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X Journal of Clinical Laboratory Analysis A
X Security and Communication Networks A
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2 Alzheimer's and Dementia: Diagnosis, Assessment and Disease Monitoring A
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Nivåplasseringer og UH-sektorens publiseringspoeng

År Nivå Forfatterandeler Publiseringspoeng
2024 1
2023 1 4.5333 3.9429
2022 1 13.3333 15.2405
2021 1 9.85 16.0989
2020 1 5.875 8.8462
2019 1 4.4167 3.9559
2018 1 23.4167 23.08
2017 1 8.7714 12.7915
2016 1 4.6667 5.7592
2015 1 6.0833 5.644
2014 1 9.4667 15.2267
2013 1 9.7083 8.7833
2012 1 14.8 10.36
2011 1 6.38 15.216
2010 1 6.25 8.675
2009 1 9.88 7.776
2008 1 6.001 8.5007
2007 1 6.333 10.8831
2006 1 4.25 2.975
2005 1 3.17 5.1
2004 1 8.667 6.0669
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