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Future Generation Computer Systems

Bibliographic Information

International Title:

Future Generation Computer Systems


0167-739X         Period: [1984 .. ]


1872-7115         Period: [ .. ]



Country of publication:



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ITAR Code:


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Minimum Criteria

✅ Scientific editorial board
✅ Peer reviewed
✅ Min. national authorship
✅ Approved ISSN

Open Access

❌ Not indexed by DOAJ - Checked 0 days ago
 Included in publishing agreement :
Consortium agreement Valid until December 31 2024
62 Institutions in Agreement: Show [+]
Akershus universitetssykehus HF
Chr. Michelsen Institute
Departementenes Sikkerhets- og Serviceorganisasjon
Direktoratet for strålevern og atomsikkerhet
Forsvarets forskningsinstitutt
Handelshøyskolen BI
Helse Bergen HF - Haukeland universitetssykehus
Høgskolen i Innlandet
Høgskolen i Molde - Vitenskapelig høgskole i logistikk
Høgskolen i Østfold
Høgskulen i Volda
Høgskulen på Vestlandet
Høyskolen Kristiania
Institutt for Energiteknikk
Kreftregisteret - Institutt for populasjonsbasert kreftforskning
Lovisenberg diakonale høgskole
Meteorologisk institutt
Nasjonalt kunnskapssenter om vold og traumatisk stress
NILU - Norsk institutt for luftforskning
NORCE Norwegian Research Centre AS
Nord Universitet
Norges geologiske undersøkelse
Norges Geotekniske Institutt
Norges Handelshøyskole
Norges Idrettshøgskole
Norges miljø- og biovitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges vassdrags- og energidirektorat
Norsk institutt for bioøkonomi
Norsk institutt for naturforskning
Norsk institutt for vannforskning
Norsk Polarinstitutt
NUBU – Nasjonalt utviklingssenter for barn og unge
Oslo universitetssykehus HF
OsloMet - Storbyuniversitetet
RBUP Øst og Sør
RURALIS – Institutt for rural- og regionalforskning
SINTEF Manufacturing
St. Olavs Hospital HF
Statens arbeidsmiljøinstitutt
Statistisk sentralbyrå
Tannhelsetjenestens kompetansesentre
Transportøkonomisk institutt
UiT Norges arktiske universitet
Universitetet i Agder
Universitetet i Bergen
Universitetet i Oslo
Universitetet i Stavanger
Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge
Universitetssenteret på Svalbard
Universitetssykehuset Nord-Norge HF
VID vitenskapelige høgskole
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Plan S: Journal Checker Tool [+]

Scientific level placements and Norwegian HEIs publication points

Year Scientific Level Author Shares Publication Points
2025 2
2024 2
2023 2
2022 2 3.5762 16.6821
2021 2 2.7542 17.5647
2020 1 2.3625 4.4457
2019 1 2.2333 4.2133
2018 1 2.4361 4.9349
2017 1 1.2 1.5345
2016 1 0.037 0.3753
2015 1 1.0 1.0
2014 1 0.0 0.0
2013 1 0.0 0.0
2012 1 0.0 0.0
2011 1 0.25 0.25
2010 1 0.33 0.33
2009 1 0.0 0.0
2008 1 0.0 0.0
2007 1 0.15 0.15
2006 1 0.0 0.0
2005 1 0.0 0.0
2004 1 0.33 0.33
Published in May the following year


Comments regarding updates on the publication channel are only visible for you and the advisors. Comments regarding the scientific quality and levels will be public.

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Hi. I think this journal can be upgraded into level 2 given its high impact and low acceptance level. It's among the top Informatics related journals. Would you please inform me why 'Information and Computation' or 'Interacting with computers' are level 2 while 'Future generations computer systems' is level 1? Can you please check Scopus or other databases and see if this journal can be upgraded to level 2? Thank you! Kind regards, Hossein
Thank you for the proposal. The responsible Publication Boards have evaluated your proposal and it was finally accepted by the National Board of Scholarly Publication (NPU). You can find details under Nominations, Amendment archive, 2019 Informatikk. With kind regards, The ICT Publication Committee
Hi. I think this journal can be upgraded into level 2 given its impact and low acceptance level. It's among the top Infotmatikk related journals. Would you please inform me why 'Information and Computation' or 'Interacting with computers' are level 2 while 'Future generations computer systems' is level 1? Can you please check Scopus or other databases for your ranking criteria again and see if this journal can be upgraded to level 2? Thank you! Kind regards, Hossein
Dear Hossein,

It's the different scientific panels (fagorgan) that can nominate journals to level 2, and in the end it's The National Board of Scholarly Publishing (NPU) that approves the suggestions for level 2.
You can find more information on

You have the possibiliy to propose this journal for level 2, by going to the page above and do the following steps:
1. Chose «Scientific fields» on the top of the page.
2. Go to the scientific field of the journal (in this case Informatics)
3. Find the journal by searching, either on the title or the ISSN.
4. Click on the sprocket next to the journals name.
5. Click on “Scientific” (above the ISSN-number)
6. Click on “Add a professional comment” and write your comment.

When you adda comment here, the comment will go to the leader of the relevant scientific panel.

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