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ITAR-kode: 295
Land: Nederland
Assosierte tidsskrift 1742. Vis [+]
1742 aktive tidsskrift funnet.
Nivå Tittel Publiseringsavtale
X Computers and Electrical Engineering A
X Journal of Luminescence A
X Measurement A
X Microprocessors and Microsystems: Embedded Hardware Design (MICPRO) A
X Optik A
2 Accounting, Organizations and Society A
2 Advances in Experimental Social Psychology
2 Agricultural Systems A
2 American Journal of Medicine A
2 American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology A
2 American Journal of Ophthalmology A
2 Animal Behaviour A
2 Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincare. Analyse non linéar
2 Annals of Pure and Applied Logic A
2 Applied Soft Computing A
2 Aquaculture A
2 Aquatic Toxicology A
2 Archives of Oral Biology A
2 Artificial Intelligence A
2 Artificial Intelligence in Medicine A
2 Behaviour Research and Therapy A
2 Biological Conservation A
2 Biological Psychiatry A
2 Biomaterials A
2 Brain, Behavior, and Immunity A
2 British Journal of Anaesthesia A
2 Building and Environment A
2 Cancer Letters A
2 Carbon A
2 Catalysis Today A
2 Cellular and Molecular Gastroenterology and Hepatology (CMGH) A
2 Chemical Engineering Journal A
2 Chemical Engineering Science (CES) A
2 Chemical Engineering Science: X
2 CIRP - Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology A
2 Clinical Neurophysiology A
2 Coastal Engineering A
2 Cognition A
2 Cognitive Psychology A
2 Cold Regions Science and Technology A
2 Combustion and Flame A
2 Composites Part B: Engineering A
2 Composites Science And Technology A
2 Computational Materials Science A
2 Computer Aided Geometric Design A
2 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering A
2 Computer Speech and Language A
2 Computers & Education A
2 Computers & Operations Research A
2 Computers & structures A
2 Computers and Electronics in Agriculture A
2 Construction and Building Materials A
2 Cortex A
2 Decision Support Systems A
2 Design Studies A
2 Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience A
2 Early Childhood Research Quarterly A
2 Earth and Planetary Science Letters A
2 Earth-Science Reviews A
2 Economics of Education Review A
2 Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety A
2 Educational Research Review A
2 Electoral Studies: an international journal on voting and electoral systems and strategy A
2 Electrochimica Acta A
2 Energy A
2 Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions A
2 Environmental Modelling & Software A
2 Environmental Research A
2 European Economic Review A
2 European Journal of Cancer A
2 European Journal of Operational Research A
2 European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences A
2 Evolution and human behavior A
2 Expert Systems With Applications A
2 Fertility and Sterility A
2 Fluid Phase Equilibria A
2 Forest Ecology and Management A
2 Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology (FIN) A
2 Fuel A
2 Future Generation Computer Systems A
2 Gastrointestinal Endoscopy A
2 Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta A
2 Geoenergy Science and Engineering A
2 Geomorphology A
2 Global Environmental Change A
2 Government Information Quarterly: an international journal of information technology management, policies, and practices A
2 Health Policy A
2 Heart Rhythm A
2 Historia Mathematica A
2 Industrial Marketing Management A
2 Information and organization A
2 Information Processing & Management A
2 Information Sciences A
2 Intelligence A
2 International Business Review A
2 International Dairy Journal A
2 International Journal of Approximate Reasoning A
2 International Journal of Educational Development A
2 International Journal of Educational Research A
2 International journal of food microbiology A
2 International Journal of Forecasting A
2 International Journal of Impact Engineering A
2 International Journal of Information Management A
2 International Journal of Medical Informatics A
2 International Journal of Nursing Studies A
2 International Journal of Pharmaceutics A
2 International Journal of Production Economics A
2 International Journal of Project Management A
2 International Journal of Research in Marketing A
2 International Review of Law and Economics A
2 JACC Cardiovascular Imaging A
2 JACC: Cardiovascular Interventions A
2 Journal des Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées A
2 Journal of Accounting and Economics A
2 Journal of Algebra A
2 Journal of Archaeological Science A
2 Journal of Banking & Finance A
2 Journal of Business Research A
2 Journal of Business Venturing A
2 Journal of Chromatography A A
2 Journal of Cleaner Production A
2 Journal of Computational Physics A
2 Journal of Computational Physics: X
2 Journal of Corporate Finance A
2 Journal of Cultural Heritage A
2 Journal of Dairy Science (JDS) A
2 Journal of Development Economics A
2 Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization A
2 Journal of Economic Theory A
2 Journal of Empirical Finance A
2 Journal of Financial Economics A
2 Journal of Hand Surgery-American Volume A
2 Journal of Hazardous Materials A
2 Journal of Health Economics A
2 Journal of Hepatology A
2 Journal of Human Evolution A
2 Journal of Hydrology A
2 Journal of Hydrology X A
2 Journal of International Economics A
2 Journal of Investigative Dermatology A
2 Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming A
2 Journal of Mathematical Behavior A
2 Journal of Membrane Science A
2 Journal of Monetary Economics A
2 Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences A
2 Journal of Phonetics A
2 Journal of Pragmatics A
2 Journal of Process Control A
2 Journal of Psychiatric Research A
2 Journal of Public Economics A
2 Journal of Retailing A
2 Journal of Rural Studies A
2 Journal of Sound and Vibration A
2 Journal of Systems and Software A
2 Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry A
2 Journal of the American College of Cardiology
2 Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids A
2 Journal of Transport Geography A
2 Journal of Vascular Surgery A
2 Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation A
2 Journal of Vocational Behavior A
2 Journal of World Business A
2 Labour Economics A
2 Land Use Policy A
2 Landscape and Urban Planning A
2 Language Sciences A
2 Leadership Quarterly A
2 Learning and Instruction A
2 Library & Information Science Research A
2 Marine Geology A
2 Materials Science & Engineering: A A
2 Meat Science A
2 Microporous and Mesoporous Materials A
2 Minerals Engineering A
2 Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution A
2 Neurocomputing A
2 Neuropsychologia A
2 Nurse Education Today A
2 Omega. The International Journal of Management Science A
2 Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology A
2 Patient Education and Counseling A
2 Pattern Recognition A
2 Pervasive and Mobile Computing A
2 Pharmacology and Therapeutics A
2 Physiology and Behavior A
2 Physiotherapy A
2 Placenta A
2 Poetics A
2 Political Geography A
2 Preventive Veterinary Medicine A
2 Psychology of Sport And Exercise A
2 Quaternary Science Reviews A
2 Reliability Engineering & System Safety A
2 Research Policy A
2 Resuscitation A
2 Review of economic dynamics A
2 Russian Literature
2 Safety Science A
2 Schizophrenia Research A
2 Science of the Total Environment A
2 Social Networks A
2 Social Science and Medicine A
2 Soil Biology and Biochemistry A
2 Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells A
2 Structural Safety A
2 Structure A
2 Studies in Educational Evaluation A
2 Studies in History and Philosophy of Science A
2 Teaching and Teacher Education : An International Journal of Research and Studies A
2 Technological Forecasting and Social Change A
2 Technovation A
2 The Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation A
2 The Lancet
2 The Lancet Child and Adolescent Health
2 The Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology
2 The Lancet Gastroenterology and Hepatology
2 The Lancet Global Health
2 The Lancet Infectious Diseases
2 The Lancet Oncology
2 The Lancet Planetary Health
2 The Lancet Psychiatry
2 The Lancet Public Health
2 The Lancet Respiratory Medicine
2 The Veterinary Journal A
2 Theoretical Computer Science A
2 Theriogenology A
2 Tourism Management A
2 Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice A
2 Transportation Research Part B: Methodological A
2 Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment A
2 Trends in Cognitive Sciences A
2 Trends in Food Science & Technology A
2 Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology A
2 Veterinary Parasitology A
2 Water Research A
2 World Development A
1 Academic pediatrics A
1 Academic Radiology A
1 Accident Analysis and Prevention A
1 Acta Astronautica A
1 Acta Biomaterialia A
1 Acta Ecologica Sinica
1 Acta Oecologica A
1 Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B (APSB)
1 Acta Psychologica A
1 Acta Tropica A
1 Ad hoc networks A
1 Addictive Behaviors Reports A
1 Addictive Behaviours A
1 Additive Manufacturing A
1 Additives for Polymers
1 Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews A
1 Advanced Engineering Informatics A
1 Advanced Industrial and Engineering Polymer Research
1 Advanced Powder Materials (APM)
1 Advances in Accounting A
1 Advances in Agronomy
1 Advances in Animal Biosciences
1 Advances in Applied Energy A
1 Advances in Austrian Economics
1 Advances in Behavioural Accounting Research
1 Advances in Biological Regulation A
1 Advances in Botanical Research
1 Advances in Cancer Research
1 Advances in Chemical Engineering
1 Advances in Chronic Kidney Disease
1 Advances in Climate Change Research
1 Advances in Colloid and Interface Science A
1 Advances in Environmental Research
1 Advances in Health Economics and Health Services Research
1 Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics
1 Advances in Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering A
1 Advances in Integrative Medicine (AIMED) A
1 Advances in Life Course Research A
1 Advances in Neonatal Care
1 Advances in Pediatrics
1 Advances in Protein Chemistry and Structural Biology
1 Advances in Quantum Chemistry
1 Advances in Sample Preparation A
1 Advances in Water Resources A
1 Aeolian Research A
1 Ageing Research Reviews A
1 Aggression and Violent Behavior A
1 Aging and Health Research (AHR) A
1 Aging Brain A
1 Agricultural and Forest Meteorology A
1 Agricultural Water Management A
1 Agriculture and Agricultural Science Procedia
1 Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment A
1 Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. Applied Soil Ecology A
1 AI Open
1 Ain Shams Engineering Journal A
1 Air Medical Journal A
1 AJOG Global Reports A
1 Alcohol A
1 Alexandria Engineering Journal A
1 Algal Research A
1 Allergologia et Immunopathologia
1 Allergology International
1 Alter - European Journal of Disability Research
1 Ambulatory Surgery
1 American Heart Journal A
1 American Heart Journal Plus: Cardiology Research and Practice (AHJ Plus) A
1 American Journal of Cardiology A
1 American Journal of Infection Control A
1 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology MFM (AJOG MFM) A
1 American Journal of Ophthalmology Case Reports A
1 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics A
1 American Journal of Otolaryngology A
1 American Journal of Preventive Cardiology A
1 American Journal of Preventive Medicine A
1 American Journal of Surgery A
1 Ampersand A
1 Anaerobe A
1 Anales de Pediatría
1 Analysis and Intervention in Developmental Disabilities
1 Analytic Methods in Accident Research A
1 Analytica Chimica Acta A
1 Analytica Chimica Acta: X
1 Analytical Biochemistry A
1 Animal A
1 Animal Feed Science and Technology A
1 Animal Reproduction Science A
1 Annales de cardiologie et d'angeiologie
1 Annales de Chirurgie Plastique et Esthétique A
1 Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilites et statistiques
1 Annales de Paléontologie
1 Annales de Ponts et Chaussées
1 Annales Medico-Psychologiques A
1 Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology A
1 Annals of Anatomy A
1 Annals of Diagnostic Pathology A
1 Annals of Epidemiology A
1 Annals of Mathematical Logic
1 Annals of Nuclear Energy A
1 Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine A
1 Annals of Physics A
1 Annals of Thoracic Surgery
1 Annals of Tourism Research A
1 Annals of Tourism Research Empirical Insights A
1 Annual Reports in Medicinal Chemistry
1 Annual Reports on NMR Spectroscopy
1 Annual Reviews in Control A
1 Ansiedad y Estrés
1 Anthropocene A
1 Antiviral Research A
1 Appetite A
1 Applications in Energy and Combustion Science A
1 Applications in Engineering Science A
1 Applications of Surface Science
1 Applied & Preventive Psychology
1 Applied Acoustics A
1 Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis A
1 Applied Animal Behaviour Science A
1 Applied Catalysis
1 Applied Catalysis A : General A
1 Applied Catalysis B: Environmental A
1 Applied Clay Science A
1 Applied Computing and Geosciences A
1 Applied Computing and Informatics
1 Applied Corpus Linguistics A
1 Applied Energy A
1 Applied Ergonomics A
1 Applied Food Research A
1 Applied Geography A
1 Applied Materials Today A
1 Applied Mathematical Modelling A
1 Applied Mathematics and Computation A
1 Applied Ocean Research A
1 Applied Surface Science A
1 Applied Surface Science Advances A
1 Applied Thermal Engineering A
1 Aquacultural Engineering A
1 Aquaculture and Fisheries
1 Aquaculture Reports A
1 Aquatic Botany A
1 Aquatic procedia
1 Arab Journal of Gastroenterology (ArabJG) A
1 Archaeology, Ethnology and Anthropology of Eurasia
1 Archives of Cardiovascular Diseases A
1 Archives of Medical Research A
1 Archives of Rehabilitation Research and Clinical Translation
1 Archivos de Cardiologia de Mexico
1 Archivos de la Sociedad Española de Oftalmología A
1 Array A
1 Arthroplasty Today A
1 Arthroscopy Techniques A
1 Arthroscopy, Sports Medicine, and Rehabilitation (ASMAR) A
1 Artificial Intelligence in Geosciences
1 Asia and the Global Economy (AGE) A
1 Asian Journal of Psychiatry A
1 Asian Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology (AJSEP)
1 Asian Journal of Urology (AJU)
1 Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine
1 Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine
1 Asian Transport Studies A
1 Asia-Pacific Journal of Oncology Nursing (APJON) A
1 Assessing Writing: An International Journal A
1 Atherosclerosis A
1 Atherosclerosis Plus A
1 Atmospheric Environment A
1 Atmospheric Environment: X A
1 Atmospheric Pollution Research (APR) A
1 Atmospheric research A
1 Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables A
1 Australasian Marketing Journal
1 Australian Critical Care A
1 Autoimmunity Reviews A
1 Automation in Construction A
1 Autonomic Neuroscience: Basic & Clinical A
1 BBA - Molecular Cell Research A
1 Behavior Therapy A
1 Behavioural Brain Research A
1 Behavioural Processes A
1 BenchCouncil Transactions on Benchmarks, Standards and Evaluations (TBench)
1 Best Practice & Research: Clinical Obstetrics & Gynaecology A
1 Big Data Research A
1 Bioactive Carbohydrates and Dietary Fibre A
1 Bioactive Materials
1 Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology A
1 Biochemical Pharmacology A
1 Biochemistry and Biophysics Reports A
1 Biochimica et Biophysica Acta
1 Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Biomembranes A
1 Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - General Subjects A
1 Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids A
1 Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Molecular Basis of Disease A
1 Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Proteins and Proteomics A
1 Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, Gene Structure and Expression
1 Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. CR. Reviews on Cancer A
1 Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. Gene Regulatory Mechanisms A
1 Biochimie A
1 Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering (BBE) A
1 Bioelectrochemistry A
1 Biofilm A
1 Bioinorganic Chemistry
1 Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging A
1 Biological Psychiatry: Global Open Science A
1 Biological Psychology A
1 Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures
1 Biomass & Bioenergy A
1 Biomaterials Advances A
1 Biomedical Signal Processing and Control A
1 Biomolecular Engineering
1 Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters A
1 Biophysical Chemistry A
1 Biophysical Reports A
1 Bioprinting A
1 Bioresource Technology A
1 Bioresource Technology Reports A
1 Biosafety and Health A
1 Biosensors
1 Biosensors & Bioelectronics A
1 Biosystems (Amsterdam. Print) A
1 Biotechnology Annual Review
1 Biotechnology Reports A
1 Biotribology
1 BJA Open A
1 Blockchain: Research and Applications
1 Body image A
1 Bone A
1 Bone Reports A
1 Brain & development (Tokyo. 1979) A
1 Brain and Spine A
1 Brain Research A
1 Brain Research Bulletin A
1 Brain Stimulation A
1 Brain, Behavior, and Immunity - Health (BBI - Health) A
1 Brazilian Journal of Physical Therapy A
1 Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques A
1 Burns A
1 Burns Open A
1 Business Horizons A
1 Cahiers de Nutrition et de Diététique A
1 Cancer Epidemiology A
1 Cancer Genetics A
1 Cancer Radiothérapie A
1 Cancer Treatment and Research Communications A
1 Carbohydrate Polymers A
1 Carbohydrate Research A
1 Carbon Capture Science & Technology (CCST) A
1 Cardiovascular Digital Health Journal A
1 Cardiovascular pathology A
1 Cardiovascular Revascularization Medicine A
1 Case Studies in Chemical and Environmental Engineering (CSCEE) A
1 Case Studies in Construction Materials A
1 Case Studies in Fire Safety
1 Case Studies in Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing
1 Case Studies in Structural Engineering
1 Case Studies in Thermal Engineering A
1 Case Studies on Transport Policy A
1 Catalysis communications A
1 Cell Reports Medicine A
1 Cell Reports Physical Science A
1 Cell Systems A
1 Cellular Signalling A
1 Cement & Concrete Composites A
1 Ceramics International A
1 Chem A
1 Chemical Engineering and Processing A
1 Chemical Engineering Journal Advances A
1 Chemical Geology A
1 Chemical Physics A
1 Chemical Physics Letters A
1 Chemical Thermodynamics and Thermal Analysis A
1 Chemico-Biological Interactions A
1 Chemistry and Physics of Lipids A
1 Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems A
1 Chemosphere A
1 Children and Youth Services Review A
1 China economic review A
1 Chinese Journal of Aeronautics
1 Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering A
1 Cities: The International Journal of Urban Policy and Planning A
1 City and Environment Interactions A
1 CJC Open A
1 CJC Pediatric and Congenital Heart Disease A
1 Cleaner and Circular Bioeconomy A
1 Cleaner and Responsible Consumption A
1 Cleaner Energy Systems A
1 Cleaner Engineering and Technology A
1 Cleaner Environmental Systems A
1 Cleaner Logistics and Supply Chain (CLSC) A
1 Cleaner Materials A
1 Cleaner Production Letters (CLPL) A
1 Cleaner Waste Systems A
1 Climate Change Ecology A
1 Climate Risk Management A
1 Climate Services A
1 Clinica Chimica Acta A
1 Clinical and Translational Radiation Oncology A
1 Clinical Biochemistry A
1 Clinical Biomechanics A
1 Clinical colorectal cancer A
1 Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health A
1 Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology A
1 Clinical imaging A
1 Clinical Infection in Practice A
1 Clinical Mass Spectrometry
1 Clinical Neurophysiology Practice (CNP) A
1 Clinical Nutrition ESPEN A
1 Clinical Nutrition Open Science A
1 Clinical Parkinsonism & Related Disorders A
1 Clinical Psychology Review A
1 Clinical Simulation in Nursing A
1 Clinics And Research in Hepatology and Gastroenterology A
1 Clinics in Chest Medicine
1 Clinics in Dermatology A
1 Clinics in Geriatric Medicine
1 Clinics in Laboratory Medicine
1 Clinics in Liver Disease
1 Clinics in Perinatology
1 Clinics in Plastic Surgery
1 Clinics in Sports Medicine
1 Cognitive development A
1 Cognitive Systems Research A
1 Collegian A
1 Colloid and Interface Science Communications A
1 Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects A
1 Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces A
1 Communications in Transportation Research A
1 Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part B: Biochemistry & Molecular Biology A
1 Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology A
1 Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part D:Genomics and Proteomics A
1 Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A A
1 Comparative Immunology, Microbiology & Infectious Diseases A
1 Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice A
1 Composites Communications A
1 Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing A
1 Composites Part C: Open Access A
1 Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry
1 Comprehensive Psychoneuroendocrinology A
1 Comptes rendus Geoscience
1 Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal
1 Computational and Theoretical Chemistry A
1 Computational biology and chemistry A
1 Computational Statistics & Data Analysis A
1 Computational Toxicology A
1 Computer Communications A
1 Computer Law and Security Review A
1 Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine A
1 Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine Update A
1 Computer Science Review A
1 Computer-aided chemical engineering
1 Computers & Education Open (CAEO) A
1 Computers & Education: Artificial Intelligence (CAEAI) A
1 Computers & Fluids A
1 Computers & Geosciences A
1 Computers & Security A
1 Computers and Composition A
1 Computers in Biology and Medicine A
1 Computers in Human Behavior A
1 Computers in Human Behavior Report A
1 Computers in Human Behavior: Artificial Humans (CHBAH) A
1 Consciousness and Cognition A
1 Contemporary Clinical Trials A
1 Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications A
1 Continence A
1 Contraception A
1 Contraception: X A
1 Coordination chemistry reviews A
1 Critical Reviews in Oncology/Hematology A
1 Crop Protection A
1 Cryobiology A
1 Cryptogamie Mycologie
1 Cuihuà xuébào
1 Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences A
1 Current Opinion in Biomedical Engineering A
1 Current Opinion in Cell Biology A
1 Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering A
1 Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science A
1 Current Opinion in Electrochemistry A
1 Current Opinion in Endocrine and Metabolic Research A
1 Current Opinion in Environmental Science & Health A
1 Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability A
1 Current Opinion in Food Science A
1 Current Opinion in Green and Sustainable Chemistry A
1 Current Opinion in Insect Science A
1 Current Opinion in Microbiology A
1 Current Opinion in Neurobiology A
1 Current Opinion in Physiology A
1 Current Opinion in Psychology A
1 Current Opinion in Structural Biology A
1 Current Opinion in Toxicology A
1 Current Opinion in Virology A
1 Current Research in Behavioral Sciences (CRBS) A
1 Current Research in Biotechnology A
1 Current Research in Ecological and Social Psychology (CRESP) A
1 Current Research in Environmental Sustainability A
1 Current Research in Food Science (CRFS) A
1 Current Research in Green and Sustainable Chemistry A
1 Current Research in Pharmacology and Drug Discovery (CRPHAR) A
1 Current Therapeutic Research: Clinical and Experimental A
1 Data in Brief A
1 DeCarbon A
1 Decision Analytics Journal A
1 Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers A
1 Deep-Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography A
1 Defence Technology
1 Dendrochronologia A
1 Dental Materials A
1 Development Engineering
1 Developmental Review A
1 Developments in the Built Environment A
1 Developments in Water Science
1 Diabetes & Metabolism A
1 Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice A
1 Diagnostic microbiology and infectious disease A
1 Differentiation A
1 Digital Applications in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage A
1 Digital Business A
1 Digital Chemical Engineering A
1 Digital Communications and Networks
1 Disability and Health Journal A
1 Discourse, Context & Media A
1 Discrete Mathematics A
1 Discrete Optimization A
1 DNA Repair A
1 Domestic Animal Endocrinology A
1 Drug and Alcohol Dependence A
1 Drug Discovery Today A
1 Drug Discovery Today : Disease Models
1 Drug Discovery Today : Technologies
1 Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics (DMPK) A
1 Early Human Development A
1 Earth System Governance A
1 EBioMedicine
1 EClinicalMedicine
1 Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology A
1 Ecological Complexity : An International Journal on Biocomplexity in the Environment and Theoretical Ecology A
1 Ecological Economics A
1 Ecological Engineering: The Journal of Ecotechnology A
1 Ecological Indicators A
1 Ecological Informatics A
1 Ecological Modelling A
1 Econometrics and Statistics A
1 Economic Modelling A
1 Economic Systems A
1 Economics and Human Biology A
1 Economics Letters A
1 Economics of Transportation A
1 Ecosystem Services A
1 Education for Chemical Engineers A
1 EFB Bioeconomy Journal A
1 Egyptian Informatics Journal A
1 EJVES Vascular Forum (EJVES VF) A
1 Electricity Journal A
1 Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics
1 Electronical Notes in Theoretical Computer Science
1 Emerging Animal Species (EAS) A
1 Emerging Markets Review A
1 Emotion, Space and Society A
1 Endocrine and Metabolic Science A
1 Energy and AI A
1 Energy and Built Environment (EBE)
1 Energy and Climate Change A
1 Energy Conversion and Management A
1 Energy Conversion and Management: X A
1 Energy Economics A
1 Energy for Sustainable Development A
1 Energy Nexus A
1 Energy Policy A
1 Energy Reports A
1 Energy Research & Social Science A
1 Energy Reviews A
1 Energy Storage Materials A
1 Energy Strategy Reviews A
1 eNeurologicalSci A
1 Engineering (Beijing) A
1 Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements A
1 Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence A
1 Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal (JESTECH) A
1 English for Specific Purposes A
1 Entertainment Computing A
1 Environment International A
1 Environmental Advances A
1 Environmental and Sustainability Indicators A
1 Environmental Challenges A
1 Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology
1 Environmental Pollution (1987) A
1 Environmental Science & Ecotechnology (ESE) A
1 Environmental Science and Policy A
1 Environmental Technology & Innovation A
1 Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology A
1 Epilepsy & Behavior A
1 Epilepsy and Behavior Reports (EBR) A
1 Epilepsy Research A
1 e-Prime - Advances in Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Energy A
1 Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science A
1 Ethics, Medicine and Public Health A
1 eTransporation A
1 EuPA Open Proteomics A
1 EURO Journal on Computational Optimization
1 EURO Journal on Decision Processes
1 EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics
1 European Clinics in Obstetrics and Gynaecology
1 European Journal of Cancer Supplements
1 European Journal of Medical Genetics A
1 European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry A
1 European Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Reproductive Biology: X A
1 European Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Biology A
1 European Journal of Pharmacology A
1 European Journal of Pharmacology - Molecular Pharmacology Section
1 European Journal of Political Economy A
1 European Journal of Radiology A
1 European Journal of Radiology Open (EJR Open) A
1 European Management Journal A
1 European Neuropsychopharmacology A
1 European Research on Management and Business Economics A
1 European Urology Focus A
1 European Urology Open Science A
1 Evaluation and Program Planning A
1 Exploratory Research in Clinical and Social Pharmacy (ERCSP) A
1 Explore: The Journal of Science and Healing A
1 Extreme Mechanics Letters (EML) A
1 F&S Reports A
1 F&S Reviews A
1 F&S Science A
1 Fenxi huàxué A
1 Finite elements in analysis and design A
1 Finite Fields and Their Applications A
1 Fish & Shellfish Immunology Reports
1 Fish and Shellfish Immunology A
1 Fish Physiology
1 Fisheries Research A
1 FlatChem - Chemistry of Flat Materials A
1 Flow Measurement and Instrumentation A
1 Food & Humanity A
1 Food and Chemical Toxicology (FCT) A
1 Food and Waterborne Parasitology A
1 Food Bioscience A
1 Food Chemistry A
1 Food Chemistry: Molecular Sciences A
1 Food chemistry: X. A
1 Food Control A
1 Food Microbiology A
1 Food Packaging and Shelf Life A
1 Food Policy A
1 Food Quality and Preference A
1 Food Research International A
1 Food Science and Technology (London)
1 Food Webs A
1 Forces in Mechanics A
1 Forensic Science International A
1 Forensic Science International: Animals and Environments A
1 Forensic Science International: Digital Investigation A
1 Forensic Science International: Reports A
1 Forensic Science International: Synergy A
1 Forest Policy and Economics A
1 Fuel and Energy Abstracts
1 Fundamental Research
1 Fungal Biology A
1 Fungal Biology Reviews A
1 Fungal ecology A
1 Fungal Genetics and Biology A
1 Future Foods A
1 Futures: The journal of policy, planning and futures studies A
1 Gait & Posture A
1 Gas Science and Engineering A
1 Gas Separation & Purification
1 Gene A
1 Gene Expression Patterns A
1 General Hospital Psychiatry A
1 Genomics, proteomics & bioinformatics A
1 Geobios A
1 Geoderma A
1 Geographie, Economie, Societe
1 Geography and Sustainability A
1 Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment A
1 Geoscience Frontiers
1 Geotextiles and Geomembranes A
1 Geothermics A
1 Geriatric Nursing A
1 Giornale Italiano di Endodonzia
1 Global and Planetary Change A
1 Global Ecology and Conservation A
1 Global Energy Interconnection (GEI)
1 Global Epidemiology A
1 Global Finance Journal A
1 Global Food Security A
1 Global Transitions
1 Gondwana Research A
1 Graphical Models A
1 Graphics and Visual Computing
1 Green Chemical Engineering (GreenChE)
1 Green Energy and Intelligent Transportation
1 Green Energy and Resources (GER)
1 Groundwater for Sustainable Development A
1 Growth Hormone & IGF Research A
1 Gynecologic oncology reports A
1 Gynécologie Obstétrique Fertilité & Sénologie A
1 Habitat International: a journal for the study of human settlements A
1 Hand Clinics
1 Hand Surgery & Rehabilitation A
1 Handbook of Clinical Neurology
1 HardwareX A
1 Harmful Algae A
1 Health and Place A
1 Health Policy and Technology A
1 Healthcare: The Journal of Delivery Science and Innovation A
1 Hearing Research A
1 Heart & Lung A
1 Heart Rhythm O2 A
1 Heart, Lung and Circulation A
1 HeartRhythm Case Reports A
1 Heliyon A
1 Hematology/Oncology Clinics of North America
1 Heterocycles
1 High Energy Density Physics A
1 High-Confidence Computing
1 HOMO: Journal of Comparative Human Biology
1 Hong Kong Journal of Occupational Therapy
1 Hong Kong Physiotherapy Journal
1 Hormones and Behavior A
1 Human Immunology A
1 Human Movement Science A
1 Human Pathology: Case Reports
1 Human Resource Management Review A
1 Hydrometallurgy A
1 IBRO Neuroscience Reports A
1 Icarus (New York, N.Y. 1962) A
1 ICT Express A
1 IDCases A
1 IERI procedia
1 IFAC Journal of Systems and Control A
1 IFAC-PapersOnLine
1 IJID Regions A
1 Image and Vision Computing A
1 Immunology Letters A
1 Indian Heart Journal
1 Indian Journal of Rheumatology A
1 Infant Behavior and Development A
1 Infection Prevention in Practice (IPIP) A
1 Infectious Disease Clinics of North America
1 Infectious Disease Modelling
1 Informatics in Medicine Unlocked (IMU) A
1 Injury A
1 Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies A
1 Inorganic Chemistry Communications A
1 Inorganica Chimica Acta A
1 Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology A
1 Insurance, Mathematics & Economics A
1 Integrative Medicine Research (IMR)
1 Intelligence-Based Medicine A
1 International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation A
1 International Dental Journal A
1 International Emergency Nursing A
1 International Food and Agribusiness Management Review
1 International Health A
1 International Immunopharmacology A
1 International Journal for Parasitology A
1 International Journal for Parasitology: Drugs and Drug Resistance A
1 International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife A
1 International Journal of Africa Nursing Sciences A
1 International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology A
1 International Journal of Biological Macromolecules A
1 International Journal of Cardiology A
1 International Journal of Cardiology Congenital Heart Disease A
1 International Journal of Cardiology: Cardiovascular Risk and Prevention (IJCCRP) A
1 International journal of cardiology: Heart and Vasculature (IJCHA) A
1 International Journal of Child Abuse & Neglect A
1 International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction A
1 International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology A
1 International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection A
1 International journal of drug policy A
1 International Journal of Educational Research Open A
1 International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems A
1 International Journal of e-Navigation and Maritime Economy
1 International Journal of Engineering Science A
1 International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science A
1 International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control A
1 International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow A
1 International Journal of Hospitality Management A
1 International Journal of Hydrogen Energy A
1 International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics A
1 International Journal of Industrial Organization A
1 International Journal of Information Management Data Insights A
1 International Journal of Innovation Studies
1 International Journal of Law and Psychiatry A
1 International Journal of Mining Science and Technology
1 International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering A
1 International Journal of Nursing Studies Advances (IJNS Advances) A
1 International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery A
1 International Journal of Orthopaedic and Trauma Nursing A
1 International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine A
1 International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology A
1 International Journal of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine
1 International Journal of Pharmaceutics: X A
1 International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping A
1 International Journal of Psychophysiology A
1 International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics A
1 International journal of refrigeration A
1 International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences & Geomechanics Abstracts
1 International Journal of Sediment Research
1 International Journal of Surgery Open A
1 International Journal of Thermal Sciences A
1 International Journal of Thermofluids A
1 International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology
1 International Review of Cell and Molecular Biology
1 International Review of Economics and Finance A
1 International Review of Economics Education A
1 Internet Interventions A
1 Internet of Things: Engineering Cyber Physical Human Systems A
1 Interventional Cardiology Clinics
1 ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (P&RS) A
1 ISPRS Open Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (IOJPRS) A
1 JACC. Heart failure A
1 JACC: Advances A
1 JACC: Basic to Translational Science
1 JACC: CardioOncology
1 JACC: Case Reports
1 Japan and The World Economy A
1 JDS Communications
1 JHEP Reports A
1 JID Innovations A
1 Joint Bone Spine A
1 Journal Chiropractic Medicine A
1 Journal de Chirurgie Viscérale A
1 Journal de Pédiatrie et de Puériculture A
1 Journal of Accounting and Public Policy A
1 Journal of Accounting Education A
1 Journal of Acupuncture and Meridian Studies
1 Journal of Adolescent Health A
1 Journal of Advanced Joining Processes A
1 Journal of Advanced Research (JAR) A
1 Journal of Advertising Research
1 Journal of Aerosol Science A
1 Journal of Affective Disorders A
1 Journal of Affective Disorders Reports A
1 Journal of African Earth Sciences A
1 Journal of Aging Studies A
1 Journal of Agriculture and Food Research A
1 Journal of Air Transport Management A
1 Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: Global (JACI: Global) A
1 Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice A
1 Journal of Alloys and Compounds A
1 Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis A
1 Journal of Anxiety Disorders A
1 Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology A
1 Journal of Applied Geophysics A
1 Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition
1 Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports A
1 Journal of Arthroplasty A
1 Journal of Asia-Pacific Biodiversity
1 Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics A
1 Journal of Automation and Intelligence (JAI)
1 Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine ( J. Ayurveda integr. med.) A
1 Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry A
1 Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics A
1 Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance A
1 Journal of Biomedical Informatics A
1 Journal of Bioresources and Bioproducts (JB&B)
1 Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering
1 Journal of Biotechnology A
1 Journal of Bodywork & Movement Therapies A
1 Journal of Bone Oncology A
1 Journal of Building Engineering A
1 Journal of Business Venturing Insights A
1 Journal of Cancer Policy A
1 Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia A
1 Journal of cardiovascular computed tomography A
1 Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy A
1 Journal of Choice Modelling A
1 Journal of Clinical and Translational Endocrinology A
1 Journal of Clinical Lipidology A
1 Journal of Clinical Tuberculosis and Other Mycobacterial Diseases (JCTMD) A
1 Journal of Clinical Virology A
1 Journal of Clinical Virology Plus A
1 Journal of CO2 Utilization A
1 Journal of Commodity Markets A
1 Journal of Communication Disorders A
1 Journal of comparative economics A
1 Journal of Complexity A
1 Journal of Computational Science A
1 Journal of Contemporary Accounting and Economics A
1 Journal of Co-operative Organization and Management A
1 Journal of criminal justice A
1 Journal of Crystal Growth A
1 Journal of Diabetes and its Complications (JDC) A
1 Journal of Digital Economy (JDE)
1 Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology A
1 Journal of Economic Criminology A
1 Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control A
1 Journal of Economic Psychology A
1 Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry A
1 Journal of Electrocardiology A
1 Journal of Electromyography & Kinesiology A
1 Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena A
1 Journal of Electrostatics A
1 Journal of Emergency Medicine A
1 Journal of Energy Chemistry A
1 Journal of Energy Storage A
1 Journal of Engineering Research (JER)
1 Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering A
1 Journal of Environmental Radioactivity A
1 Journal of Equine Veterinary Science A
1 Journal of Ethnopharmacology A
1 Journal of Exercise Science and Fitness A
1 Journal of Experimental Child Psychology A
1 Journal of Experimental Social Psychology A
1 Journal of Financial Stability A
1 Journal of Fluency Disorders A
1 Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine A
1 Journal of Forensic Radiology and Imaging
1 Journal of Functional Foods A
1 Journal of Geriatric Oncology A
1 Journal of Global Antimicrobial Resistance A
1 Journal of Gynecology Obstetrics and Human Reproduction A
1 Journal of Hazardous Materials Advances A
1 Journal of Hazardous Materials Letters A
1 Journal of Herbal Medicine A
1 Journal of High Energy Astrophysics A
1 Journal of High Technology Management Research A
1 Journal of Historical Geography A
1 Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management
1 Journal of Hospitality Financial Management
1 Journal of Hydro-environment Research A
1 Journal of Hydrology Regional Studies A
1 Journal of Immunological Methods (JIM) A
1 Journal of Industrial Information Integration A
1 Journal of Infection and Public Health A
1 Journal of Information Security and Applications A
1 Journal of Informetrics (JOI) A
1 Journal of Innovation & Knowledge (JIK) A
1 Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry A
1 Journal of Integrative Agriculture (JIA) A
1 Journal of Interactive Marketing
1 Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation A
1 Journal of international financial markets, institutions, and money A
1 Journal of International Management A
1 Journal of International Money and Finance A
1 Journal of Interprofessional Education & Practice A
1 Journal of King Saud University - Computer and Information Sciences A
1 Journal of King Saud University - Science A
1 Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries A
1 Journal of Magnesium and Alloys
1 Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials A
1 Journal of Manufacturing Processes A
1 Journal of Marine Systems A
1 Journal of Materials Research and Technology (JMR&T) A
1 Journal of Materiomics A
1 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications A
1 Journal of Mathematical Economics A
1 Journal of Mathematical Psychology A
1 Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences A
1 Journal of Memory and Language A
1 Journal of Microbiological Methods A
1 Journal of Microbiology, Immunology and Infection (JMII) A
1 Journal of Migration and Health A
1 Journal of minimally invasive gynecology A
1 Journal of Molecular Biology (JMB) A
1 Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling A
1 Journal of Molecular Liquids A
1 Journal of Molecular Structure A
1 Journal of Mood and Anxiety Disorders A
1 Journal of Multinational Financial Management A
1 Journal of Neuroimmunology A
1 Journal of Neurolinguistics A
1 Journal of Neuroscience Methods A
1 Journal of Nutrition and Intermediary Metabolism
1 Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior A
1 Journal of Ocean Engineering and Science
1 Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity A
1 Journal of optometry A
1 Journal of Oral Biology and Craniofacial Research (JOBCR) A
1 Journal of Oral Biosciences (JOB) A
1 Journal of Orthopaedic Science A
1 Journal of Otology
1 Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism A
1 Journal of Pain A
1 Journal of Pain and Symptom Management A
1 Journal of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology A
1 Journal of Pediatric Nursing : Nursing Care of Children and Families A
1 Journal of Pediatric Surgery Case Reports A
1 Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis A
1 Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis A
1 Journal of Pharmacological Sciences (JPS) A
1 Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry (JPPA) A
1 Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology C: Photochemistry Reviews A
1 Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology. B: Biology A
1 Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids A
1 Journal of Physiotherapy
1 Journal of Pipeline Science and Engineering
1 Journal of Policy Modeling A
1 Journal of Power Sources A
1 Journal of Power Sources Advances A
1 Journal of Proteomics A
1 Journal of Psychosomatic Research A
1 Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management A
1 Journal of Radiation Research and Applied Sciences (JRRAS) A
1 Journal of Radiology Nursing A
1 Journal of Rail Transport Planning & Management A
1 Journal of Rare Earths A
1 Journal of Reproductive Immunology A
1 Journal of Research in Personality A
1 Journal of Responsible Technology A
1 Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services A
1 Journal of Road Engineering (JRE)
1 Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering
1 Journal of Safety Science and Resilience (JSSR)
1 Journal of School Psychology A
1 Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport A
1 Journal of Science: Advanced Materials and Devices (JS: AMD) A
1 Journal of Sea Research A
1 Journal of Second Language Writing A
1 Journal of Sexual Medicine A
1 Journal of Solid State Chemistry A
1 Journal of Space Safety Engineering A
1 Journal of stomatology, oral and maxillofacial surgery (JORMAS) A
1 Journal of Stroke & Cerebrovascular Diseases A
1 Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment
1 Journal of Supercritical Fluids A
1 Journal of Surgical Education A
1 Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics A
1 Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology Case Reports A
1 Journal of the American College of Radiology A
1 Journal of the American Society of Cytopathology (JASC)
1 Journal of the American Society of Hypertension : JASH
1 Journal of the Energy Institute A
1 Journal of the European Ceramic Society A
1 Journal of The Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials A
1 Journal of the Neurological Sciences A
1 Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers A
1 Journal of the World Federation of Orthodontists A
1 Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology A
1 Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine
1 Journal of Transport and Health A
1 Journal of Urban Management A
1 Journal of Urban Mobility A
1 Journal of Vascular Nursing A
1 Journal of Vascular Surgery Cases and Innovative Techniques A
1 Journal of Vascular Surgery: Venous and Lymphatic Disorders (JVS-VL) A
1 Journal of veterinary behavior A
1 Journal of Veterinary Cardiology (JVC) A
1 Journal of Virological Methods A
1 Journal of Voice A
1 Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research A
1 Journal of Water Process Engineering A
1 Journal of Web Semantics A
1 Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology
1 JPRAS Open A
1 JSES International A
1 JSES Reviews, Reports, and Techniques A
1 JTCVS open A
1 JTCVS Techniques A
1 JTO Clinical and Research Reports A
1 Kidney International Reports A
1 Kidney Medicine A
1 Kinesitherapie A
1 La recherche Européenne en télémédecine
1 Lancet Microbe
1 Language & Communication A
1 L'Anthropologie
1 Latin American Journal of Central Banking (LAJCB)
1 Learning and Individual Differences A
1 Learning, Culture and Social Interaction A
1 Leukemia Research A
1 Leukemia Research Reports A
1 Life Sciences A
1 Life Sciences in Space Research A
1 Lingua A
1 Linguistics and Education A
1 Livestock Science A
1 Long Range Planning A
1 Lung Cancer A
1 Machine Learning with Applications (MLWA) A
1 Magnetic Resonance Imaging A
1 Manufacturing Letters A
1 Marine and Petroleum Geology A
1 Marine Chemistry A
1 Marine Environmental Research A
1 Marine Genomics A
1 Marine Micropaleontology A
1 Marine Policy A
1 Marine Pollution Bulletin A
1 Maritime Transport Research A
1 Materialia A
1 Materials & design A
1 Materials Characterization A
1 Materials Chemistry and Physics A
1 Materials Letters A
1 Materials Today A
1 Materials Today Advances A
1 Materials Today Bio A
1 Materials Today Chemistry A
1 Materials Today Communications A
1 Materials Today Energy A
1 Materials Today Nano A
1 Materials Today Physics A
1 Materials Today: Proceedings A
1 Mathematical Biosciences A
1 Mathematical Social Sciences A
1 Matrix Biology A
1 Matrix Biology Plus A
1 Maturitas A
1 Mayo Clinic Proceedings: Innovations, Quality & Outcomes (MCP:IQ&O) A
1 Mechanisms of Development
1 Medical Dosimetry A
1 Medical Engineering and Physics A
1 Medicina Intensiva A
1 Medicina Paliativa
1 Membrane Technology
1 Mental health & prevention A
1 Mental Health and Physical Activity A
1 Meta Gene
1 Metabolism Open A
1 MethodsX A
1 Micro and Nano Engineering (MNE) A
1 Microbes and infection A
1 Microbial Risk Analysis A
1 Microchemical Journal A
1 Microelectronics Journal
1 Midwifery A
1 Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology A
1 Molecular Astrophysics
1 Molecular Catalysis A
1 Molecular Genetics and Metabolism A
1 Molecular Genetics and Metabolism Reports A
1 Molecular Metabolism A
1 Molecular Therapy Nucleic Acids A
1 Multimodal Transportation A
1 Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders A
1 Musculoskeletal Science and Practice A
1 Mutation research A
1 Mutation research. Reviews in mutation research A
1 Nano Communication Networks A
1 Nano Energy A
1 Nano Today A
1 NanoImpact A
1 Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine A
1 Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) A
1 Nefrologia
1 Neurobiology of Aging A
1 Neurobiology of Disease A
1 Neurobiology of Learning and Memory A
1 Neurobiology of Sleep and Circadian Rhythms A
1 Neurobiology of Stress A
1 Neurochemistry International A
1 NeuroImage: Clinical A
1 Neuroimage: Reports A
1 Neuromuscular Disorders A
1 Neuropharmacology A
1 Neuropsychiatrie de l'enfance et de l'adolescence A
1 Neuroscience Letters A
1 Neurotoxicology A
1 New Carbon Materials
1 New Ideas in Psychology A
1 New microbes and new infections A
1 New Techno-Humanities
1 Next Energy A
1 Nexus A
1 NJAS - Wageningen Journal of Life Sciences
1 Non-coding RNA Research
1 Nonlinear Analysis. Hybrid Systems. A
1 Norwegian Petroleum Society (NPF) : Special Publications
1 Nuclear and Particle Physics Proceedings A
1 Nuclear Energy and Technology
1 Nuclear Engineering and Design A
1 Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Reseach B A
1 Nuclear Materials and Energy A
1 Nuclear Medicine and Biology A
1 Nuclear Physics A A
1 Nutrition - The International Journal of Applied and Basic Nutritional Sciences A
1 Nutrition Research A
1 Nutrition: X
1 Obesity Medicine A
1 Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinics of North America
1 Ocean and Coastal Management A
1 Ocean Engineering A
1 Ocean Modelling A
1 Oceanologica Acta
1 One Earth A
1 One Health A
1 Online Social Networks and Media (OSNEM) A
1 Open Ceramics A
1 Operations Research for Health Care A
1 Operations Research Perspectives A
1 Operative Techniques in Orthopaedics A
1 Ophthalmology Retina A
1 Optical Switching and Networkning Journal A
1 Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Cases A
1 Oral Oncology A
1 Oral surgery, oral medicine, oral pathology and oral radiology A
1 Organic Geochemistry A
1 Orthopaedics & Traumatology: Surgery & Research A
1 Osong Public Health and Research Perspectives
1 Osteoarthritis and Cartilage A
1 Osteoarthritis and Cartilage Open A
1 Pacific Science Review
1 Palaeoworld A
1 Papillomavirus Research. The Journal of HPV and other Small DNA Tumor Viruses
1 Parasite Epidemiology and Control A
1 Partial Differential Equations in Applied Mathematics A
1 Pathophysiology A
1 Pattern Recognition Letters A
1 PEC Innovation A
1 Pediatric Neurology A
1 Pedobiologia A
1 Peptides A
1 Performance Enhancement & Health A
1 Personality and Individual Differences A
1 Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation (PECON)
1 PET Clinics
1 Petroleum Research
1 Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior A
1 PharmaNutrition A
1 Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications A
1 Physica Medica A
1 Physical Communication A
1 Physical Mesomechanics
1 Physical Therapy in Sport A
1 Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Part C: Solar, Terrestial & Planetary Science
1 Physics and imaging in radiation oncology (PIRO) A
1 Physics of the Dark Universe A
1 Physics Open A
1 Physics Procedia
1 Plant Gene A
1 Polar Science A
1 Powder Technology A
1 Practical Laboratory Medicine A
1 Practical Radiation Oncology
1 Pregnancy Hypertension A
1 Preventive Medicine Reports A
1 Procedia Chemistry
1 Procedia CIRP
1 Procedia Computer Science
1 Procedia Food Science
1 Procedia Manufacturing
1 Procedia Structural Integrity
1 Procedia Technology - Elsevier
1 Proceedings Geological Association A
1 Proceedings of the Combustion Institute A
1 Process Safety and Environmental Protection (PSEP) A
1 Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology A
1 Progress in Brain Research
1 Progress in Disaster Science A
1 Progress in Medicinal Chemistry
1 Progress in Neuro-psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry A
1 Progress in Organic Coatings A
1 Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics A
1 Project Leadership and Society (PLS) A
1 Propulsion and Power Research
1 Prostate International (Prostate int.)
1 Protist A
1 Psychiatric Clinics of North America
1 Psychiatry Research A
1 Psychiatry Research : Neuroimaging A
1 Psychiatry Research Communications A
1 Psychologie Francaise
1 Psychosomatics
1 Public Health in Practice A
1 Public Relations Review A
1 Quaternary Geochronology A
1 Quaternary International A
1 Quaternary Science Advances A
1 Radiography A
1 Radiology Case Reports A
1 Rangelands A
1 Redox Biology A
1 Regional Science and Urban Economics A
1 Regional Studies in Marine Science A
1 Regional Sustainability
1 Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment (RSASE) A
1 Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews A
1 Renewable and Sustainable Energy Transition A
1 Renewable Energy A
1 Renewable Energy Focus A
1 Reports of Practical Oncology and Radiotherapy
1 Reproductive Biology A
1 Reproductive Biomedicine & Society Online
1 Reproductive Toxicology A
1 Research and Practice in Thrombosis and Haemostasis (RPTH) A
1 Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders A
1 Research in Developmental Disabilities A
1 Research in Globalization A
1 Research in Labor Economics
1 Research in Microbiology A
1 Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy A
1 Research in Social Stratification and Mobility A
1 Research in the Sociology of Sport
1 Research in Transportation Business and Management (RTBM) A
1 Research in Transportation Economics A
1 Research in Veterinary Science A
1 Research Methods in Applied Linguistics A
1 Research on Economic Inequality
1 Resource and Energy Economics A
1 Resources Policy A
1 Resources, Conservation & Recycling Advances (RCR Advances) A
1 Resources, Conservation and Recycling A
1 Resources, Environment and Sustainability A
1 Respiratory Medicine A
1 Respiratory Medicine Case Reports A
1 Respiratory Medicine: X
1 Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology A
1 Results in Applied Mathematics A
1 Results in Chemistry A
1 Results in Engineering (RINENG) A
1 Results in Materials A
1 Results in Optics A
1 Results in Physics A
1 Resuscitation Plus A
1 Review of Development Finance
1 Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology A
1 Reviews in Physics A
1 Revista Brasileira de Ciências do Esporte
1 Revista Colombiana de Psiquiatría (RCP)
1 Revista de Logopedia, Foniatria y Audiologia A
1 Revista de Psiquiatria y Salud Mental
1 Revista Espanola de Anestesiologia y Reanimacion A
1 Revista Iberoamericana de Micologia A
1 Revista Medica Clinica Las Condes
1 Revista Portuguesa de Cardiologia (English Edition)
1 Revue de Micropaleontologie A
1 Revue du Rhumatisme (Edition Francaise) A
1 Revue européenne de psychologue appliquée A
1 Revue Européenne du Trauma et de la Dissociation A
1 Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing A
1 Rock Mechanics Bulletin
1 Rocznik Medyczny
1 Russian Geology and Geophysics
1 Scandinavian Journal of Management A
1 Schizophrenia Research: Cognition A
1 Science of Remote Sensing A
1 Science Talks A
1 Scientia Horticulturae A
1 Scientific African
1 Seminars in Cell and Developmental Biology A
1 Seminars in Neonatology
1 Seminars in Oncology Nursing (SON) A
1 Sensing and Bio-Sensing Research A
1 Sensors and Actuators Reports A
1 Sensors and actuators. B, Chemical A
1 Sexologies: revue europeenne de sante sexuelle - european journal of sexual health
1 Sexual & Reproductive HealthCare A
1 Sexual medicine reviews A
1 She Ji: The Journal of Design, Economics, and Innovation
1 Signal Processing A
1 Simulation modelling practice and theory A
1 Sleep Health A
1 Sleep Medicine A
1 Sleep Medicine Reviews A
1 Sleep Medicine: X A
1 Smart Agricultural Technology A
1 Smart Energy A
1 Smart Health A
1 Smart Materials in Medicine
1 Social Sciences & Humanities Open A
1 Software Impacts A
1 SoftwareX A
1 Soils and Foundations A
1 Solid State Communications A
1 Spatial and Spatio-temporal Epidemiology A
1 Spatial Statistics A
1 Speech Communication A
1 Sport Management Review A
1 Sports Economics Review (SER) A
1 Sports Orthopaedics and Traumatology A
1 SSM - Mental Health (SSM-MH) A
1 SSM - Population Health A
1 SSM - Qualitative Research in Health A
1 Statistical Methodology
1 Stem Cell Reports A
1 Stem Cell Research A
1 Steroids A
1 Structural Change and Economic Dynamics A
1 Structures A
1 Supply Chain Analytics A
1 Surfaces and Interfaces A
1 Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases A
1 Surgery Open Science A
1 Surgical Clinics of North America
1 Surgical Pathology Clinics
1 Sustainability Analytics and Modeling
1 Sustainability of Water Quality and Ecology
1 Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy A
1 Sustainable Cities and Society (SCS) A
1 Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems A
1 Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks A
1 Sustainable Futures A
1 Sustainable Horizons
1 Sustainable Materials and Technologies A
1 Sustainable Production and Consumption A
1 Swarm and Evolutionary Computation A
1 System (Linköping) A
1 Systems and Soft Computing (SASC) A
1 Talanta Open A
1 Teaching and Learning in Nursing A
1 Technical Innovations & Patient Support in Radiation Oncology A
1 Telecommunications Policy A
1 Teletraffic science and engineering
1 The Arts in Psychotherapy A
1 The Asian Journal of Shipping and Logistics A
1 The British Accounting Review A
1 The Cell Surface A
1 The Extractive Industries and Society A
1 The International Journal of Management Education A
1 The Internet and Higher Education A
1 The Journal of Climate Change and Health A
1 The Journal of Family Business Strategy A
1 The Journal of Finance and Data Science
1 The Journal of Social Studies Research (JSSR)
1 The Journal of the Economics of Ageing A
1 The Lancet Digital Health
1 The Lancet Healthy Longevity
1 The Lancet Regional Health - Americas
1 The Lancet Regional Health - Europe
1 The Lancet Regional Health – Southeast Asia
1 The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific
1 The Lancet Rheumatology
1 The Professional Animal Scientist (PAS)
1 The psychology of learning and motivation
1 Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics A
1 Thermal Science and Engineering Progress A
1 Thin Solid Films A
1 Thinking Skills and Creativity A
1 Thrombosis Research A
1 Thrombosis Update A
1 TIBS -Trends in Biochemical Sciences. Regular ed. A
1 Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases A
1 TIPS - Trends in Pharmacological Sciences A
1 Topics in Companion Animal Medicine A
1 Topology and its Applications A
1 Tourism Management Perspectives A
1 Toxicologie Analytique et Clinique A
1 Toxicology A
1 Toxicology in Vitro A
1 Toxicology Letters A
1 Toxicology reports A
1 Toxicon A
1 Toxicon: X A
1 Transactions of A. Razmadze Mathematical Institute
1 Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China
1 Transfusion and Apheresis Science A
1 Translational Medicine of Aging
1 Transplantation and Cellular Therapy (TCT) A
1 Transplantation Proceedings A
1 Transport Policy A
1 Transportation Engineering A
1 Transportation Geotechnics A
1 Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives (TRIP) A
1 Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies A
1 Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review A
1 Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour A
1 Transportation Research Procedia
1 Travel Behaviour & Society A
1 Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease A
1 Trees, Forests and People A
1 Trends in Anaesthesia and Critical Care A
1 Trends in Biotechnology A
1 Trends in Ecology & Evolution A
1 Trends in Environmental Analytical Chemistry A
1 Trends in Genetics A
1 Trends in immunology A
1 Trends in Microbiology A
1 Trends in Neuroscience and Education A
1 Trends in Neurosciences A
1 Trends in Parasitology A
1 Trends in Plant Science A
1 Tumour Virus Research A
1 Ultramicroscopy A
1 Underground Space
1 Upstream Oil and Gas Technology
1 Urology Case Reports A
1 Urology Practice
1 Utilities Policy A
1 Vaccine A
1 Vaccine: X A
1 Vehicular Communications A
1 Veterinary and Animal Science A
1 Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology A
1 Veterinary Parasitology: Regional Studies and Reports A
1 Virtual Reality and Intelligent Hardware (VRIH)
1 Virus Research A
1 Vision Research A
1 Waste Management Bulletin A
1 Water Biology and Security
1 Water Research X A
1 Water Resources and Economics A
1 Water Resources and Rural Development
1 Water Security A
1 Weather and Climate Extremes A
1 Wellbeing, Space and Society A
1 Wine Economics and Policy
1 Women and Birth A
1 Women's Studies: International Forum A
1 World Development Perspectives A
1 World Development Sustainability A
1 World Neurosurgery A
1 World Neurosurgery:X A
1 World Patent Information A
1 Zeitschrift fur Evidenz, Fortbildung und Qualitat im Gesundheitswesen A
1 Zhongguó wùli xuékan A
1 Zoologischer Anzeiger A
1 Zoology A
0 Advances in Applied Microeconomics
0 Advances in Food and Nutrition Research
0 Advances in International Accounting
0 Advances in Molecular Relaxation and Interaction Processes
0 Advances in Molecular Relaxation Processes
0 Advances in Molecular Toxicology
0 Advances in Services Marketing and Management
0 Advances in the Economics of Environmental Resources
0 Advances in Transport Policy and Planning
0 AKCE International Journal of Graphs and Combinatorics A
0 Anesthesiology Clinics of North America
0 Annales de Chirurgie
0 Annales de l'Institut Pasteur. Actualités
0 Annales de l'Institut Pasteur: Immunologie
0 Annales de Réadaptation et de Médecine Physique
0 Annales d'Urologie
0 Annales Francaise d'Anesthesie et de Reanimation
0 Annals of Medicine and Surgery
0 Applied Animal Science (AAS)
0 Applied Research in Mental Retardation
0 Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences A
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