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Nordic journal of music therapy

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Nordic Journal of Music Therapy


0809-8131         Periode: [2001 .. ]


1944-8260         Periode: [2001 .. ]







Nordisk tidsskrift for musikkterapi


Taylor & Francis



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Som leder av GAMUT, Griegakademiets senter for musikkterapiforskning, vil jeg herved nominere Nordic Journal of Music Therapy (NJMT) til å oppnå nivå 2 innen vitenskapelig publisering. Dette gjør jeg med utgangs punkt i tre grunner:

For det første har tidsskriftet over en femårsperiode en gjennomsnittlig impact factor på 1.679 (sammenlignet med 1.206 for Journal of Music Therapy, the journal of the American Music Therapy Association).

For det andre viser tall at NJMT er et tidskrift som brukes av forfattere over hele verden, i alle verdensdeler. I perioden 2017-2020 mottok NJMT artikler fra forfattere med bakgrunn fra tilsammen 45 land, geografisk spredt over hele verden. Landene med flest forfattere var USA (48), UK (22), Israel (15), Spania (14), Australia (13), Tyskland (13), og Sør-Korea (12).

For det tredje har NJMT en internasjonal redaksjon bestående av medlemmer fra en rekke land:

Bolette Daniels Beck, PhD – Aalborg University, Denmark
Imogen Clark, PhD – University of Melbourne, Australia
Susan Gardstrom, PhD – University of Dayton, Ohio, USA
Claire Ghetti, PhD – University of Bergen, Norway
Bill Matney, PhD – University of Kansas, USA
Orii McDermott, PhD – University of Nottingham, UK
Grace Thompson, PhD – University of Melbourne, Australia

Disse tre grunnen gjør at NJMT er et av de største og viktigeste tidsskriftene innen fagfeltet musikkterapi, internasjonalt sett. På bakgrunn av at NJMT i et femårig perspektiv har en høy impact factor, brukes av forfattere med bred internasjonal spredning og har en internasjonal redaksjon, nominerer jeg herved NJMT til nivå innen vitenskapelig publisering.

For å understøtte min nominasjon legger jeg ved et støttebrev skrevet av kolleger i UK, professor Tia DeNora og professor Gary Ansdell.

Viggo Krüger

Dear ______

We write this as academics in the field of music sociology and music therapy. The opinion below is widely shared in both of our professional fields.

Nordic Journal of Music Therapy is published by Taylor & Francis, one of the most reputable, and largest publishers of journals in the world. It is an English Language journal that represents a collaboration between music therapy communities in five Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden) and three Baltic Countries (Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania). In essence, the journal is international (i.e. it is not exclusively Norwegian) in terms of how its editorial process is run and organised. Its current editor is an American-based scholar from Drexel University in Philadelphia PA, Dr Joke Bradt. Its Managing Editor and Assistant Editor are based in GAMUT. Its Associate Editor for communications is based at the University of South Wales in the UK. The Editorial Board consists of key scholars in Music Therapy practice/research from around the world, based at prestigious research institutions and very senior in their fields. It publishes work from a wide range of international scholars.

The Journal’s aims and scope are, as stated on the T&F website, to serve, ‘the international community of music therapy by being an avenue for publication of scholarly articles, texts on practice, theory and research, dialogues and discussions, reviews and critique’. To our knowledge, the Journal’s 2019-2020 Impact Factor is 1.180 (compared with 1.206 for the Journal of Music Therapy, the journal of the American Music Therapy Association and .680 for the British Journal of Music Therapy). Its H index is 21, according to SJR. The compares favourably with, for example, the Journal of Musicology which is lower, at 14. The J of Musicology is published by University of California Press and considered generally - and by ourselves - to be a very fine and highly reputable journal; its 2019-2020 impact factor is 0.230. The H index for the USA’s American Musicological Society journal is - worth noting - 22. To set these figures in context, please remember that Music Therapy is a comparatively small field in relation to Musicology (in which the cognate areas of Music Theory, History, Analysis and Ethnomusicology are bundled and frequently published together).
All H indices taken from SJR Schimago Journal & Country Rank

We do not know the current acceptance rate of articles at the Nordic Journal of Music Therapy nor how they compare to other journals in music research but both of us tend not to dwell unduly on these metrics. Thinking more directly about the intellectual and professional content of NJMT, we have both experienced the Journal’s editorial procedures and have served as reviewers for the journal. The process of review is rigorous. Each article is double-blind reviewed by two referees and the editors.

In terms of quality of content: we regularly read, and cite, and sometimes discuss at length in our published work (separately and co-authored), articles published in NJMT.

We both find NJMT to be highly relevant to our research concerns. This relevance derives from the fact that NJMT tends to publish a robust mix of RCT-type articles and more ‘humanistic’ contributions.

Please let us know if we can say more.

Professor Tia DeNora, FBA
Professor of Sociology of Music
University of Exeter, England UK

Prof Gary Ansdell PhD
Professor, University of Bergen
Honorary Professor & Senior Research Fellow, Exeter University
Associate, Nordoff Robbins UK
Adjunct Professor, University of Limerick.

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