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Reallexikon der Germanischen Altertumskunde - Ergänzungsbände

Bibliographic Information

International Title:

Reallexikon der Germanischen Altertumskunde - Ergänzungsbände


1866-7678         Period: [1986 .. ]


2365-3647         Period: [2000 .. ]



Country of publication:



Publishing House:

Walter de Gruyter (De Gruyter)

ITAR Code:


NPI Scientific Field:

History and History of Ideas

Minimum Criteria

✅ Scientific editorial board
✅ Peer reviewed
✅ National authorship
✅ Approved ISSN

Open Access

❌ Not indexed by DOAJ - Checked 0 days ago
❌ Not indexed by Sherpa Romeo - Checked 1 day ago
❌ Not included in any publishing agreement
Plan S: Journal Checker Tool [+]

Scientific level placements and Norwegian HEIs publication points

Year Scientific Level Author Shares Publication Points
2025 2
2024 2
2023 1
2022 1 0.0 0.0
2021 1 0.0 0.0
2020 1 11.0 15.0
2019 1 0.0 0.0
2018 1 0.0 0.0
Published in May the following year


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If I may, as a non-Norwegian colleague, I would like to take the opportunity to join Michael Schulte and agree with him on all points. The series is without doubt a leading organ for the field of Germanic cultural history (and has been for a very long time). In both archaeology and philology (including runology), the RGA is a recognised authority and I (at home in both of the aforementioned disciplines, both in Germany and Sweden) know of no colleague who would doubt this. Both the internationality and the interdisciplinarity of the series set standards; there is nothing comparable in our subjects. I strongly support the upgrading that has been repeatedly suggested, supported discussed and demanded here and elsewhere! Incidentally, it would be easy to gather a larger number of supporters for this."

Dr. habil. Sigmund Oehrl

Institutionen för arkeologi och antikens kultur
Stockholms universitet
106 91 Stockholm
Dear Christoph Kalter and dear all,
As a colleague of yours at UiA and a scholar of the field in question for some twenty years or so, I would very much like to comment on your earlier statement as I think it is in need of comment. Within the realm og Old Germanic, E-RGA is one of the most profiled and prestigious publication channels in Germany and Europe. First of all, it is the supplement to the profound Reallexikon itself, which is the standard reference work within this large field. The range of scholars involved in E-RGA is by no means restricted to the Germanic speaking area. It has a markedly international profile and is directly linked to international fora and conferences such as the International Conferences in Runology. The E-RGA volumes certainly unite scholars from all over the world and their publications are the leading ones and need to be quoted, for instance in the field of runology and Old Germanic more broadly. E-RGA clearly fulfills high international standards, also when it comes to the peer-reviewing process, and it is a clear tendency that more and more publications within E-RGA and its anthologies are now in English. Recent research within the fields of Old Germanic linguistics, runology and archeology is heavily depending and based on the E-RGA publications. In my view E-RGA is clearly underestimated and it should be re-assessed at level 2 in our system.
Michael Schulte, University of Agder
På nivå 2 plasseres "publiseringskanaler (vitenskapelige tidsskrifter, serier, årbøker, nettsteder og bokutgivere) som oppfattes som de mest ledende i brede fagsammenhenger og utgir de mest betydelige publikasjonene fra ulike lands forskere." Jeg synes RGA-E lever opp til den beskrivelsen.
Dear colleagues,

Being myself a scholar of 20th century Western Europe, judging the book series' content is of course impossible for me. With that being said, I would like to point out, however, that I do not feel that the series corresponds to the second part of one the criteria established for nivå 2 that Erik Opsahl mentions, namely that it applies to "publiseringskanaler (...) som (...) utgir de mest betydelige publikasjonene FRA ULIKE LANDS FORSKERE." Given the scholarly field the series is covering, it probably comes as no surprise that it is, quite literally, Germanocentric. While there seem to be some authors from countries other than Germany, their number, according to the website, is hardly more than a handful, and most of them are based in German universities. (Also, almost all of the monographs in this series are in German language). More generally, while De Gruyter is of course a most respectable academic publisher, I do not believe it should be on par with other publishers that are consistently ranked as the world's top.

For these reasons, I doubt that the series should be moved up to Nivå 2 — but, as I said, I obviously say this with the important restriction that I do not know the field in question.

Christoph Kalter, Universitetet i Agder
Eg støttar nominasjonen
Dette er en veletablert serie som siden 1986 har publisert vesentlige bidrag innen historie, filologi, språkvitenskap, runologi og arkeologi. Redaktørene er de blant de fremste fagfolk innenfor sine respektive felt. Mange av de hittil 117 bindene er standardreferanser innenfor sine fag. Redaksjonen er integrert i forlagsredaksjonen i De Gruyter, som utgir serien. De Gruyter er rangert på nivå 2, og serien holder samme standard som forlagets øvrige publikasjoner. Jeg foreslår derfor at serien nomineres til nivå 2.
Jeg støtter nominasjonen
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