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Explore: The Journal of Science and Healing

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Explore: The Journal of Science and Healing


1550-8307         Periode: [2005 .. ]


1878-7541         Periode: [2005 .. ]










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Chr. Michelsen Institute
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Nivåplasseringer og UH-sektorens publiseringspoeng

Vedtak: 24.01.24: Tidsskriftet beholder nivå 1, etter råd fra publiseringskommiteen.

År Nivå Forfatterandeler Publiseringspoeng
2024 1
2023 1 0.4333 1.1081
2022 1 0.5714 0.7559
2021 1 0.1429 0.4914
2020 1 0.9583 1.7681
2019 1 0.0 0.0
2018 1 0.6 0.7746
2017 1 0.0 0.0
2016 1 0.0 0.0
2015 1 0.0 0.0
2014 1 0.0 0.0
2013 1 0.0 0.0
2012 1 0.26 0.26
2011 1 0.1 0.1
2010 1 0.0 0.0
2009 1 0.0 0.0
Offentliggjøres i mai året etter


Kommentarer som gjelder oppdatering av informasjon, er kun synlig for deg og saksbehandler. Kommentarer som gjelder faglige innspill og nivå, blir offentlige.

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Dear Committee,

I would like to inform the committee that the perspective by one or a few researchers in favor or against a journal must not be considered final for making a decision on the inclusion or exclusion of a journal from the list of journals having a nivå.

I have the experience of reviewing for this journal and have seen that the journal does not discriminate between articles with positive or negative results on the effects of an intervention. At least they enter equally to the review process, but what has made the rejection of studies with a nonsignificant result has been mainly weaknesses in the methods section or the whole quality of presentation.
The presence of many studies with positive results of an intervention on an outcome published by this journal can not be considered a bias by the ‘’editorial team’’. Rather it could be the submission of many studies to this journal with such a relationship between the intervention and outcome.

Finally, interests of publishing studies reporting a positive effect of an intervention is a problem affecting all journals nationally and internationally. The following is an example of journal of lancet, as the best journal in health science:

Dear Mojtaba,

Thank you for your comment.
We decided to put the journal at level X in accordance with the recommendation from the scientific panel. We will reconsider it at the next decision meeting, based on feedback and other available information about the journal, your feedback included.

Kind regards,
Lena-Cecilie Linge
As far as I can tell, Explore: the journal of science and healing, seems to exist in order to publish positive findings of studies of various alternative medicines that have been demonstrated in other, better, journals to have only placebo effects. The editor-in-chief (Larry Dossey) promotes the use of prayer in medicine and many of the editorial board have similarly dubious backgrounds. Co-editor-in-chief Ben Kligler promotes yoga and acupuncture. Dean Radin is an exponent of "quantum waffle" a la Deepak Chopra and thinks that inanimate objects can be psychically imbued with healing powers.

The articles contained in the latest edition (Vol 18, Iss 5) discuss variously: Reiki (reporting positive results), electric cars (not sure how this relates to either spirituality or healing), alien abductions (I am not kidding), aromatherapy (reporting positive results), acupuncture (reporting positive results), telepathy (reporting positive results - again I am not making this up), acupressure (reporting positive results), Ayurvedic "medicine" (something about chakras, again reporting a positive result), thought field therapy (more psychic powers - again, reporting a positive effect), herbal medicine (again, a positive result)... need I go on? This is just a single issue and this journal has been pumping out this nonsense for decades.

The journal even has a "Cochrane Corner" where they "respond" to Cochrane Collaboration systematic reviews, presumably any that they disagree with.

It is utterly outrageous that this journal is STILL listed as Nivå 1 despite an obvious pro-alternative medicine bias in the editorial board and its lobbying against evidence-based medicine. What is equally outrageous is that this journal is also – bizarrely – indexed in Web of Science. I can only assume that once you are indexed in WOS you have to shoot somebody in the street in order to have that status removed.

It is published by Elsevier - a supposedly "reputable" publisher - but they should frankly be taken to task for enabling this journal for so long.

Researchers at Norwegian institutions published in this journal in the years 2011, 2012, 2018, 2020, and 2021. I imagine that they will continue to do so until it is downgraded.
Hi again,

We have decided to put the journal at level X, in accordance with the recommendation from the scientific panel. We will reconsider it at the next decision meeting, based on feedbacks and available information.

Kind regards,
Lena-Cecilie Linge
The journal will be discussed with the committee for health sciences. We will follow it up at the decision meeting in January.

Kind regards,
Lena-Cecilie Linge

We will go through the journal again.
We reconsidered the journal in 2019 and could not find reasons for taking it down to 0.

Kind regards,
Lena-Cecilie Linge

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