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Cambridge University Press

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Cambridge University Press


ITAR-kode: 123
Land: Storbritannia
Assosierte tidsskrift 304. Vis [+]
304 aktive tidsskrift funnet.
Nivå Tittel Publiseringsavtale
2 Acta Numerica A
2 Ageing & Society A
2 American Journal of International Law A
2 American Political Science Review A
2 Annual of the British School at Athens A
2 Antiquity A
2 Archaeological Dialogues A
2 Behavioral and Brain Sciences
2 Bilingualism: Language and Cognition A
2 British Journal for the History of Science A
2 British Journal of Nutrition A
2 British Journal of Political Science A
2 Bulletin of Symbolic Logic A
2 Business Ethics Quarterly A
2 Business History Review A
2 Cambridge Archaeological Journal A
2 Cambridge Opera Journal A
2 Central European History A
2 Church History: Studies in Christianity and Culture A
2 Classical Quarterly A
2 Contemporary European History A
2 Development and Psychopathology A
2 Early Music History A
2 Econometric Theory A
2 Eighteenth-Century Music A
2 English Language and Linguistics A
2 Enterprise & Society A
2 Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems A
2 European psychiatry A
2 Forum of Mathematics, Pi A
2 Forum of Mathematics, Sigma A
2 Greece and Rome A
2 Harvard Theological Review A
2 Hypatia: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy A
2 International and Comparative Law Quarterly A
2 International Journal of Middle East Studies A
2 International Organization A
2 International Review of Social History A
2 Journal of African History A
2 Journal of Asian Studies
2 Journal of British Studies A
2 Journal of Child Language A
2 Journal of Economic History A
2 Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis A
2 Journal of Fluid Mechanics A
2 Journal of French Language Studies A
2 Journal of Hellenic Studies A
2 Journal of Linguistics A
2 Journal of Public Policy A
2 Journal of Roman Archaeology (JRA) A
2 Journal of Roman Studies A
2 Journal of Social Policy A
2 Journal of the American Philosophical Association A
2 Kantian Review A
2 Language in society A
2 Language Teaching A
2 Language Variation and Change A
2 Legal Theory A
2 Medical history A
2 Modern Intellectual History A
2 Natural Language Engineering A
2 New Testament Studies A
2 New Theatre Quarterly A
2 Nordic Journal of Linguistics A
2 Perspectives on Politics A
2 Phonology A
2 Political Analysis A
2 Political Science Research and Methods A
2 Popular Music A
2 Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society (PPS) A
2 Psychological Medicine A
2 Ramus - Critical Studies in Greek and Roman Literature
2 Review of International Studies A
2 Science in Context A
2 Studies in Second Language Acquisition A
2 The Cambridge Law Journal A
2 The China Quarterly A
2 The Classical Review A
2 The Historical Journal A
2 The Journal of Ecclesiastical History A
2 The Review of Symbolic Logic A
2 Theatre research international A
2 Traditio A
2 Transactions of the Royal Historical Society A
2 Twentieth-Century Music A
2 Utilitas A
2 World Politics
2 Yale Classical Studies
1 Advances in Archaeological Practice A
1 Aeronautical Journal A
1 Africa A
1 African Studies Review A
1 Agricultural and Resource Economics Review (ARER) A
1 AJIL Unbound A
1 AJS Review
1 American Journal of Law & Medicine (AJLM) A
1 Ancient Mesoamerica A
1 Anglo-Saxon England A
1 Annals of Actuarial Science A
1 Annual Review of Applied Linguistics A
1 Antarctic Science A
1 Antichthon A
1 Antimicrobial Stewardship & Healthcare Epidemiology (ASHE) A
1 Antiquaries Journal A
1 Applied Psycholinguistics A
1 APSIPA Transactions on Signal and Information Processing (SIP)
1 Arabic Sciences and Philosophy: A Historical Journal A
1 Archaeological Reports A
1 Archives Europeennes de Sociologie A
1 arq: Architectural Research Quarterly A
1 Asian Journal of Comparative Law (AsJCL) A
1 Asian Journal of International Law A
1 Asian Journal of Law and Society A
1 ASTIN Bulletin: The Journal of the International Actuarial Association A
1 Australian Journal of Environmental Education A
1 Austrian History Yearbook A
1 Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy A
1 Behavioural Public Policy A
1 BJ Psych Advances A
1 BJPsych International A
1 British Actuarial Journal A
1 British Journal of Music Education A
1 Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies A
1 Business and Human Rights Journal A
1 Business and Politics A
1 Byzantine and modern Greek studies A
1 Cambridge Classical Journal A
1 Cambridge Elements in Cognitive Linguistics
1 Cambridge Environmental Chemistry Series
1 Cambridge Prisms: Coastal Futures
1 Cambridge Prisms: Extinction
1 Cambridge Prisms: Plastics
1 Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics A
1 Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics
1 Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies A
1 Canadian Journal of Law & Jurisprudence A
1 Canadian Journal of Linguistics A
1 Canadian Journal of Mathematics (CJM) A
1 Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences (CJNS) A
1 Canadian journal of political science A
1 Canadian Journal on Aging/La Revue canadienne du vieillissement A
1 Canadian Mathematical Bulletin (CMB) A
1 Canadian Yearbook of International Law/Annuaire Canadien de Droit International A
1 Cardiology in the Young A
1 Comparative Studies in Society and History A
1 Continuity and Change A
1 Dance Research Journal A
1 Data & Policy A
1 Design Science A
1 Dialogue: Canadian Philosophical Review A
1 Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness A
1 Du Bois Review: Social Science Research on Race A
1 Economics and Philosophy A
1 Elements in Historical Theory and Practice
1 Elements in Organization Theory
1 Elements in Political Economy
1 English Today A
1 Environment and Development Economics A
1 Environmental Conservation A
1 Environmental Data Science (EDS) A
1 Epidemiology and Infection A
1 Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences (EPS) A
1 Episteme: A journal of individual and social epistemology A
1 Ethics and International Affairs A
1 European Constitutional Law Review A
1 European Journal of International Security A
1 European Journal of Risk Regulation A
1 European Law Open A
1 European Political Science Review A
1 European Review A
1 Evolutionary Human Sciences A
1 Experimental Results
1 Finance and Society A
1 Financial History Review A
1 Flow A
1 Geological Magazine A
1 Geologie & Mijnbouw A
1 Glasgow Mathematical Journal A
1 Global Constitutionalism A
1 Global Mental Health (GMH)
1 Government and Opposition A
1 Health Economics, Policy and Law A
1 History in Africa A
1 History of Education Quarterly A
1 Horizons: The Journal of the College Theology Society A
1 Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice (IOP) A
1 International Journal of Cultural Property A
1 International Journal of Law in Context A
1 International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies (IJMWT) A
1 International Labor and Working-Class History A
1 International Psychogeriatrics A
1 International Review of the Red Cross A
1 International Theory A
1 Irish Historical Studies (IHS) A
1 Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine A
1 Israel Law Review A
1 Itinerario: International Journal on the History of European Expansion and Global Interaction A
1 Japanese Journal of Political Science A
1 Journal of African Law A
1 Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics A
1 Journal of American Studies A
1 Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis A
1 Journal of Biosocial Science A
1 Journal of Dairy Research A
1 Journal of Demographic Economics (JODE) A
1 Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease A
1 Journal of Experimental Political Science A
1 Journal Of Germanic Linguistics A
1 Journal of Glaciology A
1 Journal of Global History A
1 Journal of Institutional Economics A
1 Journal of Latin American Studies A
1 Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics (JLME) A
1 Journal of Linguistic Geography A
1 Journal of Management & Organization A
1 Journal of navigation A
1 Journal of Nutritional Science (JNS) A
1 Journal of Pension Economics and Finance A
1 Journal of Plasma Physics A
1 Journal of Policy History A
1 Journal of Radiotherapy in Practice A
1 Journal of Southeast Asian Studies A
1 Journal of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era (JGAPE) A
1 Journal of the History of Economic Thought (JHET) A
1 Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society A
1 Journal of the International Phonetic Association A
1 Journal of Tropical Ecology A
1 Journal of Wine Economics A
1 Language and Cognition A
1 Latin American Politics and Society A
1 Law and History Review A
1 Law and Social Inquiry (LSI) A
1 Legal Studies A
1 Leiden Journal of International Law A
1 Libyan Studies A
1 London Mathematical Society Lecture Notes
1 Macroeconomic Dynamics A
1 Management and Organization Review A
1 Mathematical Structures in Computer Science A
1 Modern American History (MAH) A
1 Modern Asian Studies A
1 Modern Italy A
1 National Institute Economic Review A
1 Nationalities Papers A
1 Network Science A
1 New Perspectives on Turkey A
1 Nineteenth-Century Music Review A
1 Organised Sound A
1 Palliative & Supportive Care A
1 Papers of The British School at Rome A
1 Parasitology A
1 Philosophy A
1 Plainsong and Medieval Music A
1 Polar Record A
1 Politics & Gender A
1 Politics and Religion A
1 Prehospital and Disaster Medicine A
1 Proceedings of the Design Society A
1 Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society A
1 Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union A
1 PS: Political Science and Politics A
1 Public Health Nutrition (PHN) A
1 QRB Discovery A
1 Quantitative Plant Biology A
1 Quarterly Reviews of Biophysics A
1 Quaternary Research A
1 Queensland Review
1 Radiocarbon: An International Journal of Cosmogenic Isotope Research A
1 Religious Studies: An International Journal for the Philosophy of Religion A
1 Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems A
1 Review of Middle East Studies A
1 Revista de Historia Económica - Journal of Iberian and Latin American Economic History (RHE-JILAEH) A
1 Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica A
1 Royal Musical Association Research Chronicle A
1 Rural History A
1 Scottish journal of theology A
1 Slavic Review: Interdisciplinary Quarterly of Russian, Eurasian, and East European Studies A
1 Social Philosophy and Policy A
1 Social Science History A
1 Studies in American political development A
1 Tempo A
1 The Americas: A Quarterly Review of Latin American History A
1 The Cognitive Behaviour Therapist A
1 The International Journal of Asian Studies A
1 The Journal of Agricultural Science A
1 The Journal of Law and Religion A
1 The Journal of Modern African Studies A
1 The Review of Politics A
1 The Spanish Journal of Psychology A
1 Theatre Survey A
1 Transnational Environmental Law A
1 Twin Research and Human Genetics A
1 Urban History A
1 Victorian Literature and Culture A
1 Visual Neuroscience A
1 World Trade Review A
1 Zygote (Cambridge. Print) A
0 African Literature Today (ALT)
0 Art Libraries Journal (ALJ) A
0 British Catholic History A
0 Cambridge Studies Romanticism
0 International Journal of Legal Information (IJLI) A
0 Shakespeare Survey


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✅ Internasjonal forfatterkrets

Nivåplasseringer og UH-sektorens publiseringspoeng

År Nivå Forfatterandeler Publiseringspoeng
2025 2
2024 2
2023 2 46.8333 127.7674
2022 2 47.7917 141.4111
2021 2 52.4107 111.538
2020 2 30.0774 80.7097
2019 2 33.0542 80.2096
2018 2 46.3389 125.8337
2017 2 49.2917 77.079
2016 2 34.75 74.5774
2015 2 32.8 52.5774
2014 2 26.4039 47.4039
2013 2 44.3334 64.1672
2012 2 25.24 50.65
2011 2 32.05 53.05
2010 2 36.91 61.41
2009 2 10.61 22.86
2008 2 16.45 30.45
2007 2 17.936 20.246
2006 2 11.563 25.233
2005 2 13.62 55.62
2004 2 7.187 33.577
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