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Automation in Construction

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Automation in Construction


0926-5805         Periode: [1992 .. ]


1872-7891         Periode: [ .. ]








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Akershus universitetssykehus HF
Chr. Michelsen Institute
Departementenes Sikkerhets- og Serviceorganisasjon
Direktoratet for strålevern og atomsikkerhet
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Handelshøyskolen BI
Helse Bergen HF - Haukeland universitetssykehus
Høgskolen i Innlandet
Høgskolen i Molde - Vitenskapelig høgskole i logistikk
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Oslo universitetssykehus HF
OsloMet - Storbyuniversitetet
RBUP Øst og Sør
RURALIS – Institutt for rural- og regionalforskning
SINTEF Manufacturing
St. Olavs Hospital HF
Statens arbeidsmiljøinstitutt
Statistisk sentralbyrå
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Transportøkonomisk institutt
UiT Norges arktiske universitet
Universitetet i Agder
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Universitetssykehuset Nord-Norge HF
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2025 2
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2022 1 0.0 0.0
2021 1 0.0 0.0
2020 1 0.0 0.0
2019 1 0.6667 1.5006
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I fully agree with Georg Erharter.
- It is a top journal addressing advanced, innovative, and digital technologies in the construction industry.
- Not only is it considered to be one of the best journals in this exact niche, but according to the Scimago Journal & Country Rank among the top 4 journals in the category "building and construction" (
- Digitalization is seen as the key for a more efficient, sustainable and future-proof construction industry which is not only one of the largest employers in Europe and globally, but also one of the largest greenhouse gas emitters and waste-producers. Having a level 2 journal in this category would recognize the importance and increase international outreach of the excellent work of Norwegian authors on this topic. At the moment, there are no good level 2 alternatives for that.
Jeg støtter dette innspillet om å heve rangeringen av tidsskriftet til nivå 2
I would like to propose that Automation in Construction is lifted to Level 2 for the following reasons:

- It is the leading international journal to address for high quality content about automation and other applications of modern, digital techniques within the construction industry (e.g., Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Building Information Modelling).

- In international comparison, Norway is one of the world leaders with respect to digitalization in the construction industry in both practice and research. Right now however, there is no fitting level 2 journal that aims at digitalization in the construction industry thus limiting the possibility for Norwegian authors to properly represent themselves internationally at the forefront of this field.

- The journal is considered to be a Q1 journal (i.e. a top 25% journal) in the fields of "Building and Construction", "Civil and Structural Engineering" and "Control and Systems Engineering" for over one decade now according to the internationally renowned Scimago Journal Rank - SJR (

- The peer review process is rigorous, and the editorial board consists of international and renowned members.

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