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Intercultural Communication Education

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Internasjonal tittel:

Intercultural Communication Education


2209-1041         Periode: [2018 .. ]







Castledown Publishers



NPI Fagfelt:

Pedagogikk og utdanning


✅ Vitenskapelig redaksjon
✅ Fagfellevurdert
✅ Internasjonal forfatterkrets
✅ Godkjent ISSN

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Nivåplasseringer og UH-sektorens publiseringspoeng

År Nivå Forfatterandeler Publiseringspoeng
2024 1
2023 1
2022 1 2.0 2.4142
2021 1 2.0 2.0
2020 1 2.0 2.0
2019 1 1.0 1.0
Offentliggjøres i mai året etter


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I am the Editor-in-Chief of Intercultural Communication Education. it is regrettable that the journal has been listed as Scientific Level X. As you will be able to see above, DOAJ has recently admitted that they made a mistake by delisting this journal, and they have now reinstated it. Accordingly, I would be very pleased if the committee could also reconsider the journal's scientific level within the Norwegian system. I've been very proud to publish papers by a number of excellent Norwegian scholars, and I would like to support more work like this in the future.

Dr Troy McConachy
Associate Professor in Applied Linguistics, University of Warwick, UK
Editor-in-Chief, Intercultural Communication Education
Dear Dr. Troy,

Thank you for the comment.

We will take this into consideration when we discuss your journal at our decision meeting with the National Board of Scholarly Publishing in October.

Since level X isn't really a level, but more a mark of journals we would like to have comments on from the research environment, level 1 still counts for 2022. If the final decision is to not approve the journal, level 0 (which in the Norwegian system means no publication points for Norwegian contributions to the journal) will count from 2023.

Kind regards,
Lena-Cecilie Linge
To whom it may concern,
I would like to comment on the recent decision made by the NPI committee regarding the change of the status of the Intercultural Communication Journal (ICE).
I have published one article in ICE in 2020 and found that the editorial and review processes were highly professional and efficient. Two anonymous reviewers commented on the paper and I have also received very constructive feedback from the Editor-in-Chief. I had been asked to provide corrections and make necessary changes in a reasonable timeframe. All the comments I’ve received were clear and relevant. It was obvious to me that the reviewers were experts in the field. All of the changes have developed my paper and ultimately improved it to a large extent.
Summing up, I would like to point out that I have experienced a solid academic review process in ICE which I perceive as open and transparent, and in no manner do the editorial decision-making process and the work of peer reviewers correspond to «failing editorial routines» («sviktende redaksjonelle rutiner»). Therefore, I would kindly like to ask the NPI committee to reconsider their decision and move ICE to Level 1.
Anastasia Khanukaeva
To the NPI Committee,

I would hereby like to comment on the recent decision to move Intercultural Communication Education (ICE) to Level X due to suspicion of failing editorial routines. This description of the journal does not correspond with my own experiences. I have been a member of ICE’s Editorial Board since its inception in 2018 and have peer reviewed manuscripts considered for publication in the journal. Moreover, one of my articles was published in ICE in 2020.

My perception of this journal’s editorial process is that it is very thorough and transparent, and I have never had any reason to suspect foul play or a lack of editorial routines. Based on my own communication with Editor-in-Chief Troy McConachy, I would describe him as very professional and competent. He responds to queries in a timely manner and is always willing to offer supportive assistance at any stage during the review or revision process.

The papers I have been asked to review (as one of two anonymous peers) have been closely linked to my own field of expertise. Likewise, the feedback I received from peer reviewers on my own paper was comprehensive, insightful and to the point, and it was thus clearly written by experts within the field. Moreover, the editor is actively involved in the revision process if necessary, offering additional suggestions for how the manuscript might be improved. This demonstrates, in my opinion, an ambition for the journal to publish research of a high quality.

ICE has over the course of the last few years established itself as a leading journal within the international field of language education and intercultural communication research, publishing solid and cutting-edge research. It would, in my opinion, be a great loss to the academic community in Norway if this journal were to be removed from NPI’s register, thereby essentially excluding ICE as a viable publication channel for Norwegian scholars. I would therefore like to petition the NPI Committee to reconsider their decision to move ICE to level X.

Hild Elisabeth Hoff
Associate Professor
University of Bergen
Min erfaring fra å publisere en artikkel i Intercultural Communication Education i 2019 samsvarer ikke med mistanken om "sviktende redaksjonelle rutiner". Artikkelen gjennomgikk først fagfellevurdering med to anonyme fagfeller med ekspertise i fagfeltet, samt redaktøren. Kommentarene fra fagfeller og redaktør var konstruktive, og på bakgrunn av disse ble artikkelen revidert og sendt til ny vurdering. Kommunikasjonen med redaktøren var klar og effektiv, og jeg fikk raskt svar på henvendelser både før og under publiseringsprosessen. Alt i alt opplevde jeg det som en ryddig prosess som ikke avviker fra erfaringer med andre tidsskrift på nivå 1.
Til NPUs komite,

Etter vedtak har Intercultural Communication Education (heretter ICE) blitt flyttet til nivå X, på bakgrunn av "mistanke om sviktende redaksjonelle rutiner". Som en som nylig har publisert i dette tidsskriftet (2021) ønsker jeg å kommentere dette.

Ettersom jeg forstår, er bakgrunnen for nivå X usikkerhet knyttet til om tidsskriftet er et "røvertidsskrift" eller inngår i et forlag som opererer i gråsonen. Dette er en beskrivelse jeg ikke kjenner igjen fra prosessen rundt min egen artikkel i ICE. Jeg kan si at dette opplevdes som en veldig ryddig prosess der artikkelen først gikk til fagfellevurdering (2 anonyme fagfeller og redaktør). Artikkelen ble deretter revidert før den igjen ble sendt til vurdering. Redaktøren for ICE hadde også noen kommentarer om artikkelen som en del av denne fagfellevurderingen.

Jeg opplevde hele prosessen som ryddig og transparent. I forkant av innsending til ICE var det tydelige krav rundt kvalitet og fokus på artikkelen. Status på artikkelen kunne til enhver tid spores gjennom forlagets portal og redaktøren var lett å komme i kontakt med. Fagfellevurderingene var anonyme og hadde et faglig fokus. Det var med andre ord tydelig at disse hadde bakgrunn fra samme fagfelt.

ICE er indeksert i for eksempel MLA (Excel-ark, Rad 8491, url: og ERIC ( Begge disse har tydelige krav for indeksering, deriblant rundt fagfellevurdering og redaksjonelle prosedyrer.

På bakgrunn av min egen erfaring kjenner jeg meg ikke igjen i vedtaket om å flytte ICE til nivå X, og jeg håper derfor at dette vedtaket blir revurdert i neste møte. I akademia øker stadig fokuset på Open Access. ICE er et tidsskrift i utdanningsvitenskap som legger til rette for denne utviklingen. Der mange tidsskrift under de større forlagene har skyhøye priser for å publisere Open Access, tilbyr ICE et langt billigere alternativ og gjør det dermed mulig for langt flere å publisere sin forskning åpent. Det er derfor viktig at slike aktører støttes blant annet i NPIs register.

Anders Myrset
Universitetet i Stavanger

Direktoratet for høgare utdanning og kompetanse
Postboks 1093, 5809 Bergen
Tlf: 55 30 38 00




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