JCEL) A
0 Journal of Education (JE) A
0 Journal of Research on Leadership Education (JRLE) A
0 Management Teaching Review (MTR) A
0 Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology (NMNT) A
0 Neurodiversity A
0 Pedagogy in health promotion A
0 Possibility Studies & Society
0 Rehabilitation Process and Outcome A
0 Review of Market Integration A
0 Teaching Exceptional Children A
0 The American Economist (AEX) A
0 The International Journal of Social Determinants of Health and Health Service (IJSDOHS)


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✅ Internasjonal forfatterkrets

Nivåplasseringer og UH-sektorens publiseringspoeng

År Nivå Forfatterandeler Publiseringspoeng
2025 2
2024 2
2023 2 8.125 8.5814
2022 2 1.6667 2.5011
2021 2 2.0 2.3938
2020 2 4.1667 11.7478
2019 2 11.25 20.3169
2018 2 3.6944 4.9819
2017 2 11.8667 15.6603
2016 2 7.55 9.4648
2015 2 13.0 12.4577
2014 2 5.0 5.0
2013 2 6.3333 6.3333
2012 2 12.5 12.5
2011 2 11.33 11.33
2010 2 7.25 7.25
2009 2 8.91 8.91
2008 2 6.16 9.66
2007 2 11.337 28.837
2006 2 5.25 5.25
2005 2 5.75 5.75
2004 2 11.0 11.0
Offentliggjøres i mai året etter


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